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"the trick to defeating neji, lies in the high speed combo".....i think gai put it best......and since sasuke is as fast as lee AND a genius type.......neji wouldnt stand a chance unless he starts doin some intensive training with leg weights
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
"the trick to defeating neji, lies in the high speed combo".....i think gai put it best......and since sasuke is as fast as lee AND a genius type.......neji wouldnt stand a chance unless he starts doin some intensive training with leg weights
Gai said that the trick to defeat Neji was high speed combo but Sasuke isn't even close to that speed. Gai said that when Lee opened the 5 gates, so for sasuke to beat Neji he need to open more then 3 gates or something like that, dunno how fast he will be with cursed seal lvl 2 but neji could easy cut that off.
and for Itachi vs Hiashi I don't think Hiashi would win but he would have a chanse of wining. I think Hiashi is stronger then any jounin in the leaf and as Xceleration said, just b/c Itachi took out 3 jounins dosn't make him that powerful. Orochimaru and Jiraiya could take out more then 3 jounins easy.
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Itachi vs. Hiashi is the most *vague* of encounters, because we know so very little about either one of them. Each of them are both obviously fighters of extreme skill and power, and with what we have to go on, no conclusion can be made with conviction and honesty.
In my personal option, I would place Itachi slightly above Hiashi, and slightly below Jiraiya, for various reasons .. but this is ALL SUBJECTIVE.
There is NO PROOF of Itachi/Hiashi/Jiraiya being any more or less powerful than the other, beyond supposition and rumor. There are numerous examples, however, of all of them being extremely capable and historic warriors.
On the strict topic, it seems like Sharingan would have more value to a village as a whole, in terms of adapting and spreading information on enemies/jutsu .. and Byakuugan (sp?) having more value to an individual fighter of equal skill. The ability to 'see' and strike chakra-sensitive areas would probably be very hard to counter for a fighter of equivalent skill, because one blow is debilitating. I'm sure anyone who has been a veteran fighter can attest to how easy it is to be hit by a blow or two that you couldn't predict. It's a huge disadvantage to not be able to risk being hit even once.
This all changes if the sharingan user is all the way to the level of Itachi, but then again, who knows what the pinnacle of either truly is?
The only truth that can be determined at this time .. is that someone who tries to conclusively say that either is definitively stronger .. is truly idiotic.
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I think Byakugan is better. It allows you to see through walls, see behind you, see long distances, even gives you better insight. Then, there's the fact that you can completely KO somebout by tapping them. That's pretty freaking badass. And, of course.. the best strength of the Byakugan is.. in addition to see through walls, you can see through girls clothing. If that isn't awesome, what is?
Sharingan. Boo. Sharingan's main strength is copying and learning JUTSUS. And, not all jutus, but just generic ones that can be learned by anybody. (theoretically) Mangekyou Sharingan? Useless against Byakugan. Why? Byakugan users can fight you without ever having to look into your eyes. A strength it has, is the ability to just look straight at your chakra highway. That means, no eye contact, which Sharigan NEEDS.
So, I'll say this. Byakugan is able to be powerful on it's own, relying on the user's strength. Sharingan can only be used with the help of an opponent, feeding them their secrets. And, unfortunately, even with that, Byakugan techniques (taijutsu) can't be copied.
Btw, Itachi is strong. You can't say "Well, just because he took out 3 jounins, doesn't mean he's strong/" That's bullshit, sorry to say. Jounins are the most bad-ass ninjas, next to the Anbu. And, as for the Sannin. Who's to say they can take on more than one jounin at a time? Keep in mind, they're all way past their prime. Jiraiya's writing porno mags. (good man) Tsunade is gambling away her life. Hell, she even admits that she's no longer as strong as she was back whenever. Oro, I give credit, because he's so persistent in getting stronger. Back to Itachi.. He took out KAKASHI. This guy's name is written in textbooks. He's a living legend, people! That means, Kakashi himself, is pretty damn good himself. Just beating Kakashi, is enough to say you're badass.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Sharingan. Boo. Sharingan's main strength is copying and learning JUTSUS. And, not all jutus, but just generic ones that can be learned by anybody. (theoretically) Mangekyou Sharingan? Useless against Byakugan. Why? Byakugan users can fight you without ever having to look into your eyes. A strength it has, is the ability to just look straight at your chakra highway. That means, no eye contact, which Sharigan NEEDS.
This is an interesting point, and one that I hadn't considered before. We don't know much about the mange sharingan so no one can say for sure, but it is not that unlogical a step to infer that the user and victim must lock eyes in order for the jutsu to transmit. If a Hyuuga used thier Byakugan to look past Itachi's eyes to the tenketsu and chakra paths beneath then are they really meeting the Uchiha gaze?
I think this would be the equivalent of trying to use the jutsu on a blind person. Sure they may be looking in your eyes, but they're not seeing the sharingan so they can't be "hypnotised" by it.
Also remember that the sharingan is the illegitimate child of the byakugan. This may or may not give it a full/partial resistance, but given what little we actually know, I'll make the bold and wholly unfounded assumption that this bloodline relationship will give Hiashi enough time to land a hit and end it.
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I doubt Sasuke would be able to defeat Neji, even though someone said Nejis weakness is high speed taijuutsu. Even if thats true, when Lee had his full speed he couldn't defeat Neji, and Neji wasn't even trying, not evening having to use kaiten, and his byakugan. Lee with his gates open might be able to beat Neji, but Sasuke can't open gates, so Sasuke would pretty much lose. Hotsuma also stated that you don't need eye contact if you have byakugan, thats also true. From what I know Neji can probably fight with his eyes closed because his byakugan can see through his eye lids. With Kaiten, Sasuke probably can't get too close to Neji without being ripped to pieces. It's the same with Itachi vs Hiashi, Hiashi's kaiten is crazy and can probably keep Itachi away, but then again Itachi is at legendary sannin level, so he even if Itachi does lose he won't lose by much.
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who says he couldnt beat neji at his full speed? im pretty sure lee hardly ever takes his weights off, so neji prolly wouldnt even know lee can move that fast....i believe the flashbacks of lee losing to neji was way back before neji adopted gai's habits and fighting style, and he still had the old haircut back then
the kaiten would be tricky to beat, but when neji was fighting naruto near the end, he had to make sure to start it up sooner than normal so it'll be up by the time naruto charged into him...this leads me to believe there's a delay involved before its performed....a delay that can be easily exploited
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But during the fight Neji was only surprised by the Ura Renge Lee's speed prior to that didn't even faze him.
Lee's had Omoto Renge for a long time so Neji knows all about it.
They know each other's fighting styles in and out.
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Gai said that the key to beating Neji, was his high speed COMBO. Not just straight up high speed. You notice that Neji looked indifferent to Lee's speed, even after he took off his weights.
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he looks indifferent most of the time anyway....the uchiha clan is more famous for being better ninjas than the hyuuga, im pretty sure the reason why people would say the hyuuga's strongest now is because the uchiha clan doesnt really exist anymore....
i wonder if there's a possibility that sasuke could copy the kaiten....the only trick to the move is to distribute chakra all over your the only flaw with sasuke's version would be that he couldnt see any attacks from behind coming, so it would only be a semi-absolute defense for him
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i have a feeling most of Gai group is pretty quik espcially the hand to hand combat users are gooing to be extremely fast.
if you remember Neji's fight with Naruto- he was moving pretty freaking quikly. basically someone would have to move fast enough to get in a position Neji could not counter offensively or defensively. without opening the gates none of the current gennin or chunnin can really move that quikly.
example of Neji speed can be seen when fighting one of the sound 4. he got up, into positio, and was able to make an offensive maeuver, and finish it.; before he hit the ground.
and it wasnt until use of ura renge did gai make mental note of what was needed to defeat Neji...
Neji was not suprised or threatened by any of the speed he knew Lee was capable of. the opening of the 4th and 5th gates, well that caught hi attention.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Kaiten is only performable by those who have mastered the gentle fist style and the style is really only usable by the Hyuga since it wouldnt make much sense for someone to learn how to hit someone softly =P
some facts:
Itachi is the strongest villain in the series so far. Oro fears him and we've seen why.
Kisame is a member of the Akatsuki - so it can be assumed he is just as deadly.
Kisame makes the observation that Jiriya could be a match for Itachi -and- him. (though my bet is the translation is -or- because of 2 on 1 at that lvl has only been seen with the 3rd vs 1st/2nd - we saw how one sided that one was)
When Jiraiya and Oro face off its unclear who would come out the victor if they were both 100% - I've heard their summons represent a rock paper scissors with snake > frog - frog > slug - slug > snake, and Kishimoto uses that symbology for a reason. Its also referenced by kakashi when talking about the similiaritiys with the relationships naruto/jiraiya and sasuke/oro have.... and we know Sasuke is generally stronger then Naruto - despite the see-saw as of late
Itachi > Oro
Oro > Jiraya
Jiraiya > Itachi
.... so my conclusion is Jiraiya is the only person with a good shot at defeating Itachi right now
the 5th is #2 - she cant die during combat.... and her freakish str gives her some of that '1 punch could win the fight' appeal
Gai is probably #3 because he trains w/ Kakashi and knows how to go up against the sharingan - hes also the strongest taijutsu fighter we have seen to date and Lee has pointed out that Taijutsu is the only real good shot at defeating the 69 (... hey look... an abv form for sharingan)
heres a thought: thats why Oro really wanted Kimmimaro - because his blood line is amazing for taijutsu - which is what Oro lacks - it would make him much more rounded fighter to go up vs itachi or anyone for that matter
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after giving it some thought, the probable case scenario of neji vs sasuke would prolly just be a stalemate....seeing as that even though neji's got the kaiten and a pretty good defense overall, sasuke's got the sharingan and can prolly dodge any attack neji would throw at what it all comes down to is whether neji runs out of chakra before or after sasuke runs out of stamina
its always hard to predict the outcomes of these matches, since they are much more paper/rock/scissors than other anime series tend to be
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In the case of Sasuke vs Neji I would say Neji. Sasuke can never catch Neji off gaurd which is the only way to beat him. Once he gets in the range of his 64 hands move he would lose.
Itachi vs Hiashi I'm not sure. HIashi seems to be definitely a hihg jounin seeing as how Kurenei(spelled it wrong) acted around him. I'm not sure about thist one.
If it was 2 people of equal skills one with Byukagan one with Sharingan. I would say the byukagan. Just an opinion. Jus tsya the sharingan user knows all teh things sasuke does and byukagan neji. But they have equal speed. The sharingan user won't be able to hit the hyuga because he can't be caught off gaurd. The hyuga can't hit the sharingan user since he would see it and dodge it. But if the sharingan user attacked the other can use the kaiten which is also an offensive move. Hitting the sharingan user. Then he would should be hurt at least a little bit enough that the other can close his chakra points.
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neji's range on the kaiten is barely enough to be considered offensive, and i dont know where people get the idea that neji is as fast as sasuke or lee....just because he's gai's student doesnt mean that he actually gets much training from gai......the fact that he chose to train out in the forest on his own with tenten is proof enough of that
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Neji isn't slow. Gai said the 5th gate WITH the Ura Renge was the key to beating Neji. He obviously can beat him if he tries any less. The stronger the attack on the user the more hurt the person who did the attack against the kaiten. Neji is quite fast as seen with his battle agasint kidoumoru. He also was easily beating all does clones of Naruto attacking 2 and a lot more at a time withotu even being tired 1 bit.
You can't base the power of each with characters. You can know what it's capable of but you can't say since Neji > Sasuke or Sasuke > Neji the sharingan/byukagan is better. We haven't seen any main family moves aside from 2. We've seen 2 of the strongest move for the sharingan.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
yeah, none of the "name" > "name" work except itachi > "name".
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Kaiten isn't something learned by every Hyuuga.
Normally, the only people who know Kaiten are the very heads of the Hyuuga clan. In this case, Hiashi.
Neji is exceptional because he figured it out on his own. Thus, it's not like when you fight the Hyuuga you fight an unstoppable spinning clan.
The Byakugan is much more open-ended, but the Sharingan is much more versatile.
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Hmmmm...why is it that everybody thinks Itachi is such an unstoppable god or sumthing.. the guys just powerful because we haven't seen him in a REAL fight to measure our weak he really is.
Once they find an weakness in him he'll just be another shinobi.
And it's pretty much indefinite that Sasuke is gonna kill/beat him sooner or later.
RE: I want to do this...I hope I am not just asking for it with this one
Umm.. If the leader of the Hyuga clan could take out Itachi why aint he Hokage then.. If he can do that he is very strong...