It's about time they appeared, most of us had already guessed/hoped they were the ones coming.
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It's about time they appeared, most of us had already guessed/hoped they were the ones coming.
The strange thing is that this mission is a leaf one, what are gaara and the sand doing there, are they helping them, what's their purpose, Gaara is evil, he shouldn't cooperate with others, "I love only myself, I fight only for myself"
AHHH I KNEW IT! I knew he would come back. I even posted it as one of my theorys a long time ago. Cool its going to get interesting.
I've liked the theories that the sand would send them to get revenge on the sound. Or perhaps somehow Tsunade got a message to the Sand somehow asking for some help. In any case, I enjoyed this chapter.
If there really was a change of heart for Gaara, this could be very bad for the sound. And I'm guessing there was. Why? I distinctly recall him apologizing to Temari.
Of course, this story will all be for nothing is Naruto manages to get Sasuke back to the Leaf. Why? Sasuke has all the makings for a killer villian. His character development has it prectically written into him.
Oh God.... well that was... surprising... as much as I'm using "..." here... it's just 'cause my insides are screaming and jumping... I can't reallly believe it... regarding the outfits... they look all cool!!!
Wai!! The Sand is back ^^ me happy. Very. Seems Gaara is not so evil anymore. And he helped Lee - isn't irony beautiful?? Same goes for Temari helping Shikamaru - irony, sweet sweet irony!! Me happy!!
They all look so much mature, too. Their outfits are cool... specially Gaara and Temari's. Kankuro's... well, its still cool.
Man, when the sand protected Lee!!! And when Karasu saved Kiba....!! I couldn't really believe my eyes. I thought the Sand guys, like Haku, would only appear for that particular arc and disappear then. I hope no one interferes with the Naruto vs. Sasuke match though - that's one that has to be resolved on their own.
Man, this chapter rocks!! I haven't enjoyed a chapter so much since... I dunno!! Since the Finding Tsunade story-arc!!
And I'm happy Kiba was saved. I like dog-boy, contrary to about half of the forums.
You must have missed the whole Naruto vs. Gaara thing but I will fill you in. Gaara starts beating up on Sakura and Sasuke when Naruto says "You aren't messing with my friends" and he goes all super crazy powerful. It is then that Gaara says that he will always be weak because he fights for others and not himself. So anyway Gaara becomes the huge form a Shuku or whatever and Naruto Summons his Frog. Anyway Naruto beats the crap outta Gaara and Gaara realizes why Naruto is so strong in the end. Thats why he no longer carries the "I love only myself, I fight only for myself" attitude.Quote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
The strange thing is that this mission is a leaf one, what are gaara and the sand doing there, are they helping them, what's their purpose, Gaara is evil, he shouldn't cooperate with others, "I love only myself, I fight only for myself"
Haha yeah it is pretty funny. Gaara was the one who practically crippled Rock Lee and now hes helping him.
OMFG im speachless, gaara is back and he is on the side, well lets hope that hes is and there new fits look awsome, but man kimimaro is fukin freaky as hell
Kimimaro is gross, spurting bones all around. Blegh.
Gaara looks freaking cool. He still has dark circles around his eyes, so I'm guessing Shukaku isn't allowing him to sleep very well yet... in other words, he might still be all crazy and no doubt, he's still dangerous...
...but he looks cool and he's on Konoha's side!! So w00t!
Hey, given that everybody has had an outfit change, don't you think the Konoha genins should change their clothing too?
I mean, Sasuke changed his clothes _twice_ already. Gaara & company changed their outfits and look way cooler than before.
But no, Naruto has worn the same jacket for around 212 episodes, and same goes for all the others...
Well i have a feeling they will get promoted to chuunins when they get back.(Even if they don't succeed in bring back sasuke) So maybe...
I have been thinking the same thing.Quote:
Originally posted by: Vagabond
Well i have a feeling they will get promoted to chuunins when they get back.(Even if they don't succeed in bring back sasuke) So maybe...
Maybe Gaara only plans to help long enough for Lee to be alone. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
Vagabond, that's a very reasonable theory, I think that too, to do such mission in that situation is pretty damn strong... but did they show us any squadleader abilities?
Baki must be the new Kazekage as he was the only sandnin to hurt a jounin from Konoha. The village could also have been stopped. The leaders of the country wanted to lose the village and now that the Kazekage is dead. This means that they could have deserted to Konoha.
you guys think that gaara is only helping bc he owes naruto a favor for making wut he is today or are they going to join the leaf and be eternal rivals?
I believe that, if there's somebody who can redeem Gaara is Temari, and Kankuro to a certain extent.Quote:
Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
If there really was a change of heart for Gaara, this could be very bad for the sound. And I'm guessing there was. Why? I distinctly recall him apologizing to Temari.
Of course, this story will all be for nothing is Naruto manages to get Sasuke back to the Leaf. Why? Sasuke has all the makings for a killer villian. His character development has it prectically written into him.
We've seen much of Temari's bitchy side, but she also has shown her nice side. She was somehow aprehensive when she heard of the possibility of another war. That's a good indication that she's not that evil.
Unlike Kankuro, we can see that during the Chunnin exam at the Death Forest, she doesn't have a totally nasty and hostile attitude towards him.
There's reason to believe that Gaara is changing his feelings toward his sibilings and life in general. As you pointed out, he did apologize to them. Obviously his change of attitude will provoke a change of attitude of his sibilings.
If Gaara has some brains, and independent of Naruto's speech, he may have noticed that, somebody *tied* with him, which has never happened before. That could lead him to the conclusion that he's not as powerful as he thought he was. Another less dramatic clue he may have gotten, is the fact that Temari and Kankuro carried him around. If they saw him just as a tool, the moment he became useless, they could have just left him there to die. So, that shows that they have some sort of affection for him.
Another important factor that may contribute not only for Gaara's change but also for Temari and Kankuro's is that fact that the Kazekage is gone. That guy was a bad influence to his kids, and overall a horrible role model for them. His death brought the possibility for them to act on her own instead of living by strict rules. They are alone, now, and will have to learn to rely on each other to survive.
It's not a far fetched guess to say that the whole emotional dynamics of that family has changed or is changing.
As for Sasuke, who actually cares about him? I used to hate him, but really. The bottom line is: he's merely a spoiled teenager desesperatellingseeking to call attention upon himself, and twistedly enough, primarly his brother's. Naruto's crave for attention is evolving. This mission is showing how to work with a team.
Teenagers like that are little primadonnas, who will get into a fight for no good reason other than to say: look at me, I can defeat and humiliate you...
After a certain point this becomes extremely annoying and finally, boring. Unlike Gaara, he has yet to show that he has potential for developing his charater. He will be there just to cause a bit of trouble.
Even Kabuto can cause more damage, and being the ambiguous jerk he is, makes his actions totally unpredictable, which is *really* fun.
Come to think of it. Tsunade did say something about the depleted Konoha forces being "taken care of."Quote:
Originally posted by: Chi Chi
Baki must be the new Kazekage as he was the only sandnin to hurt a jounin from Konoha. The village could also have been stopped. The leaders of the country wanted to lose the village and now that the Kazekage is dead. This means that they could have deserted to Konoha.
I want to be next week to know more (I also want Inane's translation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img])
I believe they came to help and get revenge from the sound nins. And I believe that Lee will be stolen his battle and victory :/ (again... poor Lee).
Sooo hard to wait a week...
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
holy shit just looked at it and omg!!! how cool is that!!! gaara looks sweet so does temari, kankora(sp?) looks weird still lol or has his face got more paint on? but anyway how fucking cool!!
LOL... funnyQuote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
Gaara (thinking) Oh, gawds... could it be? He wants to give me the love a need... We goona be fwieends! He's going to be my best pal! Yiiipee!!!![img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]