RE: Naruto site bloopers!
well, someone said about me making a fool of myself. wrong, the only person that makes a fool of themselves is only you.
let me explain why i said that thing naruto wears is 'gay.' i really don't know if this happens in other parts of u.s., but the word 'gay' is used very loosely where i grew up (socal). it doesn't mean homosexual or anything derogatory like that. to make it simple, it just means 'lame' in a different word. i'm not homophobic or homosexual, i just say it cuz i've been saying it for a while now (from j.h. to h.s.), it's a habit. it's like how someone says 'that's the bomb' or some crap like that. ok? so... that thing naruto wears is gay.
and guys, don't try to act like smartasses when you're really not. it doesn't work.
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
i use the word gay all the time, but i don't exactly mean it people. Gay is like happy anyways. If i wanted to tell someone he is homosexual, then i'd say he is homo.
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
oh wow, how'd you notice that one, animemaster?
i think that same episode had a guy with a blank forehead protector in the audience too
huh? i dont think anybody commented on your use of the word "gay", Mut@t@, just the general way you comment in the forums
and this isnt an RPG, where the larger # of experience points you earn in your smartassness puts you at a higher level than others are capable of
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Heh, that's classic, AnF... I think Catloaf got a little touchy there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
huh? i dont think anybody commented on your use of the word "gay", Mut@t@, just the general way you comment in the forums
and this isnt an RPG, where the larger # of experience points you earn in your smartassness puts you at a higher level than others are capable of
dude, what the hell are you talking about? he asked me what it is gay. so i explained it clearly.
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
No, I asked WHY you thought it was gay, I know you were using the word as a negative slang description .. but it didn't make any sense to me seeing as practically every ninja in the series wears one. I guess you think every ninja is 'gay'? Nice ..
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Do you get more dense with every post? I don't care WHICH word you are using as a negative adjective, I just wanted to know WHY you thought it deserved such description in the first place! Is that not clear? Do I have to translate it into hateful negative slang for it to reach your constantly rude and combative personality?
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
i'd say "its on", but i think your serve hit the net
i was commenting on how you were wrong in the way you interpreted Memnoch's response, while your counter argument just adds to your last post where you thought Memnoch was acknowledging your choice of words, which only adds to the proof that you still arent interpreting the point
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Catloaf, you just misinterpreted me for the THIRD DAMN TIME IN A ROW!! Hahaha, like I said, I DONT CARE what word you use, I just wanted to know WHY you felt negatively about the object (in this case, the little cloth ninja leg wrap) in the first place. It's not that hard a question man .. you don't have to dodge it THREE times by concentrating on why you call things 'gay'.
FOR EXAMPLE : you could have said 'that dumb thing that is usually on his leg', and I would say 'well why do you think it's dumb?'
Got it yet? Or do you have to misunderstand FOUR times in a row!?
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Catloaf, you just misinterpreted me for the THIRD DAMN TIME IN A ROW!! Hahaha, like I said, I DONT CARE what word you use, I just wanted to know WHY you felt negatively about the object (in this case, the little cloth ninja leg wrap) in the first place. It's not that hard a question man .. you don't have to dodge it THREE times by concentrating on why you call things 'gay'.
FOR EXAMPLE : you could have said 'that dumb thing that is usually on his leg', and I would say 'well why do you think it's dumb?'
Got it yet? Or do you have to misunderstand FOUR times in a row!?
my god... obviously we are on two complete different boats right now... i don't know if i should just laugh at this and you or feel frustrated. you feel as if i'm not understanding what you're saying and vice versa. it's not gonna ever end CUZ YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET AT. my whole point is, whatever word i use, shouldn't have a significance. i could've said 'look at that amazing turd on naruto's head' WHO CARES IF I EVEN USED IT OR NOT. JUST READ IT WITHOUT THE ACTUAL WORD IF YOU HAVE TO. I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS NOW, PLEASE JUST DROP THIS. NEITHER YOU OR I ARE GONNA GET ANYWHERE.
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Catloaf, you just misinterpreted me for the THIRD DAMN TIME IN A ROW!! Hahaha, like I said, I DONT CARE what word you use, I just wanted to know WHY you felt negatively about the object (in this case, the little cloth ninja leg wrap) in the first place. It's not that hard a question man .. you don't have to dodge it THREE times by concentrating on why you call things 'gay'.
FOR EXAMPLE : you could have said 'that dumb thing that is usually on his leg', and I would say 'well why do you think it's dumb?'
Got it yet? Or do you have to misunderstand FOUR times in a row!?
my god... obviously we are on two complete different boats right now... i don't know if i should just laugh at this and you or feel frustrated. you feel as if i'm not understanding what you're saying and vice versa. it's not gonna ever end CUZ YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET AT. my whole point is, whatever word i use, shouldn't have a significance. i could've said 'look at that amazing turd on naruto's head' WHO CARES IF I EVEN USED IT OR NOT. JUST READ IT WITHOUT THE ACTUAL WORD IF YOU HAVE TO. I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS NOW, PLEASE JUST DROP THIS. NEITHER YOU OR I ARE GONNA GET ANYWHERE.
You misinterepreted him yet again! LMAO!!
RE: Naruto site bloopers!
Hahahahaha .. ok if you say so, but you have to realize that your choice of words DOES make a difference, otherwise people cannot properly communicate. If you are telling the truth, and you had zero meaning inferred by it, then you actually invited misunderstanding, because as almost everyone knows .. 'gay' is ubiquotously used as a negative adjective in modern pop culture.
It's unbelievably stupid to use words when you apparently don't mean them .. look at this example .. I could say "I am looking forward to Itachi's next appearance" .. which is true ..
But what if I say, for no apparent reason ... "I am looking forward to Itachi's next gay appearance" .. and it completely screws up the actual point and sentiment that I am trying to express in the first place.
YES .. go to class, maybe you will improve your communication skills! [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]