hahahahahahah rock lee doing drunken boxing, nobody could see that one coming. and rock lee is 14.
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hahahahahahah rock lee doing drunken boxing, nobody could see that one coming. and rock lee is 14.
drunken style kicks as his power will probably rise dramatically, kimimaro is in for an ass whooping
Lee is too serious of a guy... he needed something like that.
The good thing... he finally got his ninjutsu... the booze-no-jutsu
Maybe he'll make Neji smoke pot next... sure would make him nicer...
what didn't you know this series is secretly full of drug addicts, naruto is on speed, sasuke does coke, oro eats shroomz, gaara is on lsd, jiraiya/sarutobi and kakashi smoke weed, kabuto is on heroine they're all bugged out
yeah toked up neji
chouji is poping uppers and downers , blues and yellow pills
I only believe that Sasuke is on cocaine...
If Gaara were on LSD, he'd have make love not war tattooed his forehead, not I love death...
alright this is getting off topic
anywho i think that being drunk will help lee takes some blows not from the sword
but his speed is reduced when doing the drunkin boxing but his movements are more fluid and he will dodge blows easier this is a hard battle to decide
but im gonna have to say that lee is gonna get messed up by kimimaro in lvl 2 form(can't wait to see that )
Is Kimi healthy enough to get to level 2????ha!
well we saw him in bed activating it when he was getting annoyed with kabuto so i would believe that he is capable of using it
but i bet he will be dead after he activates his lvl 2 cursed seal
Man, awesome chapter. Finally this arc is really starting to get interesting. it was dying there for a moment. can't wait for the inane translation. and of course, the colored page. i definetely did not see this coming from lee. lee is braking the rules again by drinking. But on the bad side, it seems that he came on his own after all. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] guess that means maybe the others aren't getting rescued after all.
cool i love drunken boxing its so fun [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] ...... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
cant w8 for the translated one...
whats to say the tsunade won't send a team out with gai to retrieve him
cause you know gai is gonna go anyways so i could imagine that they might fine the other gennins
Drunken Lee will kick ass, his moves will be unpredictable, and he'll be able to do taijuutsu that is hard to counter. Kimimaro will get OWNED by LEE!
Couldn't agree with you more.Quote:
Man, awesome chapter. Finally this arc is really starting to get interesting. it was dying there for a moment
Absolutely brillant way to solve all the operation/recovery controversy. *Nobody* saw the drunken boxing coming... is it a characteristic of this style? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
huh, if he saved Genma and Raido, he *certainly* will save Neji and Chouji. No way he won't. Would be the same than making Lee's operation a failure.
rought translation SPOILERS ALERT
This was posted by Saquili on toriyamaworld's forums it is almost everything that happens
I know a bit of japanese. So I will try to summary and explain the conversation. BTW, this is my first time, so pls don't flame me.
Naruto told lee that kimimaro can produce bones to use for his attack and to be careful because he's strong. Naruto's face is seem with worry for lee, probably he wonders whether Lee can handle him or not.
Then Lee show a thumbs up pose and tell naruto to keep going and let him take care of kimimaro, and say that since naruto made a promise with sakura with his "nice guy(gai) pose", he has to keep it. Lee also told him that he will keep his promise to naruto by beating kimimaro.
Naruto proceed, and we see Tsunade back in hospital room with raidou and genma on bed talking.
Raidou and Genma explain to Tsunade about the guys who beat the crap out of him , and was surprised to find out that the coffing might contain sasuke. They tell Tsunade that a genin team might not be able to handle them, and ask her to send a Jounin team to reinforce them, but Tsunade tells them sending a jounin team as a reinforcement is impossible. I cannot translate the reason for this, coz too much kanji ( ; ; yes my japanese is not that great). But tsunade tells them not to worry, she'll think up something coz she's not dumb.
Then we see Gai coming in to the room and collapse. Tsunade ask him is something went wrong with his mission and if he's allright. Gai tell her that there's nothing wrong with his mission, he's tired coz he's running non-stop to konoha. He wanted to know about Lee's surgery, and Tsunade tells him that it went okay. Gai is crying from happiness from hearing the news, only to cry from worry coz a medic comes in and tell them that Lee has disappeared.
They went to Lee's room and speculate that Lee might went after the genin team, and in his hurry, he mistakenly taken Tsunade's sake bottle, which she left earlier there to see raidou and genma, instead of his medicine bottle. After hearing the sake word, Gai became extremely worried.
The scene went back to Lee fighting kimimaro. Kimimaro thinks that Lee is really good, and decide to go all out. But Lee stop him and ask him POLITELY (^^) for some time so he can drink his medicine( yes, lee did not know that he took the wrong bottle). He gulp it down and say that all medicines have weird taste.
We see gai explains to Tsunade that when Gai and Lee went celebrating for his success in mastering ura renge, Lee got drunk and trash the whole store into pieces(seriously, the picture of the store collapse is shown). (I was unable to understand some of gai's explanation as to why Lee got powerful when he's drunk)
The scene went back to Lee and we see Lee began to get drunk and blurt out some weird words(the exact words is like "What the F**k With you, HUH?", and Lee uses the drunken fist pose. Kimimaro wonders what kind of medicine he took.
That's it. I mostly understand what's going on in the sentences, but not all of them. Sorry fo the extreme details, this is my first time participating.
So, the drunken boxing was sort of a mistake??? That's too much... LOL
BTW, arigatou gozaimasu for the translation Skillz-san.
thas great super drunk lee is super strong
Holy Shite. He knows Drunken? Even more crazy, he did it by accident????
I love drunken...hey whata know its friday night.
yeah pretty damn funny this chap lee got drunk by mistake and becomes extremely powerful when he drinks
If I need to go to the Hospital, I want to go to Konoha's...an hospital where you can *accidentally* get sake can't possible be bad...Don't know about the food, but I certainly wouldn't complaint about the drinks...BTW, Gai took Lee to a bar? And Naruto can't drink? Age limit in Konoha is 14????