RE: Limit of Desert Coffin
WAIT... i dont know if shikamarou's ability would even work in the night... He needs a shadow to bind, not just darkness. Without the sun, shadow is very limited.
RE: Limit of Desert Coffin
but if his shadow can move freely among other shadows, then i dont think he'd need much chakra to stretch it to the target
RE: Limit of Desert Coffin
I think he has to use chakra to move his shadow o_o. if he didn't, then his fight with Temari would have been easier and he wouldn't have had to give up.
RE: Limit of Desert Coffin
yes, but he could be just using chakra as he moves the shadow across non-shadowy parts of the floor.....which there was fairly decent amount of during the exam
RE: Limit of Desert Coffin
yes, he has to use chakra to make his shadow longer than normal. That is what the jutsu is, and the jutsu requires a certain amount of chakra. Connecting to other shadows helps him extend the reach, he doesn't have to use additional chakra to connect.