Many thanks to you JessiA for helping to get my avatar up.
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Many thanks to you JessiA for helping to get my avatar up.
Nevermind. I figured it out[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
zaku makes a reappearance!
I take it that you don't want the animated gifs any more eh? Hehe, can't say I blame ya.
It seems when you update your profile after uploading a new avatar, it will revert back to whatever original avatar you had before, because you can't unselect it from the combo box.
Does that make sense? Don't particularly want to upload my avatar every time I want to update my profile.
hmm is there a better way to get to that section. Maybe you need add a link on frontpage or something
Whee! I finally got my ava up![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Jaay avatars again thanx..
Ahhh... Now that i've got my avatar up I feel a bit more at ease...
Right now I don't really care about the forum lay-out. Gonna trust GW guys' judgement
And for that, the gloom deepens.Quote:
Originally posted by: Ciber
Won't be happening.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
W000! Now if only my sig would be as gentle as to show up...
There must be a way of getting rid of any avatar all together?
I don't want that pesky lil' geek fouling my posts much longer...
Help I can't get it to work! I've uploaded it and selected it as "current" but it doesn't work! T_T
It keeps reverting back to the ugly geek!
I was a bit confused for a while as well. Make sure that when you upload your avatar, you tick the box which says 'upload as current avatar'. If you don't, it seems that it never recognises the uploaded graphic as current.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aegis Runestone
Help I can't get it to work! I've uploaded it and selected it as "current" but it doesn't work! T_T
It keeps reverting back to the ugly geek!
I would reccomend deleting the avatar you have atm, and re-uploading making sure you tick the relevant box. Hope it works. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Thank you so much. I really dislike these forums... maybe they ought to try vBullten?Quote:
Originally posted by: Boogster
I was a bit confused for a while as well. Make sure that when you upload your avatar, you tick the box which says 'upload as current avatar'. If you don't, it seems that it never recognises the uploaded graphic as current.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aegis Runestone
Help I can't get it to work! I've uploaded it and selected it as "current" but it doesn't work! T_T
It keeps reverting back to the ugly geek!
I would reccomend deleting the avatar you have atm, and re-uploading making sure you tick the relevant box. Hope it works. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Well, tbh, I don't mind these new forums. Sure they take a bit of getting used to, but in my opinion they are essentially more functional than the old ones.
The one gripe that I cannot let go of is the no graphical-sigs rule imposed by the admins atm. Their absence really spoils the atmosphere on the boards, and my enjoyment of the forums in general.
Wilik, how come you can have a signature... Please let me in on your secret... Man, this forum without sigs and avas is just plain... And plain is bad, really bad...Quote:
Originally posted by: Wilik
Custom avatars are in! Due to the version of GD (for those of you that dont know, GD is a graphics library) we however dont have gif support. You can use jpeg's and png's. Dont worry about size, images are resized to the proper dimensions when upload, but just incase you need to know they are 60x60.
Login with your forum name/password to access the custom avatars section of our site.
Gotwoot Network Custom Avatars
nice work mods [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
doesn't the html code <img> work for sigs?
They disabled the img tag.
No Pic. Sigs AllowedQuote:
Originally posted by: dazzz
doesn't the html code <img> work for sigs?
Well, we had graphic sigs on this forums at first, for a little bit at least.
The few people who got them up had them, and the poor people who put them up right before they decided no sigs got their codes changed back to plain <img src=mypic.jpg>
There was someone else who had a graphic sig too, but he had trouble getting it removed, so he had it on for a few days.
I dunno, maybe it's an admin perk? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]