I would like to see more persons with demons, wonder how they would be and how their character is, mayb a superevil dude with a demon whom naruto has to fight http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
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I would like to see more persons with demons, wonder how they would be and how their character is, mayb a superevil dude with a demon whom naruto has to fight http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
im theorizing that sakura has something sealed in her too, namely a worthless pile of crap, that would explain so much.
she has kyubis demonic turd sealed in her it constantly makes her suck
On the subject of these "trump cards," I think it should be pointed at that, although these traits allow main characters out of seeming disaster, they are more like double edged swords in that they possess a downside.
Flame of Recca - The dragons present Recca with the challenge to master them. If he fails he dies. This is pretty standard anime fare: hero must train and discipline himself in order to overcome the forces of evil and so on... (also, the dragons are explained, so "out of nowhere" is a little unfair)
Dragon Ball Z - Yeah this one really is a trump card. The part about training and discipline etc still applies, but I don't really like DBZ anyway.
Yuyu Hakusho - Haven't seen it, so can't really talk about it.
Ikkitousen - the "power" is her destiny stone thing (Magatama) and yes, it does win fights for her. But it also dooms her to die at the hands of the one who is the reincarnate form of her killer from a past life (it sounds convoluted, but it isn't really). On her own, Hakufu is beaten pretty badly until she decides to train, upholding the same trend.
Naruto - the downsides to having a demon inside of you? Well, first off...it's a demon...inside of you. Also, he is shunned by the village people. The fox's power is also difficult to control and use. The solution? Training, discipline, pervert sennins.
There is a trend throughout most of these series, but I'd say it's slightly less one-sided than Hotsuma put it.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Jan 31 2004, 07:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think there has to be more than one demon in the naruto world. Not one for every country but maybe like 3 or 4. That may explain why only two akatsuki members were after Naruto, maybe the rest are somewhere else looking for another demon. Whats weeird to me is that everyone now seems to be able to summon an animal. Naruto, Yondaime, and Jiraiya: Frogs, Tsunade: Slugs, Orochimaru: Snakes, Tayuya: Those weird freak things, Kidumaru: Spiders, Gai: I assume a turtle, Kakashi: Dogs, Sandaime: Monkeys. There are probably more that I can't think of right now. But the point is that it is kinda gay now that a bunch of people can summon things. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
as long as the summons are cool, i dont mind, i actually like them. as long as like not everyone gets one like konohamru doenst then im happy
I think that Enma is also the Sarutobi family summoning creature. Since Saru means ape or monkey or whatever.
I hope that Asuma or Konohamaru get him later. He would make a good support unit.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 1 2004, 11:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think that Enma is also the Sarutobi family summoning creature. Since Saru means ape or monkey or whatever.
I hope that Asuma or Konohamaru get him later. He would make a good support unit. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i dont think the manga will go on to the point konohamaru is strong enough to use king enma. and i dont think asuma is strong enoug either. but it would be cool to see him again tho. and i want some new summons to show i hope itachi can summon some badass creature.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Feb 1 2004, 01:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> In the RK anime, once he gets his ougi, everything becomes a one-hit wonder. Especially after Shishio.
When in doubt, use the ougi. It'll always win. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Come to think of it, it really is cheap. Well I'm out of ideas for mian characters without trump cards.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JusDaMan @ Feb 1 2004, 01:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I remember reading somewhere there was like alot of japanese demons
Hitotsune Kozo
Tatari Gami
Watever the true name of 9 tails
The white tiger, blue dragon, pheonix, and black turtle is part of chinese myths I think... Fushigi Yuugi is a anime based on that. they r gods and not demons. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
There are also countless different bakemono. That's because whenever anyone dies they have the potential to become a spirit or even a minor diety. At the time when the Shinto legends were put down on scrolls it was estimated that there were eight million spirits wandering the earth.
Also, the four animals you mentioned is a very popular myth. The beasts help to chart the night sky and all the constellations therein. I could go on about it if anyone has any interest.
Wish I was a demon. I do have inner demons but that's a whole other can of worms.
Most main characters in anime have a powerup of some sort. The only character I can think of that doesn't fit this is Kenshin. Then again his technique is pretty good in it's own right.
In the RK anime, once he gets his ougi, everything becomes a one-hit wonder. Especially after Shishio.
When in doubt, use the ougi. It'll always win.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Jan 31 2004, 07:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think there's a part of the kyubi mythology where the demon would disguise itself in human form, usually as a female I believe. So that's probably where all the others of the 9 are, walking among us in human form. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/rolleyes.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Heh, probaly.
Also because of that part of mythology I suspect Kyuubi might possibly be Naruto's mother.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sangai sakusei @ Jan 31 2004, 02:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> he was simply stating a fact that gaara was gone and that they wouldn't have to deal with him </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Actually...there might be a slight mistranslation there. The translator's footnote says there weren't sure what the name was.
We will have to wait until the anime catches up to be sure.
But yeah he probaly did say Gaara since it would make sense.
if anyone knows a deep story on the creature kyuubi is based on the kitsune.. i would like to hear it. all i know is that it grows new tails as it gets older and that the maximum is 9 tails which means that the kitsune is very strong and old.
please do
Of course all shounen anime/manga have characters with indredible powers. Thats the basis of all shounen manga... it'd be like having a shoujo manga with no "I - I like you! From the first moment that I saw you!" and other romantic crap.
Supernatural powers that can only be mastered through hard work and determination (and pervert teachers, like someone else already pointed out) and, once mastered, almost assure victory are part of every shounen manga out there... that's probably why people like them.
Non-romantic/girly animes with no supernatural powers are seinen manga, by the way. So, for instance, Hikaru no Go has no superpowers, same goes for Boys Be, SaiKano, etc.
And, related to the Kyuubi no Kitsune...
"Kitsune" means fox, that's simple. "Kyuu" means nine and "bi" is "Tails", so the name is pretty much obvious.
Now, the Kitsune are magical creatures from ancient Japan (I don't know if there's any different between the magical kitsune and the simple fox), they are suppossedly minor demons who usually like to play pranks on humans. They have the ability to look like a human, and usually the only sign that you are talking to a kitsu and not to a normal human is that they have their whiskers marked on their cheeks.
...so yep, if Konoha was Japan it would be damn obvious to everybody that Naruto was a kitsune/had one inside of him.
The kitsune also had marks around their wrist, these marks would vary from individual to individual but look the same to most humans.
It was said that the marriage ceremony of the kitsune was an affair of great importance to the entire magical realm... but if a human ever saw it, he'd be shunned by every other being until he apologized to the Kitsu tribe and commited seppuku (honorable suicide).
Finally, the Kitsune would only gain a tail after a determined number of years - therefore, the number of tails would indicate how old and powerful the fox is. Nine is the max and can only be obtained once the demon turns 1000 years old.
According to Japanese folklore (or at least as far as I know), only one kitsune ever achieved the nine tails... though I don't know why.
So Naruto's story is quite true. Naruto has inside of him a demon older than most remaining demons alive... and more powerful, too.
There's also a second story related to the Kitsune tribe, but its far too complicated to write here...
Basically, it divides the word Kitsune into "Ki", "Tsu", "Ne"; and with certain Kanjis, that can be read as "Come, Arrive (stay), Sleep" and makes reference to a very old romantic legend of Japan. Wont go into detail unless anyone wants it, since I still have homework to do...