yea. dbz has like 500 episodes?! lol i really hope they dont cancel it... anyways how many episodes does berserk have? ive only see up too 24... the sad part where all the demons are there and he cuts off his left arm and that griffith guy is doing caska and than his right out get's cut out./... eww!!!
DB/DBZ/DBGT together have about 500 eps and 20 + movies/specials.
Actually it's:
Sorry, I tend to be anal about some things.
I don't think there are anymore berserk episodes. The manga is still continuing but not the anime.
There is no more Berserk. A second season was looked into but nothing ever came of it. NOTHING!
I still want hellsing to have another season. *Crys*
From what I have heard, the mangaka of Hellsing (his name escapes me at the moment) said that he would give the OK for another season of Hellsing as soon as he was finished with the manga.