My online and gaming nickname has always been Raven, and when I registered a nick for IRC, Raven was taken of course. So I added a Commander prefix to it just for IRC. From then on, the nick always stuck.
People always think I'm part of the CmDr clan. I am part of a clan, but that's not it. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
Theres a line in Evil Dead 2 that goes "I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul" which amused me at the time I chose my username...
My first name and last initial, I normally go by Jessi, but that's taken in most places, so I've given up on that.
DB_Hunter.... a bit obvious but anyway the DB means Dragon Ball. I originally started out in Direct Connect with the name DB_Master when I first came online to download my first non mp3 media files, which were episodes of DBZ. As time went on (read I became an op and got sucked into op wars) and I went to other hubs and just generally got banned gfor people not understanding my sesnse of humor, I started to use the name to Hunter.
I still use the name DB_Master now, in the hub where I am an op.
Explination no longer available so that a certain someone can still feel special. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
my name is parts of my favorite characters when i first started the anime and didnt know to many. also before i saw a cool pic of kakashi that had a naruto type look to him, i had that as my avatar for sometime, long long ago.
usually my screennames are hitokiri(which means assasin in japanese) or daywalker (yeah i liked the movie blade but i loved the nickname more)
so yeah, this is actaully an intersting thread because many times i see screenames that i dont know what they mean or sometimes they are dutch, the japanese ones i can figure most of the time but other lanagauges arent my forte.
k, im an arab.. and in the arabic alphabets, we have some letters that cant be written or pronounced in the english language... so when ppl want to write arabic words using the english alphabet, we substitute these letters with numbers, like the number 7. anyways, the word a77a is slang in egyptian for 'what the hell' but its kinda rude there (dont know why) and i was known for sayin that word even tho im not egyptian, so i added the 'listic' part to make it sound cooler, and i gave it my own meaning : so full of shit http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
i am sometimes known as a77a tho
Insomniac because of my sleeping patterns
also its got something to do with Gaara from Naruto too http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
well, I like the SNJ, one of my favorite jutsu's, but i could have chosen my normal nickname: Satisfaction (yes, because satisfaction from benni benasi is the bomb http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...s/mf_w00t1.gif ). but i needed somethin for naruto, and now im sexy_no_jutsu on various sites.
Lys is short for my first name, Alyssa. That's all ^ˆ^; I didn't really try to be creative when I signed up here ...
well my last name is charlesworth, and though i live in the states, im basicly english (technically 3/4), and because of that and some english mannerisms and stuff i've retained from when i lived in england some of my friends call me 'the euro' and stuff like that, and then i was elected homecoming prince last year, so everyone started calling me prince charming, which kinda sucked, but i used it in my name. the "the third" part is just to make it sound even more knightly http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
my name stands for exactly what it implies........ Flatulation No Jutsu. kinda like the one naruto did to kiba, but WAAAAAAY more powerful. powerful enough to destroy even the mightiest armies of killer penguins. it can also cause mass hysteria. it makes people slap the children of others AT RANDOM!
Mine is derived from the knights Templar. They have a pretty long history, so I dont really wanna sound like a history teacher.
My nick originated from my previous nick, [xeno]KaKarotto, which I still use on with my fps clan and various other games. I've had that nick for a very very long time. Since kakarotto means carrot, it was an easy switch.
When FUNimation came out with the DBZ dubs for the US you started seeing tons of people with the nick SSJGOKU_OMG!!!. Since I was way ahead of the curve and had watched all the DB series on fansubs a 'long time ago', this really bugged the hell outta me that my nick was turning into a joke, and I was looking like one of these newb idoits... So Carrot^ became my full time nick, at least til the DB craze in US dies out. Unfortunately that may not happen for a long time. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
as long as they keep playing dbz in the us it will be popular http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (migawari @ Jan 2 2004, 08:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> as long as they keep playing dbz in the us it will be popular http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
that about sums it up.