The word sibling doesnt necessarily mean your brother or sister, it can be used for parents too. Just thought you all might like to know. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
A good chapter, it seems like Orochimaru's about to die if he doesn't reincarnate straight away, things are about to heat up a bit I think! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
I wonder if there's a possibility he'll use Kabuto's body just to stay alive? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif That'd be kind of dumb though.
u know what would be cool if the reason itachi killed his clan was because of orochimaru made him do it while he was still young and probably could be controleed by some mind control jutsu. but then itachi became even stronger and orochimaru had to let him loose because he was a threat to orochimaru. I know this is just rambling but we dont know whether orochimaru left the village before itachi killed his clan . maybe orochimaru was frightned about the uchiha clan and told itach to kill them allbut leave one (sasuke for example) so he could get the sharingan later on and then orochimaru could learn all the jutsus with the sharingan.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Dec 20 2003, 01:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The word sibling doesnt necessarily mean your brother or sister, it can be used for parents too. Just thought you all might like to know. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
According to Websters, Sibling only includes brothers and sisters. There was only one definition.
Sibling n : one of two or more individuals having one common parent.
It says that the word comes from the Middle-english word sib, which means kinsman. So, a few centuries back you might have used sib for your parents, but not today.
Assuming there was no translation error, that must have been Kiba's sister.
If you can show me an official definition of sibling that includes parents, I'll gladly retract that.
This "reincarnation" is nothing more than mind transfer, isn't it?
wow elaborate plans.........Evil indeed. Meeee likes.
I imagine that Orochimaru wouldn't want to take Sasuke's body until Sasuke gets a bit more powerful. It would be dangerous for Oro to possess Sasuke in a weak form. He'll probably try to train Sasuke up a bit, raise his chakra stamina, increase his physical strength, then when he feels it would be safe, plan to steal his body.
Of course, someone will stop Oro, and I think it will be Itachi. That would really put a twist on Sasuke's plans. Being saved by the one you swore to kill .. heh.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MemnochTheCaT @ Dec 20 2003, 04:25 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I imagine that Orochimaru wouldn't want to take Sasuke's body until Sasuke gets a bit more powerful. It would be dangerous for Oro to possess Sasuke in a weak form. He'll probably try to train Sasuke up a bit, raise his chakra stamina, increase his physical strength, then when he feels it would be safe, plan to steal his body.
Of course, someone will stop Oro, and I think it will be Itachi. That would really put a twist on Sasuke's plans. Being saved by the one you swore to kill .. heh. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
no it said he needed sasuke now, hes not waiting he needs body cause it seems the arm sealing is fubaring him all over.
Also about the bloody arms in the shower, it seems as if he is using cutting to gain some sort of circulation in his arms so that they dont rot off and die. This is kinda hinted at when Kabuto said that he should stop because he reached his limit. Also if u look close their are little cut marks all over his arms and hands.
I really hope the next chapter won't have much blablabla but this time a really cool team fight
It starts to get promising. But Sasuke will never arrive on time unless his soul can stay alive while his body is possessed by Orochimaru, I don't think any of the Konoha Genin 12 (or 11 + Shikimaru) will ever die before they're old.
O MY FUKIN GOD!!!! neiji derserves a round of applause(dont know how it is spelled correct it if u like) but yea shit neiji rocks in this chapt he gave his respect to naruto believing that he can rescue sasuke from the dark like the time naruto rescued him from the dark but u have to agree with me though he does derserve a round of applause http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
wow, this is one of my favorite chapters i think. Looks like we'll finnally get some team battleing, with shikamaru's last comment about having a plan, and despite the switches it remains incredibly cohesive. ok a few thoughts:
1. as far as kimimaro, it's probably the name of the battle to the death that kabuto starts. Obviously Kidoumaru won it at some point.
2. Man when you talk about Naruto's search for acknowledgement...how much more can you ask for? Neji's comments and belief in Naruto are amazing, it would take a lot for neji to change that much. talk about acknowledgement, that was incredible respect.
3. kabuto's comment about the limit could mean that oro had to stop cutting his arms, or it could mean that they've (the arms) have lasted as long as they can, and any longer and any hope of saving them will be lost.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Dec 20 2003, 12:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> just because she was with kiba's dad doesnt mean that she's his wife.* It would be perfectly reasonable for her to be his daughter. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I thought of that more because it was at the part when all the parents were introduced.
But it is kyoudai on the front page and, after looking it up, with the used kanji it clearly means "older sister and younger brother". So I was wrong... *sniff*
on another subject, did anyone else notice how "unkiba' kiba looks in the opening? i think Kishomonto got lazy and used the same scetches from the time Shika and his father were on the cover, they look too much alike!
i hope kiba will have someaction next time...
and something else... if all the ninjas Kabuto took in for the battle royal thing can't work togther and find a way out, doesn't it mean they all suck and don't deserve whatever rank they have? i don't think Oro will want a body of some loser...
ahh, its too vague for me to handle!
If he does die, we need more action from Hinata - keep Hyuga happening!!
Someone said that Oro's arms are bleeding cos they're rotting... maybe blood can get thru and around, so it ends up bleeding?? hmm...
Well, if its gonna end up that all or most of the main characters dying, then i hope that Sasuke ends up living the rest of his life with the guilt! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em.../mf_jumpon.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 20 2003, 01:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> we dont know for sure how strong Kabuto really is do we?
we know that he took a hit from rasengen and recovered and that he was beating Tsunade, one of the legendary three.
if you dont think Kabuto has it in him then what manga have you been reading http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
Kabuto so far has shown a massive degree of intelligence and cunning, Orochimaru thinks hes only about Kakashis level but he was still able to take on Tsunade. If you ask me, Kabutos going to turn into the greater threat, hes got the most mystery surrounding his background, cant wait to find out.
and by the way we dont know for sure that Itachi is stronger then Orochimaru, they said one line and everyone clings to that like its their only hope lol, until they fight i'd have to say i dont think that the statement is true. by the way, we're bound by english translations which means it could have been a completely different context.
I think it would provide the ultimate plot twist if Itachi was Orochimarus reincarnation, it would provoke Sasuke hugely. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Oro himself said Itachi was stronger than himself. Considering Oro's arrogance, do you really think it's just a lie? Come on, dude.
Unless Itachi himself says otherwise, the series has made it clear that Itachi is flat out stronger. And, you shouldn't be blaming English translations as well. For all we know, everything we've been reading was mis-translated, or was in different context. Give the translators some credit.
When somebody admits that another is better, do we need a fight to prove it? Kakashi was scared to death of Oro in that sealing area, and scolded himself for trying to rise against Oro. Do we need a fight to prove that Kakashi would have gotten his ass kicked? The point here is, once somebody admits it, there's really no way to bend it.
I'm getting tired of this Orochimaru crap. I want to see some Itachi and Akatsuki stuff happening. What's happening around the Konoha should be emphasized, too.
Itachi stop Oro? what world are you living in http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
Itachi has nothing against Orochimaru and theres no reason for him to stop him, he probably doesnt even know.
and you think Itachi has a chance while Orochimarus in his own village with probably thousands of nins? Itachi isnt that strong.
omfg just thought of the biggest plot twist ever... ok
Sasuke gets saved by Naruto and Orochimarus plans are foiled, Kabuto comes back with a mysterious body... Itachis! Orochimaru reincarnates himself into Itachi http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...mf_dribble.gif
Rock Lee said he was the strongest genin in kohona, which was a lie.
he admitted it afterwards that Neji was stronger but theres no reason for Orochimaru to mention Itachi again is there? hes not apart of the story at the moment (i'm guessing the writer used this reference to build up a threat, to make it seem like he was something big by displaying another bad guy talking about him), you put too much faith in one sentence, Itachi is nothing more then a plot device for Sasuke. when the time comes that hes not needed to fuel Sasukes life meaning he'll die easily. Its the way with all anime
also Shino said he was a chuunin, which he actually wasnt (even if he was at chuunin level it doesnt make him a chuunin now does it?).
theres alot of these literial meaning things that people prey on, i for one having analysed the story make it hard to believe that Orochimaru would just lay down and die if Itachi was there. The main reason Orochimaru would be scared of him was the sharigan being able to copy his jutsus, the jutsus hes spent countless years assembling, if Orochimaru wanted Itachi dead it wouldnt be that hard a task. I mean come on, hes killed 2 Kages and has a village under his command.
we also have no idea how strong Kabuto is, he never said that he feared Itachi did he? for all we know he could come back with Itachi's body, its a possibility.
Kabuto has had plenty of times to kill Orochimaru if he wanted to, you think he only follows Orochimaru because hes 'stronger'?
If Itachi is stronger that Oro and Oro is stronger than Kabuto, how will Kaubto defeat ITachi?
Anyway, Akatsuki will be the last villian then the anime is ova...