I would be a little more lenient just in case, but that's your life/choices.
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I would be a little more lenient just in case, but that's your life/choices.
It's got PA Works plastered over it.
-Cute girls.
-slow healing anime.
-bright lights.
-high chance of magic (already has happened).
-ending probably won't make much sense.
I don't mind this show, but I hate the CGI. It's not the worst CGI ever, but it's the worst thing about this show.
D_Cide episode 1:
That was very disappointing. Kinda expected more from the trailer. It's basically a modern Sailor Moon for young boys.
I just can't get into these anime where children save the world and adults just aren't interested in anything "just so". It's frustrating, because it'd be so easy to just make it a believable mix of characters of all ages.
Also ... they call themselves ... "knocker-up". Lol. That's how you know NOBODY from the west had any input in the creation of this series :D (in case anyone still doesn't get it: "knocker up" sonders like "knock her up")
I liked it for what it is : a show for boyish preteens.
Not that I'll keep watching.
But well made and catchy.
Dragon Maid S2 is top-tier, no surprise there. For how simplistic its art is, it is an incredibly vibrant and alive animation. Even in the background details. Still has better fight animation than most shonen series with big budgets.
You can feel that KyoAni is trying to completely outdo themselves to honor the arson victims, many of whom had led production on the first season.
What a triumphant return to tv series animation.
...and of course the most feared and respected being in all of the series' universe is none other than Kobayashi herself.
Three-ish episode test results:
- Peach Boy Riverside: It's delicious trash. Well executed technically, good lore to go with it, and entertaining. But I'm not kidding myself on what it is.
- Hamefura S2: I may drop this, like I suspected I might. The second season is far weaker than the first, though problems with the first season like the Prince's voice acting vastly improved. I kind of knew this from reading the manga, but the anime doesn't improve it much either.
- Tensei Slime: No surprises here.
- Maid Dragon: Doesn't even need three episodes. This is the current top contender for the anime of the season by a good margin.
- Bokutachi no Remake: Uneven writing, but overall the plot is really well executed and the animation is pretty high quality.
- Kageki Shoujo: Quite seriously, probably one of the standouts for the year so far. Very clear pass of the 3 eps test. Don't get put off by the art style, this series is really great, easily sailing into my present top 3, and one of the series I look forward to the most during the week.
Other than the ones Ryll mentions above, have there been any new stand out anime so far this season?
I've dropped most anime and I'll probably drop 2 more, at which point I'm basically only watching long-running shows. Anything that's truly "great"?
Just watched a trailer and can't say anything based on that. Is it an exciting story? Does it have an unexpected progression or is it rather episodic? What makes it standout, beyond "handles something more intelligently"?
I'm close to watching it, but I need some final impetus :>
It's high-quality shoujo. If I expanded on the thing I am alluding to specifically, I'd outright spoil two episodes.
But if I said that it has adults that act like adults, would that do it?
alright, alright, ill give it a watch!