She was bad ass though.
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She was bad ass though.
I meant the guy, the squad leader.
Oh, possibly accurate or a little naturalized. I don't recall it very well.
All I can hear from the backgound noise is the number 45, so while I can't say for sure, I think it's at least partially correct. Shinta can verify it for sure if he bothers to check it out: Episode 3, around 17:16 (gg release).
Although he was merely saying that if Ken tries to espace, he'll be unloading the clip up Ken's ass. Surely he didn't use a similar line for a second time, or did he?
Well, he was talking like that all the time, I wasn't word for word quoting him.
Ep3: 19:50 for example, or 17:00 "I'll have you commit seppuku for that!"
I can actually hear the word seppuku, but who knows if that word doesn't mean something else too and gg is just using it for the lulz.
The guy is using the rudest language and tone available. gg is embellishing, but not by much. It is primarily due to a limitation of Japanese when converting to western languages, because Japanese lacks a lot of its own swear words because the tone and pronouns do so much of the work.
Episode 6 - gg
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Now even the support plane was flying so close that the enemy mecha could extend its hand and grab (or is it crab?) it from the sky... Aren't the creators of this show ashamed?
Not a bad episode otherwise. The fight was pretty good and had some nice details, like stealing the enemy sword. The Earth mecha also used suitable tactics to beat the stronger but stupider headless drones. I'm not yet sure what to think about the very human form of the enemy. Since they were kidnapping people, perhaps the aliens made the kidnapped folks breed and brought the resulting offspring up as ones of their own intending to use them to subdue Earth. There's certain wisdom in initially making humans rule humans, instead of trying to make Earthlings instantly serve some ugly Predator looking things.
I almost hope the two classmates died, like they should have considering the power of the explosion. I doubt they really could have, but it was kind of annoying to watch them do so foolish things. There ought to be a price to pay.
Seems dark haired Japanese high school girls are kidnapped for "research purposes".
Where them blacks at?
Misleading anime title is misleading.
Oh wait...
Episode 8 - gg
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I'm quite disappointed Yukina was written so stupid she goes alone wandering into the woods despite everybody knowing there are still possibly those human kidnapping drones around. Her own little sister was kidnapped previously and only narrowly saved, for heaven's sake. I guess the script writer was enjoying particularly good sake in copious amounts when coming up with this.
Not much else to say about the ep.
She's a teenage girl. Go figure lol.
Episode 09 - gg
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I keep liking how this is mixing things. We have the dude from hundreds of years from the past slowly getting used to the modern times. Then we have the alien future technology relic mecha. Mixed in between those is the cutting edge human technology that is barely enough to somehow struggle with the alien technology, but also able to be compatible with it by augmenting it like the launch catapult or the pilot suits increasing the MCs' personal safety inside the alien relic. We, the audience, have our own perspective as the human tech, while it's also scifi partially, is still kind of ours, yet for Ken that is also largely incomprehensible future tech not much different from the original relic.
Ken's social skills understandably leave something to be desired by modern standards, but he's slowly getting there. Yukina can deal with him surprisingly well as long as she gets over her own problems. She's a teenage girl, like you said.
This episode was like a nod to NGE. The emo pilot, the catapult, the sudden teamwork (Asuka and Shinji) between butting heads, and the command center missile support.
I really don't understand the purpose of the two stooges. They are taking way more screen time than their characters deserve.
Yukina and loli-sister are enough for that.
Yukina is pretty cruel though, turning the guy down like that, and then having a lover's spat right in front of him.
I hope the loli-blonde gets dragged into some kinda harem hijinx with Ken. She's too friggin' full of herself right now and needs some derefication.
In my opinion he handled the dude well, patiently and gently enough. Out of poor thinking and poor luck he was saying unfortunate things to her. She's the one protecting him, and the whole world, so how is he, a mere high school student, supposed to protect her? On the other hand he was suggesting running away to her just when she realised and decided she's not going to try to run away anymore. The quarrel with Ken was hardly anything new and hardly something the stooge couldn't have expected. He's the one trying to get between those two.
Episode 10 - gg
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How laughable. I could design better security procedures than that vital facility has. Even those two great idiots who escaped the room where the sword was kept didn't bother to launch an alarm after fleeing. I guess they just headed to the cafeteria to drink tea like nothing was out of ordinary. They should be fired. Another hilarious thing is that this clear enemy didn't have the shock collar while Ken, who has fought numerous times on Earth's side, still carries one.
Other than the author not being quite up to the job, this episode did reveal fairly interesting things, assuming Ken's memories are real. It would of course make perfect sense the human looking aliens actually are humans, like I earlier said, and simply brought up to work as an interface between the alien master species and Earth. Perhaps they thought to use the princess directly but the brainwashing failed, or perhaps the princess was already earlier involved. Ken might be a sleeper agent, although I fail to see any benefit from such, which is why I'd rather think he just got some nanomachines from the princess and is thus able to pilot the relic. The aliens now might simply have cooked up some stories to get rid of him. It remains unexplained why Ken would recognize the man's face.
He does and doesn't recognize him. At this point, I think it is likely that Ken is one of them, part of the lost recon party. A serious brain-bashing injury must have resulted in him losing all his memories, and he just fell into the life of being a wanderer and eventual low-level guard employed at the castle.
The princess acquired the kuromukuro though, and dropped him into it, so she's far more involved that Ken remembers her being. She may have been the one that actually betrayed the aliens. It was her blood that bonded Ken to the kuromukuro, the same way that Yuki was injected by the machine itself. The mysterious figure was also certainly part of the recon party.
I think he was a grunt with the aliens, and later misled by the princess and the mystery figure into helping her betray the aliens.
I think Ken recognizes the dude because he saw the guy doing recon or something. The brain-stem implant Ken has can be explained by the blood pact he did with the princess. Nanomachines are such cheap plot devices...
Did Ken not have a past? He seems to be fairly sure of his identity aside from the fact he doesn't remember where he saw the scout dude.
Yeah, so far the series hasn't even suggested that Ken would not have a past. He's not overly forthright about his past, but that's his basic personality and probably even a cultural thing. If he was an amnesiac before a certain (adult) point of his life, you'd think the show had foreshadowed that somewhat. Instead we have been only seeing flashbacks of him being just another regular soldier in the service of the local castle.
Still, it has always been a big point of the story the aliens kidnap people left and right. It's certainly possible Ken had been kidnapped earlier, perhaps at the same time as this new dude, and then brainwashed. Maybe the princess was there as well, but somehow managed to rebel and bring him back with her. Then the aliens came after them. Why would Ken remembered nothing of it, though? No matter what sort of theories I try to come up with, there are always too big holes in them.
Of course it's also possible Ken simply saw this dude randomly walking around. The dude looks like a human and speaks Japanese, so he could have walked the streets as a samurai and nobody would have paid any attention. Doing who knows what, but it's still possible.
Recon? He is from a recon unit, after all. Maybe they learned Japanese that way. He even knew the sign of surrender.