Watched the first episode, overall not my thing, but I see why you guys are liking this. Good enough to keep watching for me when I want something different than the usual.
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Watched the first episode, overall not my thing, but I see why you guys are liking this. Good enough to keep watching for me when I want something different than the usual.
Didn't watch this yet but I'm interested, I'm a sucker for romance, especially when the main girl looks as cute as Chitanda... does this show have a love interest or is this strictly slice of life / how to become a proper witch?
Slice of life and proper witch route as of yet, and not much indicating romance.
But isn't it inevitable? I mean, there is only 1 male teenager in the show.
Uh...they're cousins.
As this is not a drama series (which do rarely enough feature incest), I would expect there is no romance angle to this series. It is pure slice of life.
Cousins can marry in Japan.
And many parts of the world for that matter.
Episode 4 - HS
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Drinking and witching is not a good combination.
Has there ever lived a man who would be that scared of haunted houses? That's quite an artificial anime/manga trope. I guess the poor dude had forgotten to take his medicine and got just a bit excited.
I don't know.. if you've been brought up with the knowledge that ghosts and witches are real while knowing you're powerless to protect yourself against them, that can be pretty scary.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
That said, apparently it's the shock factor that gets him. That's surprising, given his demeanor. Chinatsu said that older people tend not to get surprised, and he's just like an old geezer.
This show is a figure showcase. Everyone's so pretty. It's actually slightly awkward in a "Am I allowed to think about you that way" kind of way.
Agreed on the prettiness. This thing must have an awesome budget and/or animator/animation team. Everything just looks really polished. Don't believe me? Watch Konosuba again.
The dude still handled his fear quite well. I think that's what I love about this show. Everything feels real, and while there are some supernatural and fictional aspects and tropes, they really tone down the exaggerated reactions anime is infamous for.
I can safely say this is my favorite anime of the season at this point.
[HorribleSubs] Flying Witch - 06
Akane is my hero.
Makoto admitted that her improper flying technique makes her happy valley sore. What makes me love this series is moments like this, and the brother getting bored watching them practice magic almost immediately.
This series has a bluntness to it, where the fantastical world the witches live in is also surprisingly mundane. A fairly simple spell taking the better part of an hour, the problems with riding a broom, Akane using her phone to make sure the compass points were aligned, etc.
It's magic, but it's relaxed and understated most of the time.
The flashiest thing this episode was Makoto drawing a flawless freehand pentagram in a matter of moments. That impressed Kei.
Tons of cute concentration faces and Makoto's adorable tears of joy. Or Chinatsu casually hugging Akane and Makoto.
Originally Posted by Ryll
Last episode I thought "Did I just watch a cat explore the town twice? And I liked it?"
I paid way too much attention to Kei's movie expecting Akane to show up in it.
Also, Makoto ass-shots galore.
Thirded. Bluntness for the win.
You know why that works? Because the people here in GW are anime-jaded oji-sans. A newb wouldn't get why it's so entertaining. This show knows those watching are tired of exaggerated anime-character reactions and does the exact opposite.
The perfect pentagram was indeed amazing. I draw, and I honestly can't do that in 10 tries with a pencil and eraser, much less one attempt with a permanent marker.
Kei's comment about the gravity control conversation was hilarious. It was an amazing (sugoi) conversation, but his face didn't show it at all. I love characters like that. He reminds me of Inaho before Noah's second voyage.
What impressed me the most in this episode was Lithium Kei getting annoyed by the simultaneous crying and laughing concert from behind when he was trying to watch the movie. Who would have thought he was capable of such a grand emotion.
Episode 07 - HS
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The saving grace of the dude is that he's so competent. He knows a lot about plants, food ingredients, planting, and cooking. He can navigate and isn't afraid of nature unlike usual feeble city dwellers. It's always nice to see Makoto being impressed by his skills, considering he's just an ordinary human without magic powers.
Episode 08 - HS
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Turns out the dude wasn't an ordinary human after all. Well, I always suspected it considering his general disposition, so it was no big surprise.
The cafe scene turned out to be quite nice indeed, with the broad selection of customers and everything. The daughter and mother confusion was quite unoriginal but worked decently.
What do you mean? The dude is an ordinary human, except for his strange disposition.
Did you watch the ep carefully enough? The witches told him he's no ordinary human. It even shocked him a little.
You didn't watch carefully enough. They meant that the moment you hang out with witches, you're not ordinary anymore. He himself is perfectly human.
That is precisely what I'm talking about.