Uh, that's what that is. The guy on the passenger seat screamed confirmation of that several times. There are a million ways to develop an insane character. Lap sitting (of a goth loli no less) is not one of them.
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Can´t it be both?
I'm with Kraco, I'm really not seeing how this detracted from the series at all. Or even how it was nonsensical.
1. Goth loli shows up with an enormous ax.
2. JSDF personnel make note that the villagers worship her.
3. Villagers mention that riding in the Humvee is neat and comfortable.
4. Goth loli notices the discomfort of the JSDF personnel at her presence.
5. Goth loli rides in the Humvee, choosing to sit in the "front bench" à la a wagon. This also happens to be in the commander's lap.
6. Goth loli lays her giant ax on top of the injured elf girl in the back.
7. JSDF personnel don't do anything, because she's obviously an important and imposing figure to the locals.
8. The more he complains, the more she goes "ara ara ara~"
She's teasing them, and showing off the extent of her influence. On purpose. Once she's done teasing them, she finds a spot in between the seats to enjoy the ride.
The only alternative is that she considers people and object to be the same.
While I don't think it was done to make her look "insane" (nor do I believe Kraco meant saying that)Quote:
Lap sitting (of a goth loli no less) is not one of them.
what's up with that part, sounds like "a goth lolita wouldn't do that, damn man fuk dis!"
and here I thought "Lolita and "loli" has come to be used as a general reference to a seductive or sexually attractive young woman" (wiki)
She's there for the same reason as the elf.
Maybe I'm reading to much into it, but her/their existence is supossed to be a "joke"
That's why BF4 is no good for depictions of realistic warfare. Check any version of Arma. 12.7 HMG kicks major ass. However, this show kind of tries to mix together (advertising) realistic JSDF and a fantasy world. So, they ought to try to be a bit more realistic about guns'n'stuff, even if it's difficult to balance them with magic and monsters.
Gothic lolita is a clothing, make-up, hair, and accessory style for women. Not restricted to young girls, either. It doesn't refer to loli (as a manga/anime genre) as such, although I imagine lots of the participants wouldn't mind looking like a genuine loli. You see these people in any bigger city in the West, so it's not restricted to Japan anymore. Nothing sexual about it, or at least not any more than in any random style for women.
that's what they "are" but not what they try to be. She is the "goal image" or whatever you call it, the dream so to say - the original.
Probably what Kurokokororoko from that incest show would've loved to look like or represent.
You guys need to know how to enjoy a good Goth Loli lap-sitting.
I am pretty much against loli's but I greatly enjoyed that single scene.
I mean, I´m not much of a loli-fan, but she was fine. Now if only this goes somewhere ... I absolutely hat aimless teasing, something that, unfortunately, is typical in all of anime. Would be great if the hero here would just get fuck the goth loli chick. Maybe his friend can get the elf girl, while they´re at it. Stuff like that is always so awefully predictable ... in that it never goes beyond the teasing.
The point is that this guy works to support his otaku hobby. On the other side of the gate, his work and hobby are one.
HS- Episode 04
I thought they meant the RPGs at first.
It was fine when Rory was doing it chopping up bad guys because she is presumably a psychopath, but the fact that she talks like a slut all the time regardless of action, circumstances, or mood makes her increasingly annoying.
The mage girl is coming off a little creepy this episode with the degree that she's cozying up to the JSDF, but at least it is understandable from her position as a scholar and lover of unnatural things.
Elf girl's mourning phase is getting weirder by the minute, but I think she might be the best of the lead female characters (though the supporting JSDF staffers are much better). Also: Dem Jeans...
That or the princess of the Empire. She's not bad either.
The ultranationalist vibe is definitely not subtle in this series. They even threw in a whole speech about how Japan can afford to piss off more of the world if they conquer/dominate this area. Outbreak Company definitely handled the geopolitics better. It was not nearly as heavy-handed with the delivery.
OF COURSE, the hot elven girl falls in love with the hero for no reason. lol
Anyway, I wonder how far this anime plans to take its real world politics. This episode made it seem like everbody is preparing for WW3, trying to annect the portal. Is that even realistic? I think realistically the world´s governments would make a unified decision on what to do. And if Japan opposed that decision, they´d get screwed quickly. Anime made it feel as if everbody would just love to go to arms lol.
Buff, I'm pretty sure they were talking about the RPGs. The shot of the helicopters just seemed out of place.
With America taking a "wait-and-see" approach and aiding Japan, I think it is pretty reasonable that the real world wouldn't really be sure what to do about this. You don't want to start WW3, and it would take a really long time to come to a decision when you have competing interests like China. I feel like Japan being attacked also gives them some leverage over the situation.
I'm not a fan of Tuka/Chuka (no idea what the official romanization is supposed to be. Definitely sounds like Tuka though, and that's what I've seen it translated as before).
I like watching Lelei go around learning about the technology and culture.
It all feels like naivist writing, but I guess ultranationalism is such.
My problem with the elf is that she doesn't feel like an elf. She seems like a human with long ears. What exactly makes her an elf? The detail her people liked bows?
I don't, at the moment, have any problems with Rory. Although the common people seemed to revere her, I understood her to be some kind of an apostle of a dark god. She ought to be obnoxious in many ways, not just by indulging in bloodbaths. That would be too superficial.
No, I'm pretty sure they were talking about Humvees and meant great iron rock.Quote:
Originally Posted by Moogle
No. The Humvees were specified in the next clause. The first clause specifically said they carried "tetsu no ichimotsu," which can mean iron thing or iron penis (hence cock). I'm hoping she meant the former. I guess ichimotsu can also mean weapon in a vague sort of way.
I agree that Rori (Loli in katakana, sigh) sounds like a slut all the time. She even looks like her face is botoxed and can only smile mischievously. Overall, I dislike her the most out of ALL the girls in the show so far. And she is supposed to be a loli. That says a lot.
Trying to make a connection between the narrated story and what is shown on screen is pointless since it's obvious that the scene change it's not meant to illustrate what the barmaid is talking about, but simply used as a backdrop to the present scene as the Itami squad arrives at the base.
Nothing more, and nothing less.
Since it´s still being talked about: If Rory stays like this, just teasing and all, I agree that it´s annoying and on the worse fan-service side of things. Now, if she actually WAS "like that", as in like the teasing, pervert-minded girl she´s acting like, and would go through with it, aka seduce one of the soldiers and what that contains, I´d like her much more. But yeah, right now she´s a trope of the worst kind.
I can't express how much I have to cringe whenever I read your posts Mfauli.