episode 51 is out
nice, Narumiya awakened his angel powers. now let´s see what captain Ikari´s batters can do :D
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episode 51 is out
nice, Narumiya awakened his angel powers. now let´s see what captain Ikari´s batters can do :D
episode 62/63 are out
man, you´d think that some of them are about to kill themselves. super heavy stuff.
I wonder how they´ll go about the next arc. Captain election, okay, but then? Hope they skip a lot of time, so we can re-enter watching at a state where the leftovers have already turned into the monsters they need to be.
episode 70 is out
hm, it is somewhat interesting whats currently going on with sawamura, but i have two complaints:
1.) This happened in the past several times: Im fearing that at some point theyll randomly shrug off this gloomy, desperate mood with some goofy comedy. Which sucks, cause they always spend so much time on a serious build-up, then be like "oh whatevs". So my hope is that Sawamura comes to a realization and thus improvement on his own and without mood-changing. Seeing him all gloomy reminds me of Yuki-senpai, the previous captain, and it´d be somewhat nice if sawamura became more like him, especially since the team is missing a level-headed, ambitious leader right now (sorry, glasses-kun, youre no yuki-replacement).
2.) The biggest problem: Baseball is about throwing balls and trying to hit balls. Unless Seido suddenly becomes a team of perfect scores, their pitchers balls ARE DESTINED to be hit occasionally. The current sawamura gives off the impression that he´d falter with any given hit AGAIN, so he really needs a new approach to when this happens. And it will happen, cause even the best pitcher gives away some throws, see Inashiro.
second season starting with 3 weeks of flashbacks. wtf
I guess they didn't see another season beig greenlite, so they needed those recaps to deliver further episodes on time...
Well, just caught up.
I used the read the manga when it first came out but didn't keep on reading, so watched this instead which went beyond where I left off.
In general, as a baseball series is solid. But same problems with most spots anime, in particular baseball, it's so damn slow... this series being among the slowest, at times at a ridiculous level.
Secondly, it's too narrow focused on the baseball games. There's no life outside of it, no character interactions, etc. This guy could learn a thing or two from Adachi.
Oh well, hope to see this continue after these last 3 episodes of recaps, what the fuck is this, Naruto?
Episode 4 of season 2 is out... AKA, the real first episode of season 2, new OP and everything.
Anyways, really enjoyed this one. Is it just me, or is the atmosphere/music throughout the episode a bit different than usual?
Regardless, looking forward to seeing Sawamura bouncing back soon.
I hate how this show ALWAYS self-destructs any serious feelings/atmosphere. One moment, Sawamura is super depressed, then one dialogue later he´s super motivated. It makes all those events less interesting, because ... why should I care about a situation that´s likely to change within minutes? It also makes me think how Sawamura thinks of ever being the ace - after all, a single homerun would send him back into full-on depression.
Watch Major.
I've been rooting for the opponent in the latest episodes. In part I kinda like them, and for another I want to see Sawamura pitch.
Anyways, we're up to episode 17 of the second season now.
I HATE that small guy with the drug-influence, half-closed eyes. Such an annoying mascot character. Seriously, I want him to be shamed by Kuramochi and the others >_<
Anyway, looking forward to next episode, finally Sawamura´s turn.
Also, why is this thread only on page 2, lol? A quality, long-running anime, and nobody cares? Pff!
Slow pace and nothing really out of the shonen anime tropes, if only some slow paced character evolution.
new episode is out
man, this anime really needs more variety when it comes to cliffhangers at the episode´s end. always ending with a ball in air. yawn.
Can you include the episode number instead of the generic "new episode is out"? It helps for discussion reference.
Anyways, just got home from work, will watch soon.
Well, just watched episode 18... what a terrible and boring episode. After marathoning the Haikyuu!! series during the weekend, this in turn was tedious.
And further more, the 2nd half of the episode had one of the most ridiculous sequences I've ever seen in a baseball anime... 6 minutes to throw one freaking pitch, to say nothing of how once the catcher signals and takes position it takes about 4 minutes for Sawamura to throw the pitch. I mean, that just borders the absurd.
Ume-chan is pretty much Freezer at this point, and Sawamura is channelling his inner super saiyan :> So 20 more episodes
ep 22 is out
ffs, can Sawamura PLEASE just for once not enter his goofy-mode, where he plays like shit?
I don´t want him to give away any points to this opponent team. He needs to show off his skills/strength, and that won´t be the case if he lets them have some points, before getting a grip and shutting them down. He needs to be good from the beginning, not after making several mistakes, sigh
I was also hoping he would be awesome and do at least as well as in training.My basis for hope was the fact is natural style was the palm grip he was so used to before he got to Seido.
Sadly, they had to sabotage that in the first ining...
I can understand that second coach stance, somehow. Right now he either is unneeded as there's already a coach, or he needs to take the place by force. It's quite similar to the ace position in the team.
Back to Sawamura: I wanted to precise that it's a shame they had to sabotage so soon in the first inning. Of course it happens in a match that pressure catches you back even when you're at the top of your game, but I was really hoping that would happen in the second or third after he shows how great he can be.