Episode 3. Funny.
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Episode 3. Funny.
I laughed aloud when I noticed fat Aoki's rear end exposed during his window prophecy.
Now this is the Ippo we know and love, so many funny moments :)
Latest episode was v. funny. The part when Aoki told Kimura to call him ''Sir'' when he becomes champion cracked me up and the champions first encounter with Aoki in the changing room was just hilarious.
What was with all the gratuitous face sweat in this episode?
LOL, that new move of Aoki´s is the most hilarious thing I´ve seen in anime in years :D omg, it´s so absurd, but so awesome, too.
Yeah, thought the same too.
They are veterans, they are trained to be able to resist to feints and the likes, so it's a little strange he would fall for the same trick twice.
Worse, he even wasn't able to stop himself.
I guess the second time, a veteran boxer would fix his eyes on the waist/feet/gloves or his oponent. Anything but the face/eyes, so that he can follow him and counter/guard if necessary.
Oh man, funniest episode ever.
The second time he looked away, I just completely lost it.
Attachment 1589
If I was ever going to switch to a new avatar, I think that'd be it.
...I'm not though.
Oh my god I was in bits laughing throughout this episode, Aoki's way of fighting is highly amusing. And when his special move with the risk turned out to be 'that', well, I just couldn't cope, too funny.
Funniest episode in any anime in a while
In agreement with most of the people here, I have little to add. It was indeed funny as hell. Plus the fact that Takamura and the rest fell for it twice makes it even funnier.
But I srsly doubt Aoki'd able to defend the title this way for an extended period of time. If he's won that is.
lol, I actually liked how much they portrayed Sawamura Ryuhei as a villain ... up until the street fight. Lol. Then it become just too comical, with him licking off his victim´s blood from his hand. Just lol.
With this notion of moving up in the Weight ranks after you've been champion, I get the distinct impression that the final fight of this series might be Makunochi vs. Takamura. :p
Takamura is already classes higher than Ippo. Ippo is small fry to him.
Regarding the new title challenger, he feels pretty similar in the way his character is built, to the guy Takamura had to take the world title from. Feels like they took the script and only edited it to match Ippo's scenario...
I was mainly refering to the weight category
HS - Episode 06, 07
*Takamura looked away and got punched in the face*
^ now that's what should be happening! I'd be so pissed if that worked. His opponent's head hunting was stupid though. Should have just gone for a body shot after missing a handful.
With the talk about weight class transgression, I hope we'll get to see a fight against death-saw again. His fights were always pretty gruelling.
I assume he's going to bulk on his way up, or does that not really happen in boxing?