karin is uzumaki. Nice. Naruto should get together with her then. Karin is hot!!! Don't need to care about Sakura. She acts like a bitch, so she's a bitch. As for Hinata, well..maybe Naruto can have 2 girlfriends and choose one of them for a wife.
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karin is uzumaki. Nice. Naruto should get together with her then. Karin is hot!!! Don't need to care about Sakura. She acts like a bitch, so she's a bitch. As for Hinata, well..maybe Naruto can have 2 girlfriends and choose one of them for a wife.
sweeeeeettttttttttt... nothing like meeting a white snake who's smoking a joint. What's next? a slug who's doing heroin. To think of it..... yes, i would like to see that
I pointed out last chapter that it was ridiculous for Kabuto to stand against the Uchiha brothers, but with this reveal it does make sense. Sage Mode + Snake Buddies + the fact that they can't shoot to kill makes it very difficult for them to defeat him, despite the fact that he has no chance of taking both of them out. Itachi should be pretty good at beating people without killing them, though, considering how long he had to fake being the bad guy.
I don't get why the snakes prevent Genjutsu from working, what's the deal with that?
Their spider-sense tingles when a genjutsu is coming so they can evade like they evaded Susanoo`s arrow.
That's what I was thinking. It shouldn't be difficult for someone of Itachi's level to, especially considering he is a strong genjutsu user with eyes made for this stuff, to put everyone and everything in a genjutsu. Plus Sasuke is there as well who despite seemingly showing greater affinity for ninjutsu would still provide some sort of genjutsu backup.
Even if Itachi can only catch Kabutoro in genjutsu for only a second, can't he make a second last over 3 days with the mangekyou?
Exactly. By the time the snakes actually snap Kabuto out of Tsukuyomi he would have been battered for days. This point is what is supposed to set Tsukuyomi apart from all other types of genjutsu.
I thought that the snakes protected him from genjutsu because they saw infra-red for him, and he didn't need to use his eyesight anymore.
I am also guessing that the snakes provide some sort of extra-sensory abilities that allow him to move around without using only his senses and brain.
His eyes are still open
Kabuto isn't looking into their eyes to get Tsukiyomi'd, and Sasuke even says in the chapter that the snakes are using senses other than sight. I'm assuming the snakes can't get mindcontrolled themselves. And a garden variety genjutsu isn't going to work on a guy who's been smoking Orochimaru's snake scales.
wasnt genjutsu about changing the chackra flow from an enemy to dull their senses?
if so then the snakes should be able to restore kabuto's chackra flow as they must be connected in some way so he can control them
also inb4 sakura learns some kind of sage mode from the big slug summon
When Itachi put Naruto in the Tsukiyomi, he said eye contact was not necessary. Itachi put him in it with just a movement of his finger. I don't see why it matters now if Kabuto makes eye contact or not.
Unless it wasn't Tsukiyomi and was just an ordinary genjutsu that he trapped Naruto in...
For every snake Kabuto has Itachi could create genjutsu primed crows that could deal with everything on the field
Itachi used a regular genjutsu on Naruto. That is why Sakura and Sand-Granny was able to snap Naruto out of it. Also since it wasn't the real Itachi but a controlled body Kakashi noted that something was wrong. He even looked Kakashi directly in the eyes. That suggested that Itachi wasn't even able to use his ocular powers with the controlled body.