See Assertn's picture above. It took 10 years to find brown Waldo.
I think he's alive and well. He got tired of being "in hiding" so he and his CIA handlers cooked up this scheme to produce a corpse for the masses.
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Incredible what Americans can do when Playstation Network is down.
I seriously doubt the American military was spending the last 10 years actively looking for Osama. It's probably something more along the line of they keep tab on where he is and finally got a good chance at capturing him alive. I think this was more an attempt to capture him that just ended up failing.
Also, it's not really important whether he's actually dead or alive. The symbolism of the US capturing or killing him was what is important to the American people. He had created enough fake double that even if the real Osama was actually alive and surface after this, he can be disregard as a fake.
I'm all for that. Fuck you!
40 Navy SEALs infiltrated the place, and they couldn't take him alive? Did he have a steak knife to hold them at bay?
They shot him in the face. They couldn't just wing him? These are expert marksmen we're talking about here.
Do you know all the details regarding how it went down? i don`t but if he for example, picked up a machine gun and fired at everyone`s ass or in exchange he had a lot of people on his side, getting him alive might not be as easy as you`re making it out to be.
He was at a mansion in Attotabad in Pakistan. I've read they were sitting down to dinner, though that might be from some sitcom my mind is muddled right now. Not sure how many AKs they had laying around near the dinner table.
edit: Shit, someone gave me neg rep for hinting that Osama is still alive and that this was a CIA cover-plot. I might be on to something. If I suddenly stop posting forever, remember me well.
Why would the US government want to take him alive in the first place?
He's a potential hazard everywhere he goes. There are cases of home-grown terrorists in the US and Canada. There exists possibilities of people rescuing him if they brought him to trial in the US, despite how slim they might be and his capture/detainment would only anger the Islamic extremists.
Assassinating him was the best course of action, along with the DNA-testings and the proper Muslim burial to avoid any shrine establishments and more insult to Islamic beliefs.
Considering there were no American casualties, I'd say they rather played it very safe than risked anything to capture him alive. Like enkoujin said, a long trial would have only put a tightening noose around the necks of some radicals who would have wanted to try to rescue him. But with Osama dead, the terrorists can talk shit about revenge all they want, like they always do, but aren't actually pressured to do anything since there's no deadline (that is, no impending execution).
Actually I have to agree with Animeniax, there are many practical reasons to keep him alive, mostly for gathering intel from torturing him. I suppose the only reason (aside making this a clean mission) to kill him now is so that we could SAY that he's dead, and there'd be no possible way for the info to leak that we're holding him because that'd look pretty bad.
"Justice has been done" Oh man, how low have you fallen old blind lady justice.
Even some 3rd rate country like Iraq made a trial for Saddam (the outcome was clear but they tried to at least look civilized) and the worlds proudest "democracy" just shoot they guy in the face. And later dispose off the body in the middle of the sea. Not even allowing his family (close friends of Bush and some other VIPS) to see him? mourn him?
How they handled all this doesnt seem right to me and things smell fishy.
All that said I'm glad that we have one less easy trigger maniac left in the world.
We aren't living in a movie, Edort. It's not so easy to capture alive an armed man with the will to die fighting. Especially when he's surrounded by similarly minded fanatics. No blasters to set to stun in this world - at least not yet. As opposed to that Saddam was hiding in some potato cellar and the only danger in getting him out alive was the bad smell.
If the man wanted a proper burial and grave, he should have thought about it before becoming the most wanted terrorist. Can't presume to have both, really.
I have to take a step back and agree with enkoujin, keeping him alive would be tricky, and his people would act to free him, and he'd become an international focal point for the handling of terrorists. So if he is alive, it's better to make people think he's dead. Then we can torture him for intel at our own pace.
I hadn't thought of that angle. I thought more along the lines that the US was still handling Bin Laden, as he was a CIA agent, so they faked his death so he could get out of the limelight.
For either reason, burial at sea is a great way to hide evidence.
Perhaps its both, they killed some fake and captured the real one. Make everyone believe he's dead so they can extract intel out of him at their own pace, and then dispose of him without any legal repercussions.
Well conspiracy theorists believe he's on the US payroll so the coverup is to make people think he's dead so he can get back to living.
He'd been living there for several months according to reports. He'd have let his guard down and stopped bringing AKs to the table.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchessmaster
Oh, so killing their leader and giving them another Martyr for Faith(tm) was a good idea?
there were no good options there - it was only evil, and lesser evil - we'll see in future if this choice was better.