I like the anime version. Makes me feel sadder.
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I like the anime version. Makes me feel sadder.
Since then, I've downloaded like... 5 versions of that long, lol.
UTW - Episode 05
I knew they are going to pull this redemption crap. It's too little too late for me. You can't act all nice and tsundere AFTER being exposed.
I'm starting to like twin tails. She looks really cute when troubled. I hope this story ends with Jinta and her getting together.
Did they explain how Menma died before? Everyone seems to want to take responsibility for her death. I wonder how it actually happened. I found Jinta's jealousy over Yukiatsu's obsession with Menma really stupid. Are they competing on who can be the biggest loser due to unwarranted self blame?
I'm almost positive Menma fell and drowned in the river. This was pretty clear from when Naruko slipped while they were chasing after Yukiatsu last episode and Jinta nearly had a panic attack. They also occasionally flashback to a shot of her sandal caught on a rock by the water's edge.
In addition, I wouldn't be so quick to say they are "redeeming" Yukiatsu. As Tsuruko said, he's rotten to the core, if you drain out all the pus, there might not be anything left. He's been kind of a dick since they were kids. This isn't going to change right away. There really aren't that many innocents in this series:
- Naruko is a liar (to herself and to others) and is very easily influenced by others. She's afraid to show her own personality. She may be doing it to fit in with whoever is around her. It's hard to tell what she is really like.
- Yukiatsu is just a dick. I also suspect that he be less interested in what he wants, and more interested in what Jinta has. He went after Menma despite suspecting that she liked Jinta more, and now he's hitting on Naruko because he knows she still likes Jinta. He is extremely resentful of the fact that Jinta was their leader, and has often brought up that Jinta, "isn't their leader anymore."
- Tsuruko might be the worst of all. She knows a great deal more than she's letting on. She's extremely secretive, and seems to enjoy throwing out barbs whenever she can.
- Jinta is, and always has been, a coward. He has always been afraid of admitting the truth.
Poppo and Menma might really be the only two "innocents" in the series. Both are good-hearted and do their best to make others happy. They both lack a little in the sensitivity department, but they're earnest enough.
Naruko is definitely my favorite though. I've liked her since she first appeared, and it's only been getting better.
The crying and saving scenes are attempts at redeeming Yukiatsu. The first is to gain sympathy, and the second to give an illusion of righteousness. Just imagine how despicable he would be by now if you omit those.
RandomC did try to classify the characters like this last week.
Anaru is Envy (envious of Menma), Jinta is Wrath (hates everyone), Poppo is Sloth (the weakest sin, is too carefree), Yukiatsu is Lust/Gluttony/Greed (a triple whammy, self-explanatory), and Tsuruko is Pride (not much is known about her, but she certainly sees herself as above everyone in terms of the Menma issue, hence pride)
That's not very accurate.
Yukiatsu is more like envy. Jinta is not angry at anyone but himself maybe. Poppo is sloth? A guy who travels the world while getting the funds from working part time. Really? Anaru is envious, but so is half the cast in the show.
Do you really think Tsuruko sees herself as above everyone else? I personally don't think so. Those who act with most pride are actually the ones who have the least of it.
That is a very forced comparison. I think the characters are more complex than what that analogy allows.
I haven't really been to RandomC since Divine took over aside from the seasonal previews, but the comparison can be made...if they changed a few.
I can see Tsuruko as Pride. She may not see herself above everyone else, but she certainly sees everyone else beneath her. She seems to really dislike Naruko, even if she does like Yukiatsu, she seemed the happiest when she was hinting to others at his activity.
Jinta is more Sloth than Wrath, but he has aspects of both. Yukiatsu is definitely Envy/Greed. Poppo might be Gluttony/Greed, he wants to see Menma really badly and enjoy time with friends again, and sometimes he does it so eagerly that it hurts others. I suppose that would leave Naruko with Lust, and it fits in a way, because longing for love and a sense of belonging causes her to take on whatever hobbies and personality traits of the people near her. I'm not sure if that's her personality (I know lots of people, male and female, who are like that), or if she's just can't stand being alone and becomes nostalgic for the time she spent with the Super Peace Busters, finding the next group that comes along.
I can work, but as shinta said, it's a bit too simplistic for what the series has shown us.
And what if Yukiatsu was in fact after Jinta from the beggining?
Menma's death might be due to falling hard, rather than drowning, the water doesn't seem to be high at all, at least where the shoe shot was.
Regarding the positive feeling we get from Poppo, I think it is suspect. Also his life seclueded from society, traveling around the world, seems like he's trying to escape from himself. He also has his dark side, it just didn't clearly show yet.
Talk about it. I don't know what worse here, crossdressing or drawing the crossdresser. I like Anaru, but I don't like the twintails. Even if she's acting cute and all, that hairstyle just holds it back a bit.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
In terms of being a dick, it's always been a tie between Tsuruko and Yukiatsu for me. Sure, Yukiatsu's a TOTAL dick towards Jinta, but Tsuruko's a general asshole prick with her words at everyone else. At least with Yukiatsu you can see that he's got some issue behind it and all. Tsuruko just acts like it's natural for her.
Chibi-Anaru's (probably) the best.
Originally Posted by david
Well, he's still a teenager and crossdresses for other reasons than carnival or pure fun.
The moment he cries with his tears falling on Jinta was full of Yoi vibes, wasn't it?
If I just try to follow that idea, then him asking Menma was a reaction of jealousy or trying to be like any other boy loving girls or whatever. Same thing happening with Naruko years after.
I know it is quite a weak idea ;)
I think you've got a point, it might very well be natural for her. During the flashback to the event that Jinta, Yukiatsu and Naruko all blame themselves for causing Menma's death, Naruko asks Jinta because she wants to know, he tries to avoid it, and then Yukiatsu presses Jinta because he also has incentive to know. Poppo goads him as well because he's the youngest and is piling on.
Then, still rather coldly, Tsuruko tells them to, "stop it already," in a tone that implies she already knows. I wouldn't say it was in a peacemaking tone because of the expression on her face. It's exasperation.
At first I had thought she too might have some reason for becoming different from how she used to be, but perhaps she's always been like this.
I was a bit surprised that none of the three came to the conclusion that maybe they shouldn't go to Menma's house because it will only cause her family more pain. I thought that was exactly what Jinta was thinking when he started to get hesitant and brought up the fact that none of them had ever been to her house before.
Frankly, I was shocked that Jinta only realized it when Menma got upset. Even if he was right about her laughing everything off and never thinking about herself, she was right too.
Even if the thing that Tsuruko remembered (Menma called them out there that day to ask advice about something) is revealed by the diary they got from her house and it gets them to the next step of fulfilling her wish...Menma was right. The three of them should not have gone there, particularly because they had never been there before. I imagine it hurt her mother a great deal that they only come to pay their respects now. Jinta saw it on Menma's mother's face for sure.
Also, Naruko is so hot. That is all.
Indeed. Naruko is hot. Enough said.
My one of my favourite aspects of this series is how much it highlights how 2-faced people are. Not hypocritically (though that may well be the case sometimes), but just how different people's inner thoughts can be compared to their outward appearance. . You have Anjou's flusterring type and the scheming ones, but everything else in between is shown as well.
In any case, Anjou aside, I want to see what warrants the Menma Stare. It must be something significant.
I loveAnalAnaru.
I'm confused about the ending. Did I just hear the mother call Menma "onee-chan"? I know the word for daughter is musume, but is there another one?
Not sure if I heard that, but it is perfectly valid. Within a family, the members can call each other by their roles, like when a father calls the mother Okaa-chan, or when a parent refers to an older brother as onii-san. Menma is an older sister so it is correct.
The mother is more torn up about this than I thought. I assumed it was only grief from the loss, but it seems she has resentment towards those who were with Menma at that time as well.