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Well, thank you very much for taking my silly sarcastic racism seriously. In return I will actually be serious and quit giving you a hard time. I agree with you 100%. It's a major turn off when a girl turns into a 15-year-old boy after you touch her. It would be hard to believe that anyone would fall for such a technique, even if they were perverts. However, in Naruto's defence, the technique isn't usually used like that. It has usually been used as a distraction technique to defeat an opponent, not so much a seduction technique. There is a pretty good reason to think it would work. Imagine you are in a ring preparing to fight someone. Suddenly, you are surrounded by 12 naked bodies of oiled-up teenage squish begging to hold your member. Are you at least semi-confused, horny, and distracted? I believe many people would be. Now take Jiraiya's case where such a fantasy is so desirable he may overlook the fact that it's just an illusion made by a little boy. The point is that most real ninjas would never think of doing something so outrageous to distract their opponents, but apparently Naruto would. </serious>The only reason Bee didn't fall for it is because he is a rapper who probably gets hoes left and right. He gets 12 cloud girls any time he wants, so he's not really impressed by the technique, in fact, it's probably a downgrade for him--you saw the jugs on that one blonde student of his.