I really enjoyed that episode, surprisingly.
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I really enjoyed that episode, surprisingly.
I was glad things turned out the way they did near the end of the episode (with the students turning on Hattori), because the whole "You are the Demon King" ignorance she was spouting was getting annoying. It was comforting to see her experience the effect that ignorance has, even if it was only for a second. I hope that the series can now move past this and focus on more interesting events, like the practitioners or Black Magic. I don't expect the school to accept Sai, but I hope that Hattori will abandon her ignorance at least, and contribute more to his harem.
Sai really does exhibit the aura of a Demon King when he gets pissed off as much as he did. Emotionlessly torturing the students that jumped him... and then (as far as I could tell) planning on killing their leader. And it seemed he was gaining pinpoint control over mana. He could be a terribly fearsome entity to engage with if he's pushed over the limit much more than that. I wonder if he could have taken the entire mob.
Finally... implied masturbation... more striped and teddy-bear pantsu... and culminating in super rape... This episode was definitely a great one.
The randomness made a strong comeback in this week's episode
Echoing Alhuin I also loved that Hattori got pitched face first onto the other side of other peoples unreasonable assumptions felt like. The shadow of badass that overtook Sai was a welcome surprise but I don't quite understand if that was his real personality which he consciously holds back or if something 'took him over' in response to the threat and he was running off of that demon spawn power he just HAS to have hidden away and didn't consciously know what he was doing.
I really liked this episode. The whole show is turning out to be splendid far beyond my expectations (that might not have been too high, though). The gallery of weird characters continues to amuse me, especially the android despite the simplicity of what she's doing. Even the good for nothing aniki worshipping dude is very appropriate and never lets Sai forget he's destined to be the commander of fell legions.
Sai's personality change did come somewhat out nowhere for sure. Since it was stated the predictions are 100% correct, there has to be something about Sai in addition to the immense powers that would justify the prediction. It seems he does have an underlying personality that when not kept in check is quite ruthless. The scene was a pleasure to watch, of course, because it did solidify his position. Now all that remains is the persecution by the society to actually drive him to become the villain they fear he will come.
Though this show is probably too comedic to actually dwell too deeply in such matters. And I don't mind. It's just as interesting to see Hattori taste her own medicine and be forced to abandon her idealism.
I second the idea of whether or not Sai's true personality is the one we see on a day to day basis, or if it's what is displayed when he is torturing those students. We don't know much of Sai's past, so it could be entirely possible that his aloofness and enduring attitude is just a front, while he tries to stem his violent and emotionless personality.
He himself said that he was surprised to see that aspect of his personality. This can happen to anyone when they are placed in an unfamiliar situation. He was faced with certain conditions, and he was surprised at his reaction, much like a person who suddenly saves or abandons someone in danger contrary to their own self expectations. I don't think he is hiding anything, at least consciously.
His actions during that scene don't make him evil. It makes him practical. Unfortunately, most characters interpret practical as "wrong" in these shows.
Practicality and wrongness are not mutually exclusive. Just ask any German labor camp survivor. The fact that torture is practical in some situations doesn't change the notion that the act of willfully engaging in torture is 'wrong' in and of itself regardless of the circumstances. I think everything Dark Sai did was with a ruthless practicality towards safeguarding his life in the long term but he lost any claim to righteousness when he started torturing people he had already incapacitated as form of extra intimidation against future attacks.
As badass as it was I think Hattori was justified in her initial anger at Sai upon seeing him inflicting harm on a bound and defenseless student. Regardless of what the guy had been doing before she got there once he was tied up he wasn't a threat to anyone and Sai tearing up his leg was simply torture for Sai's own benefit. Of course she then jumped to overly dramatic conclusions which may have served to dampen the impact of what Sai had just done by quickly putting him back into the role of hapless victim.
I suspect we'll see more of the dark side of his personality as the show progresses and with luck he'll develop into a full blown antihero badass and maybe even show enough balls to either (figuratively) bang or (literally) bitch slap one of his haremettes.
I only meant that practicality and evil are not mutually inclusive. I understand your point. You are just a better person than I am.
While his actions clearly went beyond righteous defending of his own and the worshipping dude's health, there's one detail to remember when judging the righteousness of his deed: He already had an obligation to punish wrongdoers as a disciplinary team member. So, rather than saying what he did was right or wrong, it's more relevant to ponder if it was too severe a punishment. The easy answer naturally is yes, but since it is a magic school, who knows. Some magic nurse probably can heal broken bones in five minutes.
Everything has been said I guess.
When placed in a potentially lifre threatning situation, I guess any social or character limit might break and a more instinctive nature will surface.
You could bet the guy was never placed in a situation like this before, so it's natural he is surprised by his reaction.
And since he's so powerful, the result is indeed violent and off limits.
Off course, Kraco pointed in the right direction: they will probably heal easily since we are in 3025 and in a both technically and magic advanced world.
Still, suffering/fear/psychological strain will remain, unless they can also do something about it.
My surprise is more in the fact he got control pretty quickly on his powers, he had a huge burst of energy last ep, and now he can full control it for attack and even defense with a neatly formed shield.
But he his to be the next Daimaou, so I guess it's only natural
It would be cool if their world didn't have the sort of morality about inflicting physical harm on people as a deterrent to misbehavior that ours tends to. Maybe in their world torture is okay from a 'rules' stand point as long as you have the proper authority from some official body. If that's the case then Hattori, with her more idealized code of ethics, will probably be opposed to the establishment on principle at some point which may be a catalyst for more strife between her and Sai. If that happens I look forward to seeing Dark Sai wipe the floor with her.
Should have known he'd blow something up again without wanting to. And this time it had a freaking mushroom cloud!
I keep liking all the characters because well..all of them are just a little odd.
Ryuumaru - Ep 05 Censored
Lmao, what the fuck was that? It was like they ran out of time and blew half the budget in 2 minutes of badassery
This show is a cliché and badly executed harem anime without any particularly redeeming qualities and yet i keep loving it more each time i watch it, no idea why
I agree that it's cliche, but it's probably not as badly executed as you think. There's a lot of typical harem stuff that it does right. For once, the main char is badass from the beginning and it doesn't really takes itself that seriously. I don't particularly hate any character yet either, not even the annoying sidekick since he doesn't get too much screen time. Overall, it's pretty mindless and enjoyable.
I'm not sure if it's trying to capitalize on its "Kampfer" factor yet, i'll reserve that judgment for after a few more episodes
PS: I was bored
This is a very strange mix of scenes that look very serious but then suddenly end with a badass looking dragon called Peterhausen. I also like the fanservice. It seems somehow natural and not at all forced, despite occasional ikkitousen esque scenes. Hattori being all happy that Sai "chose" her was also a good sign.
I do understand perfectly what Archie meant.