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Man, all I really want, is a color kindle that opens like a laptop with two screens; one of the screens would be for pdf reading, and the other for note taking much like you would with a tablet pc. Asides from that, a laptop can do what an iphone can't. This new itampon is just dumb.
You mean this?Quote:
Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
I would actually buy a Courier if it was under $1k. Looks amazing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
I really like the idea of the iPad, and could easily see it being an awesome comic book or manga reader, but the lack of multitasking and any kind of removable media kills it for me.
I would love for it to replace my main PC or even my laptop as a manga reader. However, with the only connector being their damn proprietary 30-pin connector, and not something useful like USB or an SD slot, I wonder if there is any way to actually get content on it aside from Apple's gateways. Sure it can use the web, so I could maybe get away with online reading, but what about all the files I already have? As for the multitasking, I may want something else running in the background while I read. Email, IRC, music, etc. I don't see why Apple is so resistant towards that idea.
Apple is also always overly optimistic about their battery life. You'll be plugging this thing in more often than not.
I like the form factor, the idea, and the potential of functionality, but the iPad isn't the device that I want. Nor are any of HPs new tablets. It's getting there, but this isn't it.
...and if the next version of it has a camera in it? Another deal breaker. Every device does not need a goddamn camera in it.
Music and email already work in background for embeded apps.
Regarding music, it goes off with apps using sound for obvious reasons.
MS's prototype seems nice too.
I can imagine someone holding this thing up to the side of his head like an iphone.
Huh...yes. That's actually PERFECT.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
Uber purrfect :DQuote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
Now that's some piece of socio-cultural equipment.
sounds like a trigger-happy tv skit
Smartphones, putters, they're all garbage:
if you do not get a headache from the strong accent and you love technology/ideas, you should just be thrilled at what we could do with that idea.
Good god, that is some crazy as shit.....throughout the whole thing i kept thinknig, this has to be a joke. The ease with which this guy jumps from one crazy use to another is insane.....its like seeing 12 different new technologies at work, but its all one machine doing it. Pretty intense stuff.
And at a quite low cost with nowadays devices and his own ideas he gives to the open community!Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
Of course, today you need a comp that is a tad bulky, the projector lacks some power.
But in 5 or 10 years, the computationnal needs of today will be integrated in a very small form factor. And I can imagine very efficient laser projectors that project only the parts of the image needed.
Should that specific demo gather more interrest, maybe we'll create a specific thread.
This is coming out tomorrow in the US, anyone planning on purchasing one?
The consensus so far seems to be mostly thumbs up, with some down. There has been lots of praise from many different outlets, but of course, there has been not so nice ones too. Just last night, I watched Letterman and Colbert both trying it out on their shows. "Newsweek, loved the iPad so much it made it the first non-Obama cover in 15 months." - Stephen Colbert.
Price points:
$499: 16 GB, Wi-Fi only
$599: 32 GB, Wi-Fi only
$629: 16 GB, Wi-Fi and 3G
$699: 64 GB, Wi-Fi only
$729: 32 GB, Wi-Fi and 3G
$829: 64 GB, Wi-Fi and 3G
I've been contemplating whether to wait or not, but I think I'm gonna cave and buy one early.
Pretty much a reiteration of what I said above, but now with the specs and capabilities all confirmed:
I would love to use it to read manga and American comics, but you can't load your own apps on it unless you go through iTunes, and there is no expandable storage (like an SD card).
Those lack of both of those two are a deal breaker for me.
This. This is the reason to get an ipad.
lol...lets use the latest technology to simulate retro arcade games. the ironing is delicious.