Hahaha, this episode was pretty humorous, from start to end, but all I can say is, Kanako sure looks better without that mamba make-up.
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Hahaha, this episode was pretty humorous, from start to end, but all I can say is, Kanako sure looks better without that mamba make-up.
So Junpei's acquired immunity to cats now? Inconsistency or not, it's for the better. I wouldn't be able to stand him sneezing every time he sees a cat, and the story will just drag if they keep emphasizing the distance he has to maintain from them.
Kanako's alright, but I still prefer Kaede. Can't wait till they introduce the twins.
I'm not altogether sure out of my memory alone, but I don't think Junpei was right next to cats indoors in this episode. It was always outdoors and they weren't exactly clinging to him either. That would explain the lack of sneezing.
Not a very surprising episode but the ganguro girl was spooky enough that it worked.
Indeed, it's not that he's not allergic anymore but he just constantly kept a safe distance from them and never mentioned it out loud, possibly so they don't overdo that joke
Ah, Kanako is so much better than the other girls, even if she had such a small part this episode.
It looks like while the other girls will be present throughout the series, the main rivalry will be between Kaede and Kanako. Junpei likes Kaede, Kaede thinks he likes Kanako (but secretly likes him) and Kanako obviously is very possessive of Junpei. Still deeply praying for a Kanako win, but it looks like her drive for it is just going to become recurring comedy relief.
He's turning into quite the player anyway.
Heh, Junpei helped a lot of cats this episode, and it looks like he has a rival for Kaede! Quite an enjoyable episode when Junpei kept running into "bad lucks" while helping Chizuru.
Cute Mizuno > Tsundere Kanako for me.
I totally didn't recognise the monk coming out of the club. Made it all the funnier.
The whole thing about the mailwoman being a mailwoman despite her nonexistent sense of direction seems to foreshadow that Junpei will end up doing something about cats voluntarily, despite his cat allergy.
I'm going to ask it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Is Kanako really a tsundere, or is she just another victim of being labeled with the second most abused* term in anime?
I contest that Kanako isn't a tsundere. She wasn't one before she became a manba, and there really isn't any development from her one side to the other since she was never really cold to him before. She isn't melting into a dere dere type, she was covering it up more with what had always been a tomboy personality. She's still a tomboy, still the same, and there hasn't been any real evolution from one to the other as we see with characters like Rin from FSN or the very subtle changes in Senjogahara in Bakemonogatari.
It seems like she is being called a tsundere simply because she went from manba to pretty. She had gotten embarrassed around him before she and Junpei smoothed thing back over, given the right circumstances. That's not tsundere, that's normal.
I've been thinking "tsundere" is overused lately, and that's not just because of the rapidly increased popularity of the character type starting a few years back. It seems like every series has a character that somehow is suddenly described as "tsundere."
Someone else wrote a more in-depth description of the overuse, and probably described it a lot better than I.
In the end, Kanako has never struck me as a tsundere character.
*the first being moe
Yeah. I never thought she's a tsundere. I just thought she's a character type called freak when she appeared in that ganguro painting. After that she's just a rough girl.
It annoys me as well how every character showing a bit of violent nature is called a tsundere.
Good points guys. I actually don't know why I said that now that I re-read that post.
That word was probably the first term that came to mind as I posted on the fly. Anyway, I'll leave it in so everything makes sense.
I love this anime
Lol at the preview, we're already getting yuri at episode 4? /me highfives the director
I just wished Kanako had more screen time, even though i know Jumpei is clearly going for the harem ending
Hmm, I really don't see the yuri in episode 3.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Isn't Kanako way hotter in the manga?
:eek: :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
AIC..what have you done....
Even though the whole boy/girl thing was pointless since she was in the opening i still got some lulz out of the confusion
Again, the manga made her look more masculine and without a voice actor or opening to guide me along i bet i would have fallen for it too
I guess it's not so easy always to find a voice actress that can sound both an adult male and female. This one didn't really sound like a man from the beginning and it took me a while to realise Junpei believed she's a man. That kept confusing me for a while.
A good episode all in all. The last classroom scene was pretty funny with Ichinose declaring she has already heard the lesson.
I've seen her play enough masculine roles that it wasn't a problem catching that Junpei and Kanako both though Nagi was a man. It was kind of obvious from the end of last episode and the preview that Nagi was really a girl, so I didn't really have much of a disconnect.
I still loved the episode. The Ikkitousen sequence between Kanako and Nagi when she felt Kanako up was really good, and it really helps that she has a resemblance to Hakufu (light colored long hair, large breasts, sweater uniform).
The part I really enjoyed was the foreshadowing of Nagi's weakness. She had one of those declaration lightning flashes at the 6:40 mark, and right in the middle of it, she crouched down in fear temporarily. Junpei and Kanako didn't seem to notice it, and they even flashed back to it later on in the episode. She's afraid of imaginary thunder too! Understandable if her grandfather was struck by lightning inside the house and at least three other times outside.
Did I see it wrong or can Mizuno perform a 2 meter high jump from a standing position?! She took just two steps and flew cleanly over the pole. Of course, she jumped like 3.5 meters at the very start of the episode (the world record is 2.09 meters for women).
Next episode: Pony Tails!? Twins!?
This is going to be a long week....