Perhaps you can convince SFW to pick this up. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
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Perhaps you can convince SFW to pick this up. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Believe me, I tried. The guys would rather compete with gg on Kampfer...
From ANNQuote:
In a separate development, the first episode of the To Aru Kagaku no Railgun anime series included a shower scene that ran this past week in several different versions throughout Japan. Several stations showed the scene with added "steam" to conceal the characters' bodies during the shower scene — with some stations showing more steam, and others using less steam or none at all. The anime adapts Motoi Fuyukawa's To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (A Certain Scientific Railgun) manga, which is itself a spinoff from Kazuma Kamachi's To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index) light novels. Other television anime series in the past have been shown with levels of editing that varied with each local station.
Yeah, I saw it on Sankaku where the article contained a collection of pics of the scene from different raws. Some were truly ridiculous showing little but white. Fortunately there still are less hypocritical TV stations supplying the subber groups with material like the studio intended.
Well i kind of understand, there was some massive groping going on in there haha
isn't there supposted to be a HQ version out now.. I want to start watching this too :(
Eclipse isn't picking this up so i would go with Mazui for now if i was youQuote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
A Certain Scientific Railgun?
I vote for A Certain Predatory Siscon!
Kuroko outshone Misaka as a character. Though techinically she "compliments" the protagonist Misaka, you can just as easily say Misaka provides a target for all of Kuroko's fantasies.
Her powers are amazing too. Even if she doesn't reach Level 5 with ultimate precision and range, all she has to do is master some dart-throwing techniques and increase her teleportation speed. Imagine her rapidly teleport around the battlefield letting off projectiles while simultaneously dropping some from above. You'd have your hands full dodging them already, let alone looking out for her sweeping kicks from below.
Her only problem is the lack of lethality in her attacks, which explains why she has to pin them down first.
The hair colour was off, but otherwise it could have been her.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zell
PS: The OP is pretty catchy. I was afraid they'd use another Kawada Mami song. Index's OPs by her weren't good at all.
It is her Bill, in her school uniformQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Perhaps I should have specified then.
"The shade of hair colour was off."
You can almost say that (^) brown looks slightly red.
Lol, don't be picky :p
It's still obviously her with that hairstyle and hairpiece
I don't think that is a problem at all. She is just too disciplined and proud of being on the side of good and order to do otherwise. She even said that she would teleport a needle into the guy if he didn't behave. She can transport herself anywhere, and objects at about the size of an air conditioner 78 meters with pretty good accuracy when she's, "not her best." So, if she's 50 meters away, suddenly her opponent has a large metal box where their torso is supposed to be.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I don't think Misaka is the one everyone should be afraid of, deep down Mikoto is a really good person. Kuroko doesn't kill because as a member of Judgment, just like any constable, she is not supposed to.
But there are limits to her ability such as only being able to teleport 2 people at once, so although teleportation seems like one hell of an ability we have to remember that she is still binded by certain rules.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
That said, if she did manage to become a level 5 i think she would be up there with accelerator in terms of lethal power
Her teleportation accuracy test was at a still target. I'm not sure how much time or concentration it would take her to perform at that level of accuracy, so I didn't count 78 meters as the practical range just yet.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
While Kuroko is much more scheming than Misaka, and probably darker at heart too, she's relatively composed and bound by her status as Judgement, like you mentioned before. Misaka, on the other hand, doesn't have to answer to all those other limitations, and, while she's good at heart, gets pissed much more easily than Kuroko.
She mightn't kill you, but an insult deemed tolerable by Kuroko may earn you a painful and/or shocking experience brought to you by Academy City's third strongest esper.
PS: Also, Misaka's ability is more suited for attacking multiple enemies than Kuroko's is right now.
Didn't we already have this discussion in the Index thread?
If we did, was a conclusion reached? (no sarcasm intended)Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I remember we having discussed about her teleportation powers before at least, about how she added speed to the pins
Then people wondered off about how awesome teleportation powers are and listed a bunch of possibilities, which is why i said that if she's still a level 4 is because there must be some limits to her abilities
From the testing done, I came to the conclusion that your level is how well you can exercise your powers.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
The example we were given had their Levels decided using quantitative measurements:
Reading cards of varying materials and thickness
Max range/mass and accuracy of teleporting objects
Initial velocity of projectile
Everybody has "limits" to their abilities, which stops them being all-powerful. Even Accelerator's limited by his computation ability (which would rarely come into play unless he had to do something obscure).
These "limits" could also be arbitrary rules like what's suggested regarding Kuroko. I actually wonder if the 2-people-max could be changed so easily. (The three things that she seems to be able to improve on are range/mass/accuracy. )
I think computation comes into play more often than one thinks. I think that Kuroko does not merely think of teleporting something somewhere, but also has to consider the mass, complexity (like humans), exact location of origin, and exact location of destination. This makes it extremely difficult to attack moving targets.
For Accelerator, I think he computed practically everything he programmed his power to do, including how much force he wants to add/subtract and what exact direction the vector should go.
I wouldn't go that far. Accelerator can still create his own power, based on grand calculations for which he has the brain it seems... whereas Kuroko still depends on what is around her to act. She needs to touch the object/person to teleport... so if the rival doesn't allowed her to touch she could not teleport him/her.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel