All the subs posted here have clearly visible nipples. I'd say they're uncensored.
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All the subs posted here have clearly visible nipples. I'd say they're uncensored.
The most....retarded thing I've ever seen.
Japan, what are you on? I mean...really, there has to be something toxic in your food....
MSG? :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Is this regarding the latest ep Lucifus? (What's a good short-name for you?) Or the first? The first was ridiculous, the second actually decent, the third halfway in the middle, and the last one I'm currently downloading.
For some reason I can't get myself to like Claudette that much. Perhaps it's because she's so "womanly", as in mature, because I have no trouble with the young version. I think I've opened up to her a bit by the end of the episode though, where she shows the first sign that she won't blindly follow the Count's orders anymore.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
It's probably because I hate Count Vance for what he did, and that negative emotion somehow transfers over to Clau because she's acting as his dog, despite she's who I should be sympathising with.
Risty's expression would be what I'd describe as "cunning". I wonder if it was intended that way.
My fav characters are still Shizuka, 3rd Vance sister and Tomoe though.
I suppose the problem I have with Reina is that she supposedly the main protagonist or mascot character of Queen's Blade, but compared to any of the others, she has absolutely zero distinguishing abilities to her fighting style, which is only mediocre at best.
- Listy isn't that good as a fighter either, but she seems a lot physically stronger in comparison, and is a master thief to make up for it.
- Claudette is obvious.
- Mellona (the goo girl) has acid boobs, high resistance to damage, and an extra set of arms (when they are not squeezing her boobs).
- Elina (the youngest of the Vance sisters) seems to be a very accomplished and skilled fighter in her own right, and although we haven't actually seen her fight all out, she has obviously been allowed to get a lot more experience than Reina.
- Tomoe is a highly skilled samurai, and has her very strong priestess powers to back them up.
- Shizuka is a very strong ninja, and from her and Tomoe's introduction episode, she showed how many skilled warriors she can kill.
- Echidna is a highly regarded, and well paid assassin with a lot of experience. Even though she betrayed Claudette's contract, she shows a lot of skill. She just casually messed around with Reina.
- Menace, who we just saw here, obviously has a great deal of power in her weapons and her own abilities.
Reina on the other hand, seems only useful to fall down a hole every episode, which she did once again here. I find it really hard to believe she could possibly even qualify for the Queen's Blade tournament, much less win it until she actually learns how to fight, stops pining after Listy, and gains some actual ability.
She was actually quite the swordsman while she was possessed. You can't be sure if it's entirely due to some warrior evil spirit, but she definitely has it in her. That personality though....argh.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Shizuka <3. She even managed to tame Neko-chan :)
Reina is a disgrace to Kawasumi Ayako's voice. When she cried like a poor actor pretending to be a brat in one of the episodes, I stopped watching this show altogether. Reina's weak ass whiny character does not deserve Kawasumi's voice.
[P-Z SUBS] Queen's Blade 06 [026802CF].mkv
The best group for this show IMO is SFW.
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 01 [1F1EC899].mkv
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 02 [67F49CA3].mkv
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 03 [3AF47DEA].mkv
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 04 [65E21BB9].mkv
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 05v2 [9F47119E].mkv
[SFW] Queen's Blade - 06 [8F3D038C].mkv
Naked Negotiations
SFW - Episode 7
Notice how the eps that focus on Tomoe are actually good? I'm not counting the Egypt one since it was really about Reina/Egyptian princess. Apparently women pee when they get knocked out too.....
Not looking forward to megaboobs next week though :( I already thought the ED shot looked bad.
I hadn't realized that Tomoe wasn't actually fighting any of the other girls before this episode. I suppose Reina didn't really count because Tomoe was defending herself? Tomoe has some attractive to watch techniques anyway. Nicely stylized and still believable.
I'm still waiting for an Elina episode where she actually fights. She looks fairly capable.
I've been downloading P-Z subs this whole time (usually because they're first and with a show like this it doesn't really matter). I suppose my question is whether SFW's are that much better?
As for actual sub-quality, I don't think it matters. SFW does release in 960x720 however, if you're interested in even bigger boobs on screen. I just got them out of habit, and that I usually run into SFW subs at places I check.
-Way to shove Reina all the way up the skill level? Not unbelievable however, and I do think it's the best way rather than teaching her some uber technique (not that she didn't acquire one). Echidna's turning out to be really likable. Who's she employed by anyway? Claudette, or her dad? Either way, she's not scared to have a bit of fun while on the job, to the joy of the audience.
Other than that, I'm just a little saddened Shizuka won't be officially competing in the Queen's Blade tournament. I'd rather see the elf Master too, rather than the not-as-skilled-nor-sexy pupil she sent.
I really can't say, because I haven't watched P-Z's version since episode 2. P-Z's release of episode 2 was so bad, that I decided to never watch anything from them again.
I forgot which group it was, but one release looked like a SD source forcefully (and very badly) stretched to fit a 720p screen. It was painful to watch.
And so was ep9. Those things were disgusting.
I still don't know how you people managed to keep watching this after a girl peed herself and a boob was slashed in half in the first 5 minutes of the very first episodeQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
It's so bad that it's actually worth watching, if that makes any sense. In terms of actual content, this is easily the worst series I've ever seen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel