Naruto just needs to claw himself in the ground again to hide and gather chakra.
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Naruto just needs to claw himself in the ground again to hide and gather chakra.
Or he could just like.....gather chakra before entering the battle in the first place
Naruto is too impulisive for that. Not to mention it takes him an hour to go Kyuubi and people just stand there and watch, so what is the difference.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Kakashi, I dont think that he is going to die. I mean we had the same thing happen to Choji and Neji, and with Tsundae sending out her slug, I think that he will be ok.
I also wonder how danzou will attempt to kill tsunade, as long as she has that damn healing seal on her forehead, she isn't going to die anytime soon. It's like fighting Bowser in any mario game, cept you get to have a star powerup for the entire fight >_>.
Kabuto and Oro didn't know what the seal did so I doubt danzou does.
Kakashi will live by willing himself alive or someone will heal him. There are to many things that Kakashi has yet to accomplish like showing his FACE!!!! Also that little chat with his pops is gona be a motivational speech thing. Konohamaru set up some kind of trap or resistance against pain to slightly delay him but the destructions will continue. Lets see well naruto can jus build up the sage chakra b4 battles to fight with it or he can rely on the kyuubi to be the one collecting it. There is also the possiblilty that naruto can combine it with bijuu chakra. there are 4 types of energys physical, spiritual, nature, and bijuu (to those who have them) sounds like a nice recepie for some badass stuff to happen. Now it seems that everyone is pretty powerless against pain so it seems that naruto would be the only to stop him unless pain is like whatever or the village by some miracle drives him away or danzou comes to save the day and everyone loves him and he becomes hokage like that. I would like it if naruto gets some wierd feeling kicks some pain ass :D We can see what is gonna happen after this incident is over tho and that is that narutos new teacher will be the 8 tails cuz hes gonna travel and all and they will cross paths.
there are 2 major issues with gathering sage chakra before fight. first is that most battles are impromptu. unless youre rushing into a rescue type situation you dont know when a fight will begin or it comes to you. the perfect example is jiraiya vs pain and konan. in order to have the time necessary to summon sage chakra, jiraiya had to summon gama ken to fight for him.
The second is that you can only stay in sage mode for a limited amount of time. if the battle drags on eventually you will run out and will have to find a method to gather more. this is why either fusion of an ally is needed.
Yeah like RasenDori said, you can't fight in sage mode for prolongued periods of time, which was officially mentioned by Fukasaku himself. Doing it ahead of time might not be the best thing and it wouldn't solve the "impromptu" nature of many fights. Also if a smart enemy catches on, we better believe that he will be ignoring kage bunshins and going after the Naruto that is standing stiff as a rock (though Naruto could trick them by having some bunshins stand still as well).
I just don't think that until we see Naruto's ability to keep an enemy at bay for extended periods of time be up to par that kage bunshin is a viable solution. It seems like the "obvious" solution too, but again I don't think they'd go this far if it was the ultimate solution. I do however believe that Naruto could resort to this under duress and pull it off somehow and bring us back to those "hell yeah!" moments during the first parts of the series when Naruto would pull off some slick and clever stunts.
oohhh and remeber tsnade breaking up her worm that she summons into the little ones to heal people......kakashi will prolly get healed by that
Who knows, Madara may come back, kill Pein and act like the village's saviour. Everyone will rejoice, and since somehow Tsunade dies in this battle, decide to make the returning Uchiha Hokage.
Just want to see Danzou get blocked again... the slimey git.
Why does everyone wants Tsunade to die in this arc?
I couldn't imagine Tsunade dieing so fast. I see the entire fight with pein being carried out before we are plunged into a backstabb the village by danzou.
Because since the fight with the three Sanin she has done absolutely nothing, and she is a terrible hokage. Thats just my opinion though.Quote:
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
I wouldn't be surprised if shadow clones are the solution to Naruto using sage chakara. We know that there is some sort of connection between Naruto and his shadow clones (this was explained by Kakashi when his was making the Rasenshuriken), we also know from the training that if a shadow clone turns into a toad then Naruto will as well when that shadow clone is destroyed is destroyed. There has been some debate before about whether once a shadow clone is destroyed if that chakara is returned to Naruto or just disappears. If it isn't just destroyed then Naruto could make shadow clones gather the sage chakara and simply dodge/engage the enemy while they do that and if one of them gets destroyed it wouldn't really matter since he would simply gain the sage chakara.
Another thought I had about Naruto using his shadow clones in order to get sage chakara (if the above idea isn't correct) is for him to use some sort of chakara receivers (which we've just recently found out exist). If he had something like that he could create a shadow clone(s) who could then run away or hide and simply gather sage chakara for him and send it to him.
And what did the 3rd do besides his fight with Orochimaru?Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Kakashi cant be dead hes actually one of the cooler characters in the manga. I cant stand Naruto and neither can I stand Sasuke. Itachi was the other awesome character but he was finished off quite well. I do like Pein. I still dont know or understand what they have found out about him and what the relationship is with what Jiraiya found when he fought him..and the book...(oh and Jiraiya also rocked!!)
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
Hence he's kinda exempt from have to do shit? Because he's dead...?
Watching naked women through the crystal ball in his office.Quote:
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
Not sure why Naruto can't get a clone to do a Sage gathering (whatever) and then dispel and bring that power to him. I know its a long shot and not how it works, but those clones of his seem to do everything. And ever wonder what other forbidden techniques were on that scroll naruto read. Cause it seems after just the first one he got a cheat for life.Quote:
Originally Posted by RasenDori
Well if by using too much oil the clones could turn themselves and the original into frogs it stands to reason that if one of them achieved sage mode so would naruto.
I obviously meant before dying...Quote:
Originally Posted by Uberbaka