The chakra IS returned when the shadow clones go poof, that's not open for discussion it's already been verified.
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The chakra IS returned when the shadow clones go poof, that's not open for discussion it's already been verified.
Isn't the chakra devided equally among the clones? And it uses a lot of chakra. That's why it's a forbidden jutsu.
Well it seems a bit retarded that if one of the clones turns to frog, Naruto will become a frog too. It's like if one clone die, so do Naruto.
It's assumed it's a forbidden jutsu since naruto learned it from the forbidden scroll but it's weird they haven't talked about it since then.
I mean if it's so forbidden why did they allow naruto to teach it to konohamaru?
When did this happen?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
That's an assumed theory. If Naruto pulls a tajuu kage bunshin and chakra is evenly spread throughout the clones and himself, once they all go poof Naruto may be tired but not knocked out. If the chakra didn't return to him, he wouldn't be able to pull another move, much less another kage bunshin, which he frequently uses multiple times.
Thats what I thought. I have no idea where he got this verification fromQuote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
the chackra isn't always evenly spread.
I think he needs to give them a certain amount of chackra to operate them, and he can 'store' more chackra inside them, and that's what he gets back when they poof.
(fight against Neji - Naruto makes one clone seem much more powerful than himself, but can still operate after the clone has been destroyed).
did we get any confirmation that chackra amount decides the strength of the clone?
What i meant to say is that the subject has already been discussed and scrutinized to death, no need to go over it again.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The chakra is spread evenly by the clones DBZ, we know that much. As for more chakra equals more powerful clones, we still don't know. We've already seen naruto make a zillion clones and succeed ( gaara fight ) and just do a couple of them and fail completely ( ... most of the other fights )
Am I the only one that thought this whole fight was crap? While it's true it's good to see that Sasuke isn't unstoppable, it seems like this fight was designed just to show that. The 8 tails does seem fairly strong, but we've seen Sasuke dodge much more dangerous attacks in even a less amount of time. It just seems like even when Sasuke gets "outclassed" that it's very forced.
My compliant isn't that him being wounded wasn't an illusion. I'd be annoyed either way. "OMG, another illusion. >.>" But, it's in how he was injured. It didn't seem that impressive. It is true that the 8 tails using chakra flow surprised him, but did it throw him off that much?
same thing happened when he fought kyuubi naruto, sasuke has become very dependant on his sharingan.
Well duh? That's like saying neji has become too dependent on his byakugan, most of the clans with bloodline limits tend to create a fighting style that revolves around it.
I think he means that Sasuke doesn't even try anymore. Its like sharingan=win, creating a fighting style that revolves around the sharingan is one thing but being completely dependent on it is another.
Well if we're talking about how the sharingan is way too fucking overpowered and is a fucking hax jutsu at this point, then yeah i agree.
I'm not really talking about the Sharingan, but his skill as a ninja in general. We've seen him "dodge" several attacks in a much quick amount of time. The attack that hit him wasn't impressive looking, and yet it landed. Why? Not because Sasuke's lack of ability, but Kishi trying to show that he's not unstoppable. If the move was more impressive in some way shape or form, I'd accept it. But it just seemed so forced...
What do u mean? Sasuke was completely defeated by both the unusual swordsmanship from the eight tails and the fact that his swords were also chakra weapons. He thought the chidori sword would go right through them and that's why he got owned like that.
There's more to ninja battles that amaretsus, kirins and rasenshruikens. I don't think Kishi was trying to show how weak sasuke is, he was trying to show us how strong a real jinchuriki can be.
Whatever it was Kishi was trying that was definitely forced. We've seen Sasuke use instant seemingly godlike speed not only to attack opponents but to avoid attacks as well something about that just seemed off. Yeah he was surprised his sword was stopped but this is the guy who went toe to toe with Itachi, how he got hit with that is beyond me.
I get Kishi wants to show us how strong a real Jinchuuriki can be but he isn't doing that. If thats what he wanted to do he had many chances before and he really should have made the eight tails into a better character. As DBZ mentioned somewhere else Kishi has just made his characters far too powerful way too early so when he introduces a new character and tries to make them look strong it just seems far too unrealistic.
This Jinchuuriki hasn't shown any of his abilities yet, bijuu given abilities, and although he seems to be very strong physically he hasn't shown any exceptional speed that would allow him to be able to take on Sasuke in a fight of this level. I have no problem with the new guy giving Sasuke a beating but make it seem realistic.
What if the eight tails is just as fast if not faster than sasuke? how hasn`t he shown any exceptional speed if he indded hitted sasuke before he could dodge? you need speed for that imo
He seems pretty quick on his feet but I haven't seen anything yet that would suggest that he is as fast as Sasuke. Even if he is just as fast as Sasuke it doesn't explain how is able to beat Sasuke with his sharingan on. This is the same Sasuke who just a few chapters ago was able to not only follow but keep up with the movements of Itachi who imo, other than the fourth, is the faster character we've seen thus far.
Thats what doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if Sasuke was just playing around before feeling his opponent out and he wasn't even using the sharingan but now he is, so I don't get it. The other thing is, if this guy is that strong now, without transforming or using any of his bijuu abilities, how is Kishi going to explain Hawk defeating him later? I also want to know why Sasuke is using Naruto's battle tactics, I mean since when does he go around charging at his opponents.
I know I'm gonna get bash for this but plz read, then think about, and then share your thoughts:
When an author loses touch with his own story, thats when you get these mess ups. That is why I was like wtf is up with sasuke's growth. imo kishi messed up big time introducing characters after the time skip. The power balance was totally ignored. Sasuke growth compared to others was just idiotic. Not only that, kishi also negelected the power of sharingan. It gained random upgrades every few chapters. Now watching sasuke go down on simple attackes seems unrealistic, compared to wut we saw of him do in other fights. People now have high expectations from sasuke fights, and fight scene such as these just doesn't make sense. When there is no consistency in power, that is when you get this crap.
I liked this chapter for 2 reasons:
1. Naruto was in it.
2. We finally got to see the hype sorrounding bijus and their hosts. For a while there I was thinking wuts the point of catching them when you can easily beat them like others.
I totally agree with every point you've made. And then some my man. I actually didn't realize the bijuu point until you said so. Thats true it's become really easy to get them. It's like whats the point.Quote:
Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
I think everyone is tired of Sasukes upgrades. Or the sharingan in general. But if you think about it, Kishis only cool decent way of letting Naruto and Sasuke split up, is by him joining the Akatsuki and nap a bijuu for himself through Madara's orders.