Maybe they are taking their time making the karaoke or waiting for better raws. Or at least I hope so. It would a UN proclaimed crime against humanity if Chihiro remained the only group subbing this one.
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Maybe they are taking their time making the karaoke or waiting for better raws. Or at least I hope so. It would a UN proclaimed crime against humanity if Chihiro remained the only group subbing this one.
KBS Kyoto (2008-10-07)
Sun TV (2008-10-07)
TV Kanagawa (2008-10-06)
Chihiro used the TV Kanagawa source. Are the other two better quality...?
Menclave is subbing this. That's the only group we'll need.
And the wait continues...
Still nobody else subbing this.
I'm surprised not more groups are picking this up. Besides Chihiro, not even the speed subbers. Maybe it's easier to identify crap subs on a good anime.
I saw somebody commenting on some subber group's channel (sorry about the abundance of "some" there, but I wasn't really looking for this info, just happened to read it) that only crappy raws are so far available for this series. Maybe it's true and the reason why no good subs are around.
Still waiting on decent subs for this series, and a sub group to pick up Tytania.
Anyone happen to know if any groups are planning to pick up Tytania?
Not the right place to ask.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
But...doesn't look like it.
Maybe Shinsen. Those guys look like they want to pick up everything this Fall.
[Aquastar] ef - A Tale of Melodies -- Prologue
It's better than nothing...
The prologue was barely anything more than what was in the PV for all the fall anime. I was at least expecting more than that. At least the style was reminiscent of the first series, and the music was great. I'm another on the boat for a quality sub...
Yeah, there was around 30 seconds of actual footage in that. The rest was just the PV.Quote:
Originally Posted by Alhuin
Of all the shows airing out there, why the hell is THIS one stuck with a shitty raw? :mad:
Screw this. I'll give Chihiro a chance. I'll just download a better version for archiving later.
The first episode (I watched Chihiro) was fucking awesome....
The OP is also amazing. Cinematic masterpiece. This is without a doubt one of the best OPs in the history of anime. It's up there with the likes of Ergo Proxy.
Excuse the DP.
The official site has a higher resolution version (900x676) of the OP available for download.
It doesn't have karaoke and I'm lacking the scripting skills to do it myself.
There's something about her voice that makes it. She really has a hard time with phonetical english, but her voice brings it up. Should she learn a bit of english...Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Also I was surprised that a better image is so important for that OP, because in the low quality raws in 4:3, it's in fact totally butchered.
Is it just me, or does menclave's mkv not look as sharp and kinda washed out compared to the first series's video. (FYI, menclave's vid is 848x480)
As for the episode, Kuze has definitely got issues. He's keeping in control, but just barely. I'm totally enjoying the way they've set this out. As both a sequel and prequel, we're seeing both past and future of what happened last year.
"Princess is asleep" - looking like the future/present, that'll be Chihiro?
Memory loss is making a return to ef, but this time in the form of reincarnation?
Besides a better raw, I can't ask for anything else.
(edit: I played the ep alongside the official OP. It's definitely washed out and blurred. :()
If we don't get better ones soon, chances are I'll be replacing them when DVD subs come out.