I think he's saying it's pretty fucking likely that Naruto will be the one to fight Pain.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Possibly Kakashi, but it will almost certain be Naruto. I'm inclined to agree.
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I think he's saying it's pretty fucking likely that Naruto will be the one to fight Pain.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Possibly Kakashi, but it will almost certain be Naruto. I'm inclined to agree.
That extra Pein body was Konan. I thought that was obvious. That is the trick to his stupid eye technique. Its a glorified marrionette technique. Rinnengan is the ultimate puppet jutsu. It lets you control your "puppets" from a remote location. That why all those ninja looked familiar to Jiraiya. They were probably ninja he beat that nagato salvaged.
I wish we got some more stuff to read out of the Icha icha paradise series. lol shikamaru looks scarred for life.
It's not Konan, she was sitting in front of Pain when he got up. The extra body appeared from the shadows, behind him.
He's saying "Get ready, Konan," because Akatsuki always move in groups of 2.
I think you misunderstand what I mean. I know whats he is saying and I too think its likely, you should get that if you read my previous posts. My point is how does whether it actually happens or not make it any less ridiculous. What I disagree with is that he thinks Naruto is best suited to fight Pain just because Naruto can make copies of himself. Then he said thisQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
How likely do you think it is that Naruto's real body wouldn't be involved in this and unlike Naruto's shadow clones Pein's bodies are actually real bodies not just clones. Plus we still have to consider that Naruto is a complete idiot and what are the odds of him remaining calm against the person who killed Jiraiya.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sidnne
Anyway him saying Naruto is best suited to fighting Pain is what I disagree with. Naruto uses a total of two techniques, even if he makes a thousand shadow clones it wouldn't matter because his taijutsu skills suck, not that taijutsu would mean anything to Pain and the only technique he has that is powerful enough to make a difference in battle is his wind rasengan which he can't seem to hit people with and even he if does hit one of Pains bodies with it and it totally destroys that body so Pain can't revive it he still has other bodies to deal with and the wind rasengan does an immense amount of damage to his own body as well. The only person Naruto is best suited to fight is Sasuke and I'm not sure that thats even true anymore.
The best way to defeat Pein would be to separate his bodies and have one person fight each body. I think the fact that Jiraiya lost to Pain the way he did means its very unlikely that anyone is going to be able to take on Pain's bodies one and one(one on six, 1000 on six, whatever you know what I mean) especially if his real body isn't even there.
I'm really surprised you didn't get what I meant Xan.
Oh sorry, I agree it's ridiculous. Statement retracted.
I honestly can't imagine how the fight will play out, but the mass Kage Bunshin does give Naruto an edge over anyone else who would fight Pain. Despite Naruto's shortcomings, he's been blessed with the ability to churn out a clone army. He's got more dispensable bodies than Pain does, so it's not as dangerous for him.
Because Sora's the eight tails jinchurriki.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
I don't believe he's ever mentioned in the manga...Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
Wow, you so just killed Assertn's joke.Quote:
Originally Posted by unandpw
That is one way to look at it. As far as I see it Naruto only has one body while Pain has six. Naruto's shadow clones would only be advantageous if he had other techniques he could get his clones to use but as I said all he's got is the rasengan. Secondly the only way Naruto's army of shadow clones would matter is if he got them to all attack at once but when he attacks with his clones they usually attack one group at a time, with no more than six in each group.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
If it was anyone other than Naruto I would say their chances of defeating Pain would greatly increase if they could use Naruto abilities but with Naruto that isn't the case because not only does he use his abilities ineffectively but Pain is already aware of Naruto's abilities and his battle tactics, and unlike other ninjas Naruto has nothing else to offer. Anyway, we can discuss this as much as we want but Naruto's army of clones hardly ever makes a difference and the only person who was defeated simply because of the massive number of clones Naruto can make was Mizuki.
We'll miss you here in the manga forum AbdulaQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Thing is that except for the ones that help him make rasengan they're all fucking useless.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Anyway i'm guessing that there will be 2 fights between pain and Naruto:
- First one Naruto will be incredibly fucking pissed at the sight of Jiraya's murderer and go kyuubi on his ass, maybe 5+ tails i don't know, and maybe take out a body or 2
- Then he'll get back to normal and defeat him with ( duh ) the wind rasengan but here's the thing, i'm not sure if Pain uses dead body's for his clones since this last one showed Konan as the new sixth body but if he does we'll probably see Jiraya with the rinnegan on this fight too.
I'm never right about this things since i like to think outside the box and Kishimoto obviously doesn't but what the hell ( the code decipherment was so fucking retarded... )
U misunderstand me. I'm saying that shows that Pain is able to use bodies other than just dead ones since konan is indeed alive and next to him.
I guess I'm still stuck in the past when Naruto did pretty well against Shukakku-Gaara using his Shadow Clones. I forget that ever since then he hasn't really done anything useful with them.
There's still the possibility that Fukusaku will train Naruto before he goes off, as well. Maybe now that Naruto's been recognized by Jiraiya, the toad sages will fight alongside him.
No one's "using" Konan. The new body has nothing to do with Konan.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
HEHEHE. I knew that. Just testing you that's all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Uh huh.
Anyway @ Archangel: Xan already said what I was going to say but still Jiraiya said he had previously fought the bodies Pain was using, he never said he killed them. If he had already killed them I doubt he would have been surprised that they came back to life after he killed them a second time.
When some of us say Naruto will be the one to defeat Pein, I thought it was duly implied that we're not referring to Naruto with his current skill set and level.
Maybe the new body is Naruto's mom? She looked kinda like that, right?
I dunno, there's not enough similarity between them thus far. Also his mom had long hair. This body has short hair, and as we all know, the only thing constant in an anime character's life is their hairstyle.
I thought an earlier picture of her had short hair....
I just hope Pein kills more shinobi from Konoha... preferably some of the 'rookie 9 + gai team'. He is so damn awesome it would be the lamest point for Kishimoto to kill him off just having killed Jiraiya and no one else.
I can't believe I'm saying this but Shikamaru should die after having given that speech the previous chapter.