It honestly never visited my mind C.C. could lose. I guess that shows what a twisted sense of reality fanboyism can cause...
Kallen would have been my number two choice so I can live with such an outcome as well.
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It honestly never visited my mind C.C. could lose. I guess that shows what a twisted sense of reality fanboyism can cause...
Kallen would have been my number two choice so I can live with such an outcome as well.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Ok my vote is obvious, but dam C.C. losing. I cant believe it. Anyway my reason why I voted for her is because she seem to exude sexiness. Her personallity, her random sexy poses, and all her outfits sold me. Kallen was a very very VERY close second to me, which is understandable because it used to be a toss up between C.C. and Kallen for me back in season one.
Now only to think up a way to rally the remaining members to vote for C.C.
Some provocative images of each contestant would help, since I don't know what any of them look like, beyond the CC sigs and avatars here of course. My vote is still up for grabs btw.
Since I got a thing for red-heads (See signature) ... Kallen.
Heck... I'm currently after a natural red-head in real life... wish me luck =P
Just coz you voted for Kallen, I won't. :)
Since I voted C.C., I shall only post a couple of pics of her.
CC looks so random, sorry. Hundreds of animu-girls with her body :P
Go, Karen!
Thanks for the images, but which girl is which? I'd vote for the short red-head, because she looks the hottest in these pictures.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Actually she seems to have a petite body compared to all of the C and D cup anime chicks out there with voluptuous measurements.Quote:
Originally Posted by mfauli
Karen is the red-head
CC is the green-head
Shirley is the orange-head
Don't care about the others.
Ok guys, go and share CC/Karen with 16 others, I get Shirley all by myself! *weeeeeeeee*
I'm the only one that picked Cornelia, awesome.
Maybe it's cause I see her as a tsundere higher than C.C. with a huge rack to match. I always liked the big sister/motherly type of characters. C.C. is a close second however.
Freaking Karen FTW.
I couldn't view the images :(
Seems that page could not take a 'few visits'
Uploaded them (had saved them to my hdd)
The poll would have been cooler if it had the open view option, to see who voted who.
I remember it was open like that when I first read it, but then I came back to vote, and it was disabled.
Geez..I forgot how much of a slut C.C. dresses like. I mean...a liberated woman^^. And its kinda funny how those photos feature Kallen's boobz prominently
I'm literally feeling my brain tear into two pieces at the thought of choosing between Kallen and C.C :s
Best bet then is to not vote at all, or at least not for either of them. My vote still hasn't been cast.
I feel this kind of poll is mostly meaningless if you haven't seen the show. Everyone of us has seen hundreds if not thousands of anime girls in the various shows over the years so just looking at a few pictures of a couple of them isn't going to make much of a difference or impact. But it's a different thing if you have seen and liked one and a half seasons of the show, though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax