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And it ends leaving us in suspense...
I hate when they do that.
Here's episode 4 by Ureshii:
Half-blind, half-seeing:
Episode 5 - Ureshii
ok, now the series starts getting a bit too generic. Hopefully it catches up.
For some reason I find the relationship between Tokidoki and Kuchiha to be rather cute. I hope it keeps developing.
This is a rather strange anime. I wish they add some more combat, because the story is somewhat weak.
@Kraco - I bet it has something to do with the pairing between two great (and some of my favorite) voice actors/actresses, Fukuyama and Paku.
Then again there is also the extremely tsundere and always blushing Kuchiha factor.
The events that happened in the last episode were kinda cool, but imo, the series suffes from its uber generic setting. Ancient Japan just doesnt fit.
I like ancient japan, just they need to throw in more action, even the battles were kinda boring. They need to learn more from Samurai Champloo, now that was a great series.
What might the fey folk be next up to:
Episode 6 - Ureshii
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Edit: I'm liking this series more and more, episode by episode. Tokidoki doesn't bother me anymore, the music is pleasing, the other characters pretty interesting, and the vague and slowish pace of the plot suits me well enough. I guess one major factor for me will remain to be the possible pairing I mentioned in my previous post, though. Without it the story could feel a bit light.
Its up to episode 11 now with subs and everything is coming together nicely. Its a real shame that this only had 13 episodes, considering there are some really shitty ones that have had longer runs. Hopefully a second season is in the making.
It's all finished now, technically:
1-13 Batch h264 - Ureshii
1-13 Batch xvid - Ureshii
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However, the story was cut short. And not short in an artistic way with an open ending but short in a way that requires a second season or it will be an unfinished tale. But does it get one? Who knows. I still don't know exactly why I liked this series so much. It had somewhat little action and that action for the most part wasn't very conventional. Plus it had lots of metaphysical talk that required some thinking to make much sense. I reckon one of the most important things for me was the lack of a clear black and white setting and the Tokidoki-Kuchiha pair (which didn't get any sort of an affirmation either. In fact Kuchiha wasn't even present when the series ended... What is that?)
Well, the manga continues on, so if any of the fans of this show want to continue the story they can read it.
I also loved the lack of clear right and wrong sides in the show, but what made me keep watching it was Kuchiha (not necessarily in a pair, but she was most cute around Tokidoki)