That's it. Really.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
And I reiterate my question:
Don't you think Demography is one of the most important problems Japan has to face?
No people, no culture...
That's it. Really.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
And I reiterate my question:
Don't you think Demography is one of the most important problems Japan has to face?
No people, no culture...
Haha, oh please, you just spoke like a real tourist.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Originally Posted by David75
Thats an interesting question that could be interpreted many ways. Are you asking if having a homogeneous demography is a problem, or if adding demographies is a problem? Either way, in the first case, I don't think so, even though there's a big lack of genetic diversity (which really wouldnt cause problems until much later on, barring some sort of super disease) . And in the latter case, I don't see a significant change happening any time soon either.
Actually something interesting about Korea that Animeniax might like...They have made some pretty large reforms to their visa policies, making it harder for foreigners to get jobs here. Now, you have to go through many long processes in order to obtain a visa such as criminal checks from every state you have resided in, medical checks, and a high fee, which is good in some ways, but very troublesome (for both parties involved) in others.
Care to elaborate, or are content-lacking one-liners all you're good for?Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
I look at the bigger picture when speaking of genetic diversity. If the world is one big mutt race, the same super bug or global change could doom the entire human race. Whereas if we retain our genetic diversity in terms of the different races, then at least one group cold survive a catastrophic event.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Think if the sun started to die out. Darker skinned folks would be in trouble because they can't get enough heat, whereas white folks could survive because of their melatonin-deprived skin. Or vice versa, what if the earth moved closer to the sun, then all of the light-skinned people would get skin cancer and die, whereas the dark-skinned folks would be protected and survive. That's why we need to maintain diversity, instead of trying to introduce it into every population. At some point, there will be no more diversity because everyone will be the same globally, and then we're in trouble.
I do like the sounds of the reforms, and hope Japan follows suit if they aren't already in. I'd like them to end the JET program too. I know Japan already makes it sort of difficult to move there to work in most cases. I think you have to have a 4-year degree.
0_o huh, you should really put more thought into your analogy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Anyway I agree with Assertn, David and Kraco. Culture is defined by the people and as such there isn't really anyway to protect it, it will naturally change as the people change nothing can be done about that. The nature of culture is to change as the world changes and people adapt to whats happening around them what traditions are upheld and what are left behind is dependent on what value people give it and whether or not they think its necessary in the world they live in. Its sad but nowadays cultures, ideologies, even entire languages are disappearing. With new ideas and technologies the world is just getting smaller and smaller so smaller more rigid isolated cultures are going to disappear and be replaced with bigger more widely accepted ones and sooner or later there is just going to be one major world culture devoid of any real shape, form or value. You could look up hegemonism or hegemony if anyone is interested.
Why, are you having trouble grasping the concept of my analogy? What part do you need help with?Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
I'm not against cultures evolving and changing, I'd just like to control what influences these changes. If a country like Japan is influenced by a decadent society like the US, I think that should be minimized or regulated. If a country like Japan evolves with the times and world events, that's only natural.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
For demography I was refering to number of people.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Japan birth rate is very low. Amongst the lower in the world (if not the lower).
And that is a problem that is already striking Japan society. Japan is growing
to a society of old people. The number of Japanese will eventually decrease.
And as the country is already overcramped, I don't see a solution...
I think one solution for this specific issue would be to bring their expatriates back to the homeland. There are strong communities of Japanese in foreign countries, where they are remarkable for absorbing the local culture and assimilating nicely into that culture. This is in stark contrast to other peoples who move into a country and continue living just like they did in their native country, often causing problems for their new hosts. If these foreign-born Japanese moved back to Japan, they could bring positive change to the people and culture, meanwhile keeping it all in the family and helping the population issue.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
I don't know what kind of biology that is, But if the sun started to die out...everyone would start dying; i mean phlyogenetic differences don't really count for surviving in that type of environment; like darker skinned people wouldn't start dying from lack of sunlight; its just that when all the different types of Homo Sapiens moved from Africa, they adopted features that were most suitable to their environments, but that's not to say they couldnt survive anywhere else. And if the earth moves, uhhh..well, that's so ridiculous, I'm not even going to get into that (suffice to say, people would have a lot more to worry about than a bad tan).Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
And you need a 4 year degree to teach at most places abroad.
Also, are you talking about forcing Japanese expatriates to move back to Japan? If so...well, that's a bit extreme.
Well sure everyone would eventually die if the sun dies out, but the darker skinned people would have a harder time adapting to the temperature change and die out sooner. The lighter skinned people would have more time to build a spaceship and fly to another solar system to continue the survival of the human species.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
The Earth does move. The universe is slowly expanding, causing a shift in the path the Earth takes around the sun. Or a big asteroid could hit the planet and alter our orbit. It's a fact that our moon will one day leave the Earth's orbit, just as the Earth will one day leave the Sun's orbit, but probably not before the sun dies.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Does JET require you have a 4-year degree? It's considered a visitor program, so I don't know if the requirements are the same. It's my understanding that to move to and work in Japan as a resident you need a 4-year degree and competence in your field of work.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
I'm not saying they should force them back. I'm saying they should make it attractive and appealing for them to want to come back. Free land, tax breaks, an appeal to their cultural or family ties, whatever it takes.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Originally Posted by David75
Those two things aren't very compatible. If the place already has a higher population density than is good for the people, it's no good solution to increase the population.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
The population density of Japan is 337/kmē, which, according to Wikipedia, makes it the 30th most dense nation. In my expert opinion a good solution would be to ship millions of Japanese to Finland. Finland (338,145 kmē) has about the same area as Japan (377,873 kmē) but the population density of Finland is only 16/kmē, making us 161th dense country (and the least dense in the EU). So, practically speaking even if you doubled our total population the density would still be laughable compared to Japan.
And as an extra plus if half of the population of Finland, for example, suddenly was made of people of Japanese origin, it would mean the Japanese culture would not only be preserved in Japan but also in Finland!
It's true the population density is high in the urban areas around the major cities, but outside of that, from what I've seen on my travels around Japan, there's plenty of land for additional growth. Unfortunately that will increase urbanization and reduce the amount of nature and beauty of Japan, but that's another issue.
I don't like the idea of Japantown in Finland. Are the two cultures compatible? Would there be any backlash to all of these yellow people "invading" the north? Would the Finnish provide the right or wrong kind of influence on the Japanese culture?
I'd prefer Japan went imperial and took over useless countries like Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Someone mentioned the "rape of Nanking" the last time I suggested this, but really they could take over land and resources without that sort of unnecessary violence and genocide, while bringing Japanese innovation and harmony to these people.
Japan seems to already be very dependant for food for example.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
If they urbanize anymore, the problem will even be worse. Will they be able
to sustain their population? To me it's already a huge problem. And access to
basic needs like water, home, food is reduced with higher prices. When you do this,
you reduce younger generations numbers. Because you create a shift in priorities
for young couples: work becomes more important than giving birth. It's not just
a society psychology shift, it's a very basic shift in everyday life where since you
have trouble having your own standards for living, you won't impose that on your
potential children.
It seems Quebec (in Canada) has the exact same pb: having children is a huge
problem for the household, due to what it costs (mother not working AND children
Kraco was probably joking/dreaming ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Plus I don't see Japanese people liking a cold country like Finland. You have to
have a Finnish spirit to live in such places. I think of the extended winter. It may not
be harsh at first, but in the long run, even Hokkaido japanese may find it difficult.
And then there's always the society acceptance of massive population entering their land.
It is usualy one of the real roots for war. Germany (if I remember correctly) used that way of thinking. Japan did in the past too, maybe?Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Nowadays, a country like Japan can't resort to such means.
Honestly, I really think Japan has a huge challenge with their population getting older, fewer young generations and no room for increasing natality.
In the end, old generations will need more and more money, more and more people to take care of them. But if the working class is smaller and smaller... what will happen in the end?
what happens in Japan will set basis for all industrialized countries.
Germany is closely following the same pattern.
Some European countries.
The USA may also, UK too.
What Japanese will do will be closely monitored... because if they find acceptable solutions, they may well be adapted everywhere.
Humans are far less prone to evolution than other species. It's not like we're African hunter/gatherers that have to stay out in the sun all day. If it gets to the point where heat is a global problem, then I don't think pigment will save either of us.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Survival of the fittest doesn't apply too well with us, unfortunately, as medical practices aim to give even the most outlier of physical and mental anomalies opportunities to live full lives.
As far as evolution goes, humans have been significantly tarded by their technology (no pun intended).
Although....this really has nothing to do with cultural evolution...
I don't really understand the whole sun dying out hypothetical, I mean if the sun died out everyone would die pretty fast because all of our crops would die and we wouldn't have any food, especially in counties that rely on rice and stuff like that for main crops. And even in the more civilized countries solar energy is a big source of energy, so that would help a collapse of civilization. Also darker people don't need the sun (as much as you claim) to survive, they aren't flowers, the higher melanin content merely protects the skin from UV rays, giving them a lesser chance of skin cancer. The only thing that would happen is we would get less Vitamin D and we would have to get it from another source, assuming our crops aren't dead and we haven't been incinerated from the explosion of the sun...?
And assuming we somehow all survive from there being no sun, then our skin would just adapt through microevolution, over years and generations to be paler and more susceptible to some sort of sunlight from some other place, we wouldn't die. D: Besides last time I checked skin color didn't have THAT much effect on heat, and with all the dead crops can't people just make leaf clothing? (And isn't the theory that darker colors -attract- heat and lighter colors deflect it?)(Melanin, not melatonin reacts to light/radiation, not heat)
PS - If the sun moved close enough to the earth that all the white people ended up dying of skin cancer, then I'm sure it would end up with all of the darker colored people dying too because darker skin only means more resistance, not exactly much better protection. lol and if a disease manages to kill most of the world, I would bet it is airborne and doesn't care about your race if it's going to kill you, being as all humans are 99.99 genetically the same anyway. (Unless it is somehow a melanin targeting virus, which I find to be unlikely and would kill everyone anyway because everyone has melanin)
So while it is important to Japan to preserve its Culture, it's fine if it take over all of the other "useless" countries because their culture must be equally "useless".Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I love the Japanese culture but at the same time you must realize that every culture have its positive and negative. Some of my relatives live in Japan and i can assure you that the Japanese have just as many if not more social issues than the west. is a blog documenting a JET American English teacher in japan, it is a great website for you and others who think Japan is the equivalent of paradise. It is his personal opinion though so take it with a grain of salt but a lot of the things that he wrote are true so it would be a good idea to read some of his stories.
I'm looking at the site, it's hilarious
What in your opinion makes any other country "useless"? Isn't that a bit high-handed to say that? I hope you weren't being serious there. They may not be the "richest" countries in the world, but I would still think they have a right to exercise their sovereignty...(even if its already heavily influenced by other countries already).Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
@Assertn, Sapphire: you're both taking the sun example too seriously. All I'm saying is, it's better to maintain genetic diversity among the races of humanity in order to increase our chances of survival. If humans on Earth are all the same from excessive intermingling, it will increase the chances that one catastrophe will wipe out our entire species.
@Dark Dragon: actually I'm one of the few Japanese-culture fans who has an understanding of the problems in Japanese society and I don't think they have utopia. I celebrate it for what it is though, and even with its problems, it reigns supreme over the other cultures of the world.
I'd check out the site but I could care less what some white guy from America has to say about a yellow country or its culture. If he doesn't like it, get the f*ck out. We won't miss him.
@rockmanj: My family is actually from one of the countries listed, so I know plenty of people from that area of the world, and their relative worth compared to the Japanese makes them expendable. They've had about the same amount of time as Japan or any other nation in the region to make something of themselves, and here they are in 2008, still third world.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Well...third world countries...although I like discussing global economic policy, all I'm going to say is that calling people expandable in comparison to another group is..well; in my opinion, quite disgusting. So, if the Japanese decided to just take over their land, and cart them off, or "get rid of the" you would be fine with that?
Did you also feel that the North Atlantice Slave trade was a good idea? Or, for that matter, the seizure of the Americas by Europe; or the Occupation of Korea by the Japanese?