No offense Psyke, but I don't think you look quite Japanese. I make a sport of differentiating between Asian people, and I've gotten pretty good at telling people's nationalities apart.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
I'm often mistaken for Japanese abroad and in Japan, but the situation turns kind of awkward when I ask a Japanese person if they speak English since I don't speak Japanese well. I've been told by other foreign-born Asians that it's because they think you're either lazy or showing off by speaking English. Of course, it could just be the language barrier that turns them away.
Probably a rash generalization, but in large cities, I think it's easier being a tourist for someone who is definitely not Japanese, since the locals think you're dumb anyway, and therefore will help you out. In smaller towns, I've seen instances where they help their own domestic visitors out, while leaving foreigners in the cold. Win some, lose some.