I'm still watching this but a lot of nothing is happening right now it just seems like buildup to an event I'm not sure why I care about. I mean is co-ed shogi really that big a deal?
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I'm still watching this but a lot of nothing is happening right now it just seems like buildup to an event I'm not sure why I care about. I mean is co-ed shogi really that big a deal?
Ep 9 is out.
EP 9 - Live-eviL
Ep 10
Well plot gets major boost this episode so don't miss out.
I don't know the shows pretty interesting while at the same time it's kinda meh, like something missing to really propel it forward. I liked the way Hikaru no Go did things compared to this show, it's got it's own merits and all but it feels like it plunges more straight into the story without the usual build up and the characters feel kinda shifting not to mention the time shift of 6 months in two episodes. Don't know it just feels... forced somehow like it's jumping forward at a fast speed while at the same time it's not. Ohh and the cops are indeed weird do they normally keep a piece of evidence around to look at so often like that. But overall it's interesting enough to watch, just wish there were more character built and background to the story but that probably comes along later
So, any of you guys continued watching the series? Live-eviL released episode 22 a couple of days ago... the final episode. Here's the full series, including episodes 11-22 that weren't posted before:
Well, I just finished the series. I had stopped around episode 7, watched the rest between yesterday and today. Really good series in my opion, good ending too. There was a good mixture of the normal shounen-sports variety and suspense/murder mystery plot... series was quite unique in that regard.
So, anyone watched everything yet? Or is about to finish it?