Just watched this myself. I like all three female characters. I accept the trap as well, but keep the clothes on.
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Just watched this myself. I like all three female characters. I accept the trap as well, but keep the clothes on.
Preparing for the coming season?
So ready for this.
Hmm, some design tweaks here and there that I can live with, but overall I feel the portrayals from last season were hotter.
Someone sent me this on messenger earlier...
Attachment 1306
Yeah, that was certainly the most striking thing about this episode (season). Too bad they didn't stick to the same old style. The animation is still by the same studio, the director is the same, but the character designer changed (according to AniDB). I guess that was the decisive change.
Well, aside from that, I quite enjoyed this episode. It was heavily on the educating side, but I never minded that during the first season either; God knows I messed with bacteria and yeasts enough in the past to not feel out of anything. I hope Oikawa learns soon the secret. I'm starting to feel sorry for her. Though considering her cleanliness freak personality, I can't help but wonder what exactly she would think of such an ability.
It might take me some time to get used to Mutou's new design, but other than that, the series still retains its great educational purpose.
Godamn shitcunts ruined my trap :(
I didn't realise Yuuki looked that different until I saw the comparison pic above.
At least Hasegawa's more or less the same..
Oh i knew fucking immediately >_>
Hasegawa changed too, she has big ass k-on eyes.
I don't even remember the art from the older series (I watched it while it was airing) but felt something was wrong.
What the hell are they thinking? Is this a budget thing?
I'd think it's a "being different" thing. The animation otherwise looked decent.
Simplified too. It is decent, but the previous style was better.
It's not that bad. The images linked all over the place obviously pick the worst comparisons. Kawahama and Misato look exactly the same, only the former is a little taller than he used to be. Oikawa's pretty damn close too, just younger, but she has always looked younger than everyone else.
The only bad one is Muto, who barely resembles her old design. Everyone else in the cast is immediately recognizable.
What does matter is that their personalities are intact. Which they are.
Oikawa's "close", but not close enough. She had a normal-yet-classy feel to her. The current one's cookie-cut. The redeeming factors are that they act the same (as you said), and that they also sound the same. I'll just pretend I don't have my glasses on (and my eyes are worse than they are) or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
I disagree with the normal-yet-classy description. Oikawa has always been the straight-character to the rest of the cast. She's amusingly normal and dull. Her quirk has always been to be contradictory.
- She's very (occasionally extremely) prying yet completely oblivious, usually satisfied with some random nothing tidbit and completely missing what she's almost always getting at (Tadayasu's ability).
- A germophobe, though enrolled in a microbe seminar that she's had numerous chances to leave from the first moment (she was recruited at random by Itsuki, to carry stuff).
- She's very straight-laced often getting uppity about underage drinking and other grey-area activities, yet she's the one who has had lesbian sex with Mutou (or at the very least strongly believes she had, they probably both fell asleep after getting too warm from the aphrodisiacs).
Oikawa is the utterly normal (read: dull), straight-laced character. She might seem classy, but that's just her hardliner "Obey the Rules of Society!" stance. One that she again contradicts with her very rapid acceptance of Yuuki's crossdressing, and subsequent "fact"-spewing that Yuuki and Tadayasu are a couple.
Even with her substantially altered appearance, Mutou is still a "beauty in vain" type of character, as evidenced by the scene where they were steaming beans, and Mutou with her shirt half off, bra straps all exposed, totally uncaring about her appearance.
That's the Mutou I know and love.