I live in the middle of surburbia USA, I'm a somewhat normal looking kid, and I don't really dislike anyone in particular.
So... I haven't gotten in a fight since like, Kindergarden. XD
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I live in the middle of surburbia USA, I'm a somewhat normal looking kid, and I don't really dislike anyone in particular.
So... I haven't gotten in a fight since like, Kindergarden. XD
I think I've only gotten into one fight that wasn't a playful one. Actually, it's not even much of a fight.
I was in 9th grade and recently met this chick who loved to taunt me. I ignored it for a few months, then snapped one day in class. Ended up slapping her in the face and then walking out in the middle of class. A few months later, I found out that this girl has a weird hobby: she likes to piss people off and see their reaction.
Fast forward, about half a year later, I somehow ended up being one of her acquaintances.
We don’t talk anymore though. Not because of any particular reason. We just drifted apart ever since we graduated out of high school.
I've never gotten into a fight neither, but I've seen some action during a Taekwondo tournament I went to years ago. I witnessed someone's front tooth got knocked out right before my turn came. Was a little shaken when my turn came but luckily I didn't lose my teeth.
I don't really get myself into fights but I think it was three years ago where these guys were making fun of my friend because he was Indian (talk about a good time to be racist huh?) so there were like five of them picking on him and my friend wouldn't make a move because he could probably take two or three of them but not all five. Finally they said something about a bomb and he snapped and rushed at them slamming a guy to the ground. The other four ran towards him and I stepped in to help him. Those guys really sucked pretty bad at fighting for all the shit they talked. Though these two guys got a good hit on me where one used a fucking baseball...I have no idea where he got a baseball but he nailed me in the eye with it and I wrecked him by slamming his head into a door. The teachers came to break it up and my friend and I got suspended for two days for fighting, while they got suspended for 10 days for fighting and racism.
By the end of it, we pretty much didn't know what was going on but I had a swelled up bump right under my eye, my friend had a cut lip. That was about it. One of their guys ended up in a nearby locker, I guess it was my friend's doing. And the guy who threw a baseball at me had a concussion. The other three got off easy I guess.
I've only got into a few scuffles. But one good one was back in high school. This big jock, who was about three inches shorter than me ( i'm about 6'5"), starts giving me shit about how i dress. I wore a lot of black and didn't fit into his world so it bugged him. He shoved me around for a bit and threw a punch after a while. he hit the locker behind me and got really pissed and elbowed me in the head. I instantly grabed him by the head and slamed my fore head into his nose sending him to the ground crying. When the admins came around i said he was pushing me around and slipped and broke his nose. They belived me becasue thius guy had a history of picking on people and starting fights. I got away scott free.
As many others, I don't really get into fights, and defintally not into all out brawls...
so my story isn't very big, but heck, who cares?
anyway, it was about four months ago, I had a kitchen cleanning duty with a person whom i'll call H, said H is a really annoyning person, he calls about everybody 'son' (as in 'I fucked your mother so you're my son' son) and lacks any sense of tact or respect for fellow men. to top all that, he hardly did any work at all.
so, after half a day with him, i pretty much hated his gutts.
about two days later, i'm walking in the base and come across him, I knew he was about to say something insulting or do a 'feint' hit like a kindergarden child, so i got my fist ready.
when i passed him, he leaned towards me to demi-hit me, so i gave him a weak punch to the gutts, as in "I'm not in the mood for any of that crap" punch, nothing serious.
that's about it, a pretty lame fight story.
Lol, nice one. Though wouldn't the guy come back at you after that?Quote:
Originally Posted by Lefty
No doubt. As long as he has noses to spare...Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Bump cuz I'm bored, want to see more fight stories and left some things unreplied to...
@msmush: Thanks! I have no problems with the brands I currently use however :)
@mage: lol... I'll cut myself a little extra tonight, just for you <3
--terra; has one such as yourself never been in any interesting fights? :D
you people are violent...
my only real fight
meant to be £800 not £1800 (im not quite that rich)
My m8 went through a bit of an agoraphobic phase after that but he got over it
@rockmanj - arent we all ?
@ ghostkage - lmao. thats pretty crazy i've never really seen a brawl, and the one "fight" i had wasn't really a fight.
ahhh, sadly ive never gotten into a fight. although i've seen alot ( i used to go to a school which had gangs and they fought all the time) the closest thing ive gotten into a fight was probably with msmush and at the shop. but i didn't do anything.
no wait the closest thing to a fight would probably be at taekwondo, where we're supposed to fight.
lol even then we suckQuote:
Originally Posted by lisaa
I haven't participated in an actual "fight," but once I kind of did duke it out with my friend. At school my friend got pissed at me and challenged me to a fight. We both knew it was a joke and we would probably never do it, but nevertheless we got people to place bets. To add to the fun, we decided to do it while drunk. Anyway, at a party, the same friend (who is quite drunk) comes charging at me. I kind of evade his blow and push him down on the floor and sit on him. Later we decided that we'd settle it by battling in robot suits in front of the school. I'll post a video of it when it happens.
RoFl. I want to see that video.:D
Wow, I don't think I've gotten into a serious fight since I've been in the states.
Only like short moments of letting off steam on my friends etc. Nothin serious....
Robot suits? Be sure to film that.:cool:
Edit: Oh, rocks post reminded me. The most serious fights I have are me and my brother tring to kill each other over sucking up the bandwidth. =D
Well, besides my cousin and I trying to kill each other, i haven't really fought.
I've been in many fights..not really proud of it..I'm more mature now..(22)
But I've been shot and stabbed several times.. I should be glad that I'm still alive and breathing. Sometimes it's just best to try to talk things over or do something rational. Sometimes though things just can't be avoided and it's either you or them.
are you serious you've been shot and stabbed? america IS dangerous