the chick would be hotter with out glasses
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the chick would be hotter with out glasses
Haha, I just noticed this. On the back of the Blue Gundam, that thing looks like one of those stove thingies that you use to cook and heat with (no idea what the term for it is).
To me it looks like a giant car subwoofer seen in pimp my ride lol
Originally Posted by Gunota Headlines
Originally Posted by Gunota Headlines
Not sure where they got the info from on the staff... will look into itQuote:
Originally Posted by Gunota Headlines
edit - well, this is all over the web as official, so I'm taking it as such. Aside from FMA, I'm not too familair with the director's work in the past, but I'm simply glad it isn't Fukuda.
The Animation mechanic designer is the guy who directed the mecha animation in the Stargazer OVA, which I thought was tolerable modern mech action (crap story and too short though).
The only thing I recognize the Series Composition guy from is Trigun, where he did the script. Apparently he's the head of some new writing studio dedicated to anime and manga writing.
Glad to see Okawara still around. That guy's been designing mecha since the first Gundam series. The two new guys were involved in mecha design for Full Metal Panic! and Zegapain, respectively. I never cared for the mechs in Zegapain, but we'll see what they come up with. From the screenshots, it doesn't look so radical of a departure from the norm.
Perhaps the biggest surprise to me is that Yun Kouga is doing Character Design. From the little, sad, emo boy, many people had speculated that she'd be involved. She's best known from her manga and subsequent anime, Loveless, which follows the homosexual relationship of an older 'guardian' and the grade-school youth that attaches to him. I can feel the yaoi fangirls amassing like the forces of Mordor... Obviously this pick signals even more rampant bishounen, a current trend in Gundam, and androgynous teenage soldiers/pilots. Personally, I'm fine with that, to an extent, but it cheapens the "a child fighting a war is a horrible thing" theme, making it the standard for such dramas, not the exception which it is.
FO SHOQuote:
Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
Yup that's what people generally use stoves for.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Warned. See below.
XD, I didn't know the name of the thing for those burners on the actual stove. I guess I'll just call them stove burners heh.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Please do not post one-liners like this that are completely off topic. This thread is to discuss the new Gundam series and Gundam, not cooking. I don't see what this post has to do with either of those, and as such, it's useless. Posting off-topic, contentless posts is against the rules, which I highly suggest you read before posting again.
This is a verbal warning.
You mean like a George Foreman grill?
I wonder if they'll make these MSs more 'basic' then the ones in other series.
I mean, if the series takes place only 300 years in our future, stuff like beam sabers and laser-guns would be a bit off.. I hope that at least in the beginning the suits have bullets and rockets and stuff and that the strongest MS in the end of the series has a beam saber and a beam cannon.. as some sort of growth in warfare..
The official Gundam00 webpage has been updated. More staff announcements as well, and Okawara is being listed as the third Mech Designer, indicating a reduced role in coming up with the Gundams.
The storyline looks like it'll revolve around a major natural resource crisis and the beginning of an alternative-energy, solar powered, space elevator thingy that is greedily hogged by three warring factions: The Union (America), The Reform Movement (Commies + India) and the Europeans. ...This sounds alot like the premise of what brought about the Cosmic Era age...
as much as I'd love for that to happen, I'd be shocked if they did it that way. Half of Gundam nowadays is selling model kits and sensationalizing the mecha to do so. We saw some absolutely crazy stuff in SEED, sabres on feet (which i think is an awesome idea, btw), the return of 'packages' which when merging with the Gundam give it a different look and capability, and tons and tons of Beam Cannons coming out of everywhere.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
They don't give two shits about realism in military technology. Their focus is sales of models and sensationalism.
I think they're just going to have us assume that in 300 years we've managed to develop the technology that in previous Gundam universes had taken who knows how long. Also, if you look at the dates of the timelines, it's quite possible that they take place approximately 300 years into the future (the exceptions being Turn A Gundam and Gundam X).
Universal Century 0079 is only 79 years into the timeline, which Tomino had planned to start "after mankind first moves into space colonies", the first of which was Von Braun, if I remember correctly. Considering our current technology, isn't it conceivable that 200 years from now, we have some permanent living space colonies?
Gundam Wing took place in After Colony 195, making it maybe a bit more in the future (200 years after space colonies) than the U.C. storyline.
SEED's Cosmic Era starts after a fictional event, the Reconstruction War, which was a result of the end of petroleum, environmental degeneration and massive economic collapse of the existing state structure. This "third World War" saw nations merge into blocs and fight for supremacy (yup, awfully similair to the 00 story outline), and at the end the Cosmic Era calendar was started.
I could honestly place the date of this potentially occurring before the year 2150, and since they're only 70 or so years into that timeline, it's also less than 300 years in the future.
This is a very interesting read on the original chronology of Gundam (some spoilers to be found, mostly on the background of the Gundam universe)
I don't know, on the one hand, this cures my hunger for new Gundam shows, but on the other, everything about the "protagonists" smack of a rehash of Gundam Wing. The information at Gunota even implies that too.
I look forward to the mecha though. Excia looks sleek and menacing. Wonder if the mid-show upgrade would give the main mecha angelic wings or some variation...again.
I'm also curious about Europe's AEU. Hope they enter the war with cool European mecha. This attempt at bridging the gap between Gundam and the real world is looking very interesting indeed
If you have seen the pic of Excia in MAHQ, you'll notice that it's wielding 2 non-beam melee weapons. It may be a hint that Beam sabers and some beam stuff will not be included in the show since it's the future of our timeline (and I doubt there will be Beam sabers after 300 years).Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
English Article from Yomiuri Daily on Gundam00
Very nice stuff, especially the quotes from some Mizushima (director). I like his attitude about "dealing squarely" with the theme of war and that he says he wants to make the series revolve around character interactions. Reading this article really gets me excited that this series will be a radical departure from Fukuda's shit-house antics.
Don't get your hopes up yet, Masamuneehs. Destiny, for all its faults, managed to portray a war on a grand scale. This one sounds like a Wing/Power Rangers rehash and people even more naive than the TSA who want to "end all wars with just four MS". Oh, and they're just a militia up against two superpowers. Can't say that's realistic at when you take the director's words into consideration. He wants to use the AD calendar to bring more realism, but this doesn't sound like it at all.
hmm, a new "Gundam Wing" series ?! with a twist.....
best shot of the new Gundam, Excia, in its entireity that I've found so far:
Alot of people say it looks like the strike, but Im more inclined to say it looks alot more like the Impluse. Infact, add on the Force pack on there and I would almost say that it was Impulse.
Pics Of the Gundams And Pilots
All the pilots are males :eek: ! Or maybe four-eyes is a female in disguise.Quote:
Gundam 00 MS, main characters, merchandising UPDATED AGAIN put up coverage of Club EX, where Bandai introduced the main characters and Gundams for Gundam 00 and had some Gunpla (display only for now) to show off.'s coverage goes beyond to also show off merchandising info. The write-up says Gundam 00 will differ from Gundam SEED in that, according to Bandai President Kazunori Ueno, the 4 main characters will appeal not only to female fans gained with the previous Gundam, but to male fans who prefer harsh outlooks of the world.
Also revealed: The Union seems to encompass both North and South America plus Japan while the AEU is also in control of Africa.
GN-001 Gundam Exia
Head height: 18.3m
Base weight: 57.2 tons
Screen details: "Because of the GN particles eminating from the GN Drive within the unit, it has astounding mobility and near infinite energy. Compared to currently-in-use MS, it introduces a great deal of high technology."
Addition info from Dengeki's write-up: "A close-combat, high-mobility MS equipped with 7 blades." "The GN particles eminated into the air cause radio wave interference and disrupt ordinary radar and communications."
Setsuna F. Seiei
Screen details: "Fated boy soldier born & raised in the war-torn Middle East's Kurdis Republic. A cool kid who hates getting close to others and keeps his feelings inside."
GN-002 Gundam Dynames
Head height: 18.2m
Base weight: 59.1 tons
Screen details: "Same as the other Gundams, equipped with a GN Drive. It's emphasis is gun warfare. Has many guns suitable for missions and a GN Sniper Rifle as standard equipment."
Addition info from Dengeki's write-up: "When it carries out precision shooting, the head transforms into Sniper Mode with a concealed camera eye appearing. During that time, a rifle-style controller is used."
Lockon Stratos
Screen details: "Decided to join Celestial Being after losing his parents because of terrorism. The eldest pilot and team leader."
GN-003 Gundam Kyrios
Head height: 18.9m
Base weight: 54.8 tons
Screen details: "Variable unit that can transform into a flight form. In its flight form, it has a rear arms container and can deal with every mission with versatility."
Addition info from Dengeki's write-up: "While it excels at hit-and-run attacks in its flight form, even in its MS form it has offensive capabilities to match other Gundams."
Allelujah Paptism
Screen details: "Spent his childhood as an orphan in the People's Reform League. Usually gentle and quiet."
GN-005 Gundam Virtue
Head height: 18.4m
Base weight: 66.7 tons
Screen details: "Heavily armed type and has powerful weapons such as the GN Bazooka and GN Cannon. It expands the GN Field, covering itself with a barrier and has considerably high defense."
Tieria Erde
Screen details: "A boy with a rare kind of beauty, his history, nationality, and origins all a mystery. Within his gentle tone, he can give a sense of cold intentions."
Merchandising and other goodies
Gunpla Expo Tokyo will be held August 11 through 16.
In September, 28 places countrywide will have an advance screening of episode 1 of Gundam 00.
Gundam 00 merchandise will show up in Gundam War cards (Double O Double Get Campaign starting in August), HGCORE figures (September), HGIF character figures and SD Gundam Full Color Custom 13 (October), and G Flex from the Candy Division (October).
Gundam 00 will also invade major product lines as well, including MSiA (Gundam Exia, price & date not shown), the apparently new 00 Region line (Exia, price & date also not shown), and HCM-Pro with the Gundam Exia (September, 2,300 yen) and Gundam Dynames (October, 2,300 yen).
Damn, all the Gundams are looking great
I was happy when I thought he was a she :(.Quote:
Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
Why are all the main characters always so angsty? It might prove better to have something like from MS 08th Team, where it's not some emo war struggle, but a battle for survival, friendships, and etc.
My rant of criticism:
Is it me, or do those pics of the MS models look....wrong?
To me they look like very weird designs.. I was surprised that the last one wasn't called Obese Gundam or something.
A nice thing is that the designs deviate from the standard designs. It looks refreshing, although they look a bit weird ATM..
And the fact that Setsuna is a male...damn..NOT cool. Strange though.. I thought that Setsuna was a name for a female. And that the last one is also a male...just wrong. I really hope that they're both women in disguise.
*Me want a female lead character*
Some of the names are idiotic.. I mean; Lockon?? What sadistic parent names his kid Lock-on? And what about (H)Allelujah? Was his father the pope with a speaking disability or something? What is his weapon, a holy hand grenade? Really.. try harder with the names people, this is disturbing.
I can't think of a gundam character with a name so stupid that it comes close to the above ones..or have I forgotten one?
What are your opinions about the points in my rant?