22 minute developer walkthrough in HD:
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22 minute developer walkthrough in HD:
Darkshadow : thanks !!!!
I just watched 10 minutes or so of that through earlier posted links that were on youtube, really poor quality video of course. i have to wait until later to watch these. But even the really bad quality youtube stuff has me really excited about the layout of the game and the units...
this has to be the most anticipated game of the decade. people have been wanting a sequal for years and its finally about to come. gotwoot, why yes... very much woot
Sandldan, really surprised me... im glad they had the unit demonstration because i first only saw the little trailer that did not show any game play so i was still wondering what it would look like. I remember that for a long time people were saying that starcraft : ghost i think for the xbox was an actual sequal... even though i thin it was a 3rd person action / stealthy type game.
current though : will blizzard be charging a fee for online play?
edit: i cant wait to play this... its really so exciting. i lived on starcraft for a solid year and a half day and night sleeping so little and when i was i was thinking of starcraft... spare time? probably watching replays and planning future builds.... *drools*
Have to say that im a bit amazed over Blizzards ability to have kept this a secret for so long. They seem to have worked on it for quite some time already. If i remember it right i think someone said that they're currently in the pre-alpha phase
Edit: This might be the reason http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2007/20070523.jpg
New protoss units:
soul hunters remind me of the silver surfer lol. the other three units are basically renames of photon cannon, carrier, and archon
Yeah..although did it look like the phase cannons had the ability to relocate themselves, or was I just looking at it wrong?
Yeah saw the same video but with comments, they're able to relocate themselves on the mapQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Combine that with the mobile-pylon abilities of the new Phase Prisms, and Protoss Turtling becomes a completely different play style. Maybe even offensive turtling... Time to think up some crazy strategies for it.
They noted that the squads will be more capable at independence, and things like this will create some really varied ways in fighting a battle. They also said they're trying to get away with the rock-paper-scissors style of comparing units, (and thankfully no WC3 micromanagement) so strategy really will be a huge factor in every match.
Dumb. I hated dealing with photon cannons even when they couldn't move.
I bet they cost 3 times as much, which strains the already tight budget when playing Protoss.
The video makes it hard to tell, but the phase cannon looks like it fires at a slower rate than the photon cannon.
Like Ryllharu said, this is going to make a whole new meaning of proxying for protoss. With mobile cannons, the 2 gate proxy zealot rush becomes a lot safer. Then again, they haven't shown much of the Terran advancements and almost nada of the Zerg.
Single Player campaign Preview (Dude, Blizzard is brilliant)
Terran Units Overview (Holy CRAP, thats all I have to say)
Blizzard Starcraft folklorde panel (Where/When does SC2 take place)
:: the gamer inside of me is crying waterfalls of joy! ::
If this is terran, mannnnn Zerg is going to be so awesome!
I like how the new ghosts can just call up those forces of marines. That was cool in the video :p
Yeah, I wonder how they going to balance that or what the restrictions are on it.Quote:
Originally Posted by LaZie
I was more impressed by the Battlecruiser's new ability .... no more zergling outnumbering me ... I'ma Plasma rocket them straight into the ground ^_^
Kensee, those videos own. I can't wait to see how the Protoss and Zerg mission briefings are going to look!!
I'm impressed yet again by Blizzards eye for perfection. Regardless of WoW starting to become a flop due to lack of prior experience with MMO's, all their other games have always met their expectations at any level and this one doesn't seem to be an exception.
Brilliant and I'm anticipating this game vigourously. I never played Starcraft pro, but me and a mate were damn good at it at some point. I think we had like 551 wins versus ~80 losses on two new accounts we created back then. Maybe some of you think that's alot of losses, but the first 100(like 70% or so) matches were almost all losses :P untill we managed to get a solid strategy.
Give teh SC!
If by flop you mean, one of the current biggest MMO's currently out there....then yeah.Quote:
Originally Posted by ?igma
Let's face it, pure gameplay is crap. And don't say I don't know, I have several lvl 70's, played high-end raiding both pretBC and after and it's all the same old same old.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
They balanced the game to death too.
For some, Macdonalds is a big success, others prefer things that are actually healthy.
So by success, you're talking about the completely subjective, appealing only to yourself as if a company would measure their success by your personal perspective kind of success.
I was talking about the number of copies sold, number of members currently subscribed, and number of new members constantly subscribing kind of success. :o
(and you wonder why you made both lists ;))
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
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