good Second episode, although I do think the storyline revolves around one person too much currently. Too soon to say though.
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good Second episode, although I do think the storyline revolves around one person too much currently. Too soon to say though.
Heroic Age - Episode 2 - Bruised Ichigo
I simply don't like when fansub groups cut right in, doing only the most recent episode and essentially trying to "steal" viewers away from the group that has worked on the show from the start. Sure, BI only did one more episode than Your-Mom, but I don't like the idea that Your-Mom whimsically picks up shows in the middle of their run and counts on other groups having done the work for the previous episodes.
edit to below- i just think it's a dick thing to do. just my two cents
I think it's good. They're giving a speed-sub option, meaning speed over quality. I think it's fine that they're cutting in when stuff takes long to get released. Like Code Geass, there was a long period where no episodes were released, and it was YourMom that qualmed our desires for CG. However, they've only subbed 3 series in that was started by another group, Heroic Age, Code Geass and Sumomo momomo. Sumomo only had episodes 1-17, and they just subbed the last 2 episodes (21 and 22). You can say the same about other groups cutting in to other series, like One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, etc. Do you really expect ADC-Elites, Gerusama, Vegapunk, Dattebayo, etc. to start from episode 1?
I think this is one of those age old debates that will never get settled, The way I see it what speedsubbers like Your-Mom do is provide something people really want at an arguably lower quality level but faster.
The only way I can see a problem with that is if one thinks there's some type of 'code' to fansubbing where certain rules have to be followed without needing reasonable explanations. 'Thou shalt sub only entire series' would fit this category. No one's experience is directly hurt by the availability of certain episodes earlier than the 'main' groups release. If you choose to download it and it's not to your liking then you will know not to download from them again, and it's your own fault for trying something different.
Second episode was interesting, those 12 tasks seemed pretty mean though ...Humanity take over the universe or be destroyed. And if you think about it, they basically just say save yourselves, no here's what you'll have to do...beat everyone else and become godlike.
I think he litterally spells AGE three times though ^^Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
He doesn't literally spell it, if you listen to him he says the pronunciation like A-e-gee. Maybe it's the japanese engrish problem and his name is supposed to be Age afterall, but with the pronunciation they made we may never know unless we look up the official name from them.
Well ye, but as you yourself said, with the Japanese way of pronouncing English words, most of them lose half of it stretching their tongue, or add more to it while trying.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
And you don't think Heroic Age is to address an "age" right ? I first thought the same, maybe concerning a time-frame. But after seeing the two episodes it seems pretty evident its basically only about Age = person. He on himself is a Tribe. For some weird reason.
Heroic Age Episode 3 by YourMom
Edit: Ok, just watched the episode. Yea his name is Age as concluded by the sign that said "Age's Room". The episode was good, we got to see more of Age's childish and playful nature, and someone from the Silver Tribe. Also, don't forget to watch the introduction at the beginning. I thought it would just repeat information but it had info that wasn't revealed by the episodes.
So does this episode continue to support the complete genocide of other species and taking over their worlds?
Hell yeah! But it's okay, since every race seems to want to destroy all the other races, so it's kill or be killed.
sweet thanks :) Dling
Wow Sphere subs sure are taking their time O_o
Episode 5 h264 - YourMom
Episode 5 XviD - YourMom
Edit: Warning to those of you planning to download the h264 version, there seems to be a problem atleast with mine, right near the end of the intro or so around 2:23 it'll get buggy and skip all the way to 5:5x or so. This was with MPC, and with VLC it just crashed, so just a heads up. Might only be me. Might want to download the XviD just in case, which I'm doing now since I don't like missing and skipping shit.
Episode 5 h264 v2 - YourMom
Hopefully they fixed their script a bit as well, but I doubt it.
I thought the beginning was kick-ass, but I'm slowly losing my interest in this series. Not sure what causes it..
Could it be because all Deianeira ever seems to do is project herself into space and say "Age..." in her synthesizer voice? I do like her despite her never seeming to do anything, as well as her red-headed handmaiden Aneesha.
Deianeira's apparent worthlessness aside, the Silver Tribe really pisses me off. They're the type of villain you know won't die til the very last episode, and won't actually fight until the second to last. They just send the Bronze Tribe nests to do all their dirty work, and the one of their kind with a Heroic Tribe inside just bosses the other 3 around. They never do any of their own dirty work, and just teleport out any time that little ship of theirs following the Argonaut might be threatened by Age. fucking cowards. Definitely the archetype of villains that piss me off the most. They act all superior and high and mighty without ever exerting themselves.