yea they need to get on the grind and move everything along as quick as possible nowQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
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yea they need to get on the grind and move everything along as quick as possible nowQuote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
A lot of things in this ep felt like they were going in slow motion. I didn't feel much excitement when the characters took action (even the actions I wasn't expecting like Sakura punching through trees and Naruto rasenganing through trees...poor trees). The sand stuff was somewhat more interesting, but still it felt like the ep was running through molasses.
It's because of the flashbacks of their first bell training. That totally ruined it.
What happend to the sexy animation? I'm not going to complain, after all, it can't be perfect. Did Deidara and Sasori walk through the slit in the outer barrier in the manga? I think Deidara made the bird before he entered.
Even if this ep was running through molasses, its better than anything we've watched for the past 2 years of Naruto. Would you rather have everything go fast paced with lots of excitement for a short while or would you rather have everything go at a slow pace with a little excitement here and there for a long time to come. I'd rather have a slow-moving, good storyline than a fast-moving story with a script that I would find in a kindergartener's imagination.
did anyone else notice the inconsistancy at the very begining? you see kakashi standing with his protector over his eye and then 2 secs later he has it off.. n the animation wasnt as good as others have said.. but as stated i prefer it to go slow and keep a good distance from the fillers as much as possible
Surprised there's so much bitching about it. I guess the cock tease of what's to come outweighed the expected results of the current execution.
Honestly I didn't think it was that bad. Again I'll take stretched-out manga content over filler any day.
I guess the sheer badassiddy of the Sauske reappearance/cocktease got peoples expectations up to astronomical levels. I'm sure they'll be able to deliver when the times comes (especially in the next episode).
Did anyone else anticipate the light sabre sound when Sasori and Deidara were walking through the wall with Star Wars music? Not to mention when Kakashi starts doing is taijutsu.
Then there's the Lord of the Rings music when Sakura shows her strength.
I actually liked the music... Though it doesn't beat the old music it's still there....Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
I think it would have been more interesting if out of the 1000 techniques he's copied he'd show one that wasn't one of the 20 we've already seen.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
So far, nobody has done anything new. They've only shown how they've improved at really basic stuff. Unless you count Sakura's strength(which we all knew was coming from a long way off, also, I'm glad they finally explained how it's done and that it's not actually physical strength)
So until someone actually uses a NEW skill, and not just improved taijutsu and replacement techniques...this fight is just kinda boring. I'm hoping they got the rehash out of the way this episode so next episode can actually be interesting.
That said, the music totally rocked. I can't wait to hear them played again in actual important situations. I can almost picture what old songs each of the new songs is supposed to replace.
well i liked it. Getting to know Deidara was the best part of the episode. never saw the symbol from his forehead protector before... his jutsu are strange. i wonder if it's a summon, or some kind of blood-line maybe. looking forward to him and gaara having a little showdown
the animation was, well, a little bit down from last time. don't suppose it'd be fair to expect the opposite...
i too got tired of all the flashbacks... was quite a bit of recap as well for events that'd happened last time and in this very episode itself.
SD gives little explanations of words, phrases and jutsus, and then sticks with the common text spelling in Japanese. I sort of like this, but I can imagine how most people would want the explicit translations.... Anyone who has compared them both have an opinion on which is more accurate? I know last time DB's seemed a little inferior.
edit - hm... SD excluding segments from the end of the episode? I don't like that...
Does anyone else think the formerly useless Sakura could beat Naruto in a 1v1 fight? I mean Naruto doesn't fall for every dumb trick anymore and has improved his more basic skills - but Sakura's seems to be way more effective with her bare hands than Naruto with his rasengan. And it looks like she troubles Kakashi far more than Naruto... :confused:
Hopefully Naruto won't fight on with the same ol' tactics - the fillers made them more than a pain in the ass!
*Kage Bunshin no Jutsu* *RASEEEEENGAAAAAN*
The flashbacks didn't bother me too much and the music is great.
Another great epsidode, with awsome music.
She's beating him all the time... And honestly I'm far from sure how it would end up in a "real" fight. I can't really see Naruto wanting to fight seriously against Sakura. Especially Sakura. While it would be insulting towards Sakura not to fight seriously (considering how Tsunade has turned her into a mini-Tsunade monster), Naruto might still remember too well the times when she was but a cry-baby Sakura needing all the protection Naruto and Sasuke could grant her.Quote:
Originally Posted by StillAlive
And besides, this fight so far has been quite unimpressive. Like has been said, there have been no new techniques. And moreover, Kakashi hasn't been serious at all. I guess what he's doing is granting Naruto and Sakura chances and openings so that they can display their attack tactics. Still, that doesn't actually really demonstrate real battle abilities, because in real fights also the opponent will do his utmost to strike back or even strike first.
Well, other than that, this episode was pretty good. I especially liked the Sand parts. The Sand regular ninjas don't seem too skilled based on this, but now that Gaara made an appearances, I reckon those Akatsuki fellows will have their hands full fighting back. Deidara should be happy, though, that Temari isn't home. She could probably get the bird out of sky fast enough... Now Sand AA capabilities might be lesser.
You guys are complete bitches. There was absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. Slow pacing, so what, it's not like Naruto was ever the fastest show. Complaints about the animation? lol, yeah, big surprise that the first episode (or should I say the first and second) had superior animation, not like every show ever has that. This was still LEAGUES and LEAGUES better than filler animation. Also we got to see Deidara in action (sort of) FINALLY since he also happens to be my favorite akatsuki.
I don't get you guys. Seriously, some of you even watched the fillers so you should be like me and orgasm over every second instead of being angsty about there not happening enough things. I'm glad they drag things out as opposed to stressing through it, that will only give us more fillers even sooner.
That being said I hate cliffhangers and I want next episode NOOOW but that's how I'm supposed to feel right? What good is a show you don't look forward to the next episode of?
suppose this is a pretty nasty reception episode 3's gotten so far. i did enjoy it, don't get me wrong there. but naturally people are going to be a little let down after how awesome the first/second episode(s) were. it's like eating pure sugar and then having a piece of cake immediately afterwards; the cake is just as good as ever, but by comparison your tongue tells your mind that it was bland.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
but, turning to happier things...
Sakura sure has developed quite a bit. Actually utilizing her chakra control in combat is a great step forward for her. It'd be interesting if she tried some Genjutsu on Kakashi. Naruto is still stupid at times, but he's using that, and his history with Kakashi, to his advantage. Some of Naruto's best moments have been when he appears to have fucked up, but to have a clone hidden nearby or his actual self preparing some kind of attack. His idiocy is a natural presentation for pulling off successful feints. One on one, I'd say Sakura wins (Naruto just couldn't go all out against her), but we still know he's more powerful, making up for even his stupidity.
Deidara's Art Jutsus seem to be made from that mouth on his hand, and whatever is in the bag. I wonder what the actual properties of those forms are. Do they disappear as easily as Shadow/Water Clones? Or can they take some hits? It looks like they're infused with his chakra, so i'd imagine they have a limited amount inside them.
oh, and nobody has mentioned the fact that Deidara employed some pretty high tech equipment when he was scoping out the Sand Village. The level of technology in Naruto has always been a sort of gray area, but i think it's cool to allow some modern gadgetry to come into play every now and then. thoughts?
i was trying to see the symbol too. i think it was a cloud, which might explain what the white stuff is that he's using for his sculptures. but his hair was always obscuring the symbol so it's hard to say.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I'm pretty sure the symbol on his forehead is a rock since he's from the rock village.
Naruto: Shippuuden start is roughly chapter 245 in the manga and the manga is currently at 342. If they were to go at a normal pace instead of stretching things out there might be enough content to cover about 70 episode, if you consider the manga chapter to episode ratio for the first season and if you count in the new manga chapters that would've came out by that time, we might have enough materials for about ~100 episode b4 the anime get caught up to the manga again.
so in short, i prefer for them to stretch things out a bit so we don't have to go back to 2 year of filler again.
It seems like the Narutardness genes only laid dormant during the fillers, and are even now indirectly drawing power from them now that their over. Just because the episodes aren't fillers doesn't mean they are good by default. And the claim that 'at least it's not more filler' shouldn't matter, since the quality of one episode is not actually made better by the previous episodes being terrible. Now I know my words are empty and meaningless next to the glory of having the true work of our precious Kishimotot on the small screen again, but still, he's not perfect, and sometimes he even does retarded things that don't make sense (Chouji).