Just a thought, will AnimeOne be making this series a priority now the fillers are over?
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Just a thought, will AnimeOne be making this series a priority now the fillers are over?
Hmm.....the pacing after konohamaru's scene felt kinda weird for most of the ep....
They definitely introduced some elements differently than it was in the manga, but also playing that not-so-naruto-esque music the whole time was odd too.
It basically didn't feel like I was watching Naruto.
Pretty soon this thread will become pretty hot....there's alot of stuff they've introduced into this ep.
Now I remember why I love Naruto. Great introduction after 2 years of filler. Couldn't have been better. The animation and music were great as well - especially when the 2 new Akatsuki guys showed up at the Sand Village gates.
And what was up with those first 8 minutes?? What was that??
I had already seen the new character designs for the post-time jump characters, but the way in which it was all presented still made it feel exciting.
I got the same feeling, kinda. But I loved it. I guess this new stye helps to differentiate between Naruto and Naruto Shippuden.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Hmm... I liked the beginning. While it might have been a sort of advertising trick and didn't make terribly much sense, it was both a good watch, and it worked as an artistic trick to get the show back on focus 100% (assuming the focus still is the Naruto - Sasuke line).
What comes to the rest of the episode, I liked it a lot. The graphics were good, like has been said numerous times already, and so was the music. Very good. Character design was fine. It was also nice they introduces a couple of Akatsuki doods right here at the beginning. Gives some shadows and weight to this show that was ruined by the fillers for so long. And having the Shikamaru - Temari couple there, almost hand in hand, was a funny detail. Those two must really be a destined couple...
The things I didn't like about this was the intro feeling that was so pervasive except for the Sand parts (and of course the very beginning). Those strange breaks with height comparisons with the old characters were the worst. The fight against Kakashi reeks of a cheap way to show new abilities and replay old memories, but on the other hand if Naruto is going to join the shinobi pool reserved for missions I guess they really need to know how good he is and what manner of opponents he could face. After all, he hasn't been participating in chuunin exams or other events that Tsunade would know of.
Well, all in all, it's splendid to be able to once more look forward to both Naruto and Bleach once again.
Oh, and I wonder if they are going to keep humorous extras at the end of episodes à la Bleach, or if it was just this episode.
God... I keep hearing you guys talk about the first half of the episode, but I have to wait like seven hours to watch it because I've got school. I'm downloading it now so it'll be ready when I get back~
I thought I would be disappointed. I'm glad that I was wrong.
I really liked this episode. The opening/ending didn't appeal me either, they were OK. There are probably people who enjoy them more than I do.
They kept saying "This feels nostalgic". And at least I felt that way to. And those break, while they were annoying, I didn't really care; the animation, music, excitement, everything else was so good.
And the couple looked so cute together.
I thought about this too. The preview had this "Bleach-feeling" too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I think I finally made sense of why they put that in the beginning of the ep. It's more or less what's happening to them right now, and everything else we saw for the rest of the episode is a flashback of sorts even though no one has seen it yet..Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Damn that first part was such a tease if you haven't read the manga.
All the little code word skits they threw in, Jiraya advertising his book, and the stuff after the ending theme were kind of annoying, it was more like one episode + a big teaser and some filler, but at least we got a full episodes worth and they're not skipping a week like they normally do with 1 hour specials.
Considering they just released 9 episodes at once, I think they're really trying to finish up Part I now (it's about time) and start doing Naruto Shippuden on a more regular basis (i.e. 1 episode a week). I mean ideally, this is what I'd want, but you never know.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shuurai
But then again, Naruto is out of filler so all the Naruto fans will come back to and start watching Naruto on a weekly basis again.
I just hope that Shippuden does not resort to massive fillers. I think that the anime has a good chance there won't be much use for filler because of how slowly they're pacing the anime. If you check out Leaf Ninja for future episode titles, it seems like they'll be extending Bell Test #2 all the way through episode 4. If I'm not mistaken, the manga finished this part up within a matter of a few pages.
I also would like to comment on how nice the animation is.
And what's up with using that scene in the beginning of the episode. That part doesn't show for quite a while. Are they just trying to tease the audience or like give an example of what's to come later on?
Oh, and did you guys also notice how much "filler scenes" they've added? I think it's great because it'll lengthen up the story up a bit so the anime does not catch up to the manga any time soon.
Oh well, here's to Naruto Shippuden continuously airing non filler episodes (at least for a long long long time)~ :)
Oh man, it's almost hard to formulate sentences right now because I'm right in the midst of a nerdgasm.
So much awsome shit going on!
Okay, actually almost nothing is going on that wasn't going on 3 years ago. But still!
I can't believe it was an hour long special and they STILL ended right there! I want to see new powers dammit!
I loved the fact that Naruto is the only one who's still a Genin. I wonder if he's join the chuunin exam and just blow through it.
Also, Neji, Kankuro and Temari are all Jounin? But Shikamaru isn't? Wierd.
Sucks for Naruto can Naruto could totally beat any of those 3!
He needs to catch up. They won't be making a Genin hokage any time soon!
And I guess the opening isn't just Gaara fanservice afterall. Seems like he's going to be a central character in this arc at least.
Also, bonus, we have a name for what Naruto and Gaara are now! Jinchuuriki!
For manga readers like myself, I'm quite pleased with how they're going about doing Shippuden (as I mentioned right before). It just sucks how they make the anime cut off at such good places, butu then again, that's good because it'll keep us anxious and ready for more each week.
Whats up with the beginning? Was it a preview of whats coming? Makes no sence...
The show feels exactly like it was before fillers. I was hoping for more dramatic changes in the series but, its just the same. Atleast Naruto aint as annoying he used to be.
What I don't like about the opening minutes is that once the anime gets to where that stuff takes place, they'll have to show it again and we'll have an episode which runs only half of the time! Damnation!
It feels almost surreal to watch a Naruto episode again. This ep reminded me both of how totally awesome this series can be, but also how brain-numbingly bad it can get. Maybe I'm just pickier because I stopped watching the fillers, but I didn't like the little skits where they introduced keywords. I've always found the silliness in Naruto to be too over-the-top for my liking.
The intro was fantastic. We probably won't get to that point in the story for a while (I'm just assuming that it's a snippet from an episode in the future....I don't read the manga so this is just my guess), but it was a brilliant reminder of how compelling the story is, and that we didn't wait through all those fillers for nothing.
The new events at the Sand Village look like they're shaping up to be pretty sweet. As for the Naruto and Sakura vs Kakashi battle, I'm feeling a bit meh about it. Hopefully it will exceed my expectations.
Is it just me, or was it really annoying when Naruto used the word nostalgic in like every sentence, just feels like a poorly written start.
the one thing that nobody's talked about yet was the new Akatsuki guys and their jutsus. i thought of saw that one guy's Possession/Control jutsu to be something like Sakon's jutsu, especialy when that Sand nin was talking to the thing in his shirt. i know it has something to do with the brain, so it's different, but it just reminded me...
and i liked the teaser/whatever in the very beginning of the episode. it was like instant kickass injection into my skull! I don't care if we don't get to it for awhile, it got the blood in my veins pumping (and looked beautiful)
i even thought the weird "keyword" parts were tolerable, at least the one with Kakashi and Jiraiya. I also lol'd at Naruto still being a Genin. It makes sense to me that Shikamaru would still be Chuunin. He lacks raw skills (and motivation), at least in comparison to Neji. I think of the Sand ninjas gaining rank as more of a necessity, since they were really weak after the Sound event and those 3 needed to step up. It would be no surprise to me if Gaara can't handle the two Akatsuki guys.... just a feeling...
lol... guess too much fillers have affected our expectations of a naruto ep...
definitely a good start to erase the damage done by fillers in any case....
lol, I was just about to say, "Nostalgic" is the new "Dattebayo"Quote:
Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
Naruto: "I have to find Sasuke, nostalgicttebayo"
In hindsight, I also didn't really like the filler bits with the keywords every 10 minutes. It honestly didn't bother me as I was watching the episode, though, and I guess I can let it slide considering the opening 10 minutes. Perhaps we should think of that as Perriot's apology for the 2 years of filler?
Come to think of it...it actually has been 2 years both in the anime and in real life. What a tragic parallel...
It's kinda like "BELIEVE IT!" from the dub. =/
Well lets be honest cut out all the filler and say this takes place after episode 137 of the anime and we had no Naruto until now. If that was the case all of the Nostalgic comments make perfect sense.
As for the keywords I assume that was just for a contest and we won't see them in the future as such I can live with them.
So far they definatl have it back on track and I certainly hope they continue like this with the animation and music.