That's not good....think of how many people are going to miss it because they aren't watching any filler eps :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Danad_corps
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That's not good....think of how many people are going to miss it because they aren't watching any filler eps :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Danad_corps
That's what I was saying.... They should have made the goodbyes into it's own episode instead of merging it with a filler... Even though the goodbyes were somewhat filler.. It would make more sense as a seperate episode for folks to watch as a transitional episode.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
first filler episode i've DL'd in a while, and it actually has manga content in it?
/me goes back to find that scene...
oh, obviously didn't watcht the episode at all. Just saw the (awful imho) OP and ED and the preview, which got me all giddy and excited for next week!
lee says that tenten wasnt in the mission because she was with kotarou's team. I don't even remember anyone named kotarou. can anyone enlighten me on the subject please?
Yeah.. I think Kotarou is just someone they made up to explain why she wasn't there.
I guess it was alright. Best part was the preview and the Shukaku spear. And why doesn't Sakura have her new outfit in the preview? = (
I wish they took a few episodes to show some of the training that naruto gets, or like an OVA but like during the series of like naruto and his travels with Jiraiya. That would be sick.
I think we have seen enough plotless episodes to last for a while. I will rather watch the main plot advance again, after these couple of terrible years. And I can't imagine the training would be that much different from the rasengan training, except that this time there wouldn't even be big boobed distractions. It'll be more interesting to see the new techniques and skills in real battles.
Still, maybe they could make an OVA of the first maybe month, like maybe they went off on a mission and taught naruto the new technique at the same time, such as rasengan. And then made some kind of cool ending to signal the time skip.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
It's finally here! :D Like everyone has already stated the beginning was so so but it was necessary to get that character over and down with. The good byes were nice and the preview for next weeks episode gave me that feeling I've not felt in Naruto for so long! Wooohooo it's almost within our reach! :eek:
i want to know from someone who read the manga: Was the actual good-bye process much similar to the one shown in this episode (i.e.NONE AT ALL)? I'm still kinda pissed about that. He thinks of everyone as his precious friends, saves them from almost impossible scenarios, and then they don't even have the decency to say goodbye to him when they all know that he isn't going to be back for a long time even though they aren't doing anything very important. Now that i think of it, only 1 person said goodbye to the Sand team. These young'ins have no manners these days.
I didnt see the earlier episodes.....what's the deal with gaara being a sensei? o.O
@Danad_corps: I don't recall the others even realizing Naruto was going away...actually....
Oh, and the part where Naruto holds his hand up to the 4th's face and clenches his fist did happen in the manga too.
wait... so this kotarou guy is just a made up name or something? that's dumb. they should have just said tenten was out on a mission with gai or something, iono.
Danad: yeah, pretty much, but like Assert said, the feeling you get when reading it is that most of them are either unaware that he is leaving or consider leaving for training nothing special. You can take a look for yourself if you want. Chapter 238 is the end of part 1.
EDIT: If you do download the chapter, I don't remember if the last page was animated way back when.
I don't remember the 4th hand grab thing from the manga, but that bugged me. He's never met the 4th. Why would he ask HIM to protect or watch over him? He should be asking the 3rd.
He knows the fourth sealed the Kyubi inside him, so it makes sense to ask him.
Wasn't the fourth the one that sealed Kyubi into Naruto's baby-self? If i am correct that would make the fourth Naruto's...creator/god..? Also, the fourth (correct me if i am HAS been a long time since i've seen the real story) was the only one who was able to deal with Kyubi making him the one best able to help Naruto (who has the Kyubi).
Not at all, atleast this way they show that the genin 11 + certain jounin are not the only ninja in the village.Quote:
Originally Posted by Teki
If I was going to ask a dead guy to watch over me, I'd pick the one who looks like grown-up me too.Quote:
Originally Posted by JaySee
well this episode wasn't entirely useless.
I've pondered for a long time that if i was in the naruto world, who would i want to be? Well now i know i would want to be Gaara. Shukaku Spear FTW!
Anyways yeah they made Seimei (sp?) sound like such a powerful, (minimum 3 ep) boss. But then he goes down by having a spear chucked at him? They also don't explain how gaara still had enough chakra to do any of those moves while it was being sucked out.
In the preview Naruto looks really mature, which if he is i think it would kill the series.