Yes, the artwork is very similar to H&C. Heck, even the director of H&C is directing NC.
However, H&C and NC are two really different stories, so I don't think that they can end up the same in that sense.
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Yes, the artwork is very similar to H&C. Heck, even the director of H&C is directing NC.
However, H&C and NC are two really different stories, so I don't think that they can end up the same in that sense.
Well, Nodame Cantabile isn't really about unrequited love. Certainly a lot more lighthearted.
BTW, I've been really enjoying the C1 translations, has anyone checked out the other translations?
Been watching the raws, so cant help you there.
It is about unrequited love, at least for now. Doesnt even matter if it is, since it is fundamentally a comedy, while H and C is a drama.
I love HNC, and im starting to like this anime, i just hope it doesn't lead to the same love conclusion of HNC. a good romance comedy is good once in a while :D.
Seconded, I really hated how H and C season 2 ended. That is partly why I am hoping this stays a comedy (also because it is so funny)
Well, I watched the first two episodes of this last night. About time I started watching a current series. I'm really liking this one a lot. I don't watch many comedy animes, so this is a really fun change of pace for me. As someone who took both piano and violin lessons (ok ok, so maybe I only played violin when I was in kindergarten when I had an awesome violin teacher and then he moved away and the new teacher wasn't good a knowing how to teach kids so that was the end of that) I find the technical musical aspects of this anime to be really fascinating. I'm definitely putting this on my 'Must Watch' list and sending it over to my brother who is majoring in music at university.
And that picture of Mine's hair from the live action....priceless! I'm downloading the live action now, just for that, lol.
Episode 5 by Froth-Bite
Wow, people really love live-action Mine's hair, hahaha. Yeah, when I first saw it, I was thinking, "Holy jeez, that's some crazyass hair!!" Still, that can't be the reason why people should download the live-action :p
Hehe, now that I've seen the first couple episodes of the live-action, I agree with you there. In fact, I think I may even like it better than the anime. I need to watch a few more episodes of both to decide, but so far the live-action seems to take a bit more time explaining things, so the story is a bit more coherent. I also think the differences in music style are more evident in the live-action, but maybe that's just because I'm watching more closely for it this time around.Quote:
Originally Posted by kooshi
Not only did they explain things a bit more clearly, but the live-action is wackier than the anime. Plus, Nodame is so damn cute and plays the part extremely well. Unfortunately, I find Chiaki to be colder and harsher.
Yeah, do you know which corresponds more closely to the manga? I wasn't sure if it's just a really wacky series or if Japanese television is just wacky in general.Quote:
Originally Posted by kooshi
Hee hee! She's so adorable! Great choice of actress.Quote:
Originally Posted by kooshi
But he's so dreamy! ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by kooshi
I think the coldness suits his character better. I can't really say anything about the end of the series since I haven't seen past the first few episodes, but I'm hoping that the increased coldness of his demeanour will make the gradual change in his character more apparent as Nodame starts to wear off on him. It also is a great contrast to how upbeat Nodame and Mine are. And the expression on his face when he thinks about going on a plane....I nearly fell off my chair laughing!
More animated wackiness:
Episode 6 xvid - C1
I just watched the first 5 episodes,Froth-Bite version, and I have to say that this is really a fun series. Most of the time I can't tell what's happening in the music scenes, they all sound the same to me. Might check out that live-action later since you guys seem to think it's good.
Anyways, be careful with what you say about Honey & Clover in this thread, I haven't watched it yet and if I get spoiled it'll be the end of you in this forum. Fair warning.
Oh man that old man Milhe (?) is so disgustingly lecherous. Especially the scene where his lips puckered up for the kiss with Nodame...
It's hilarious how everyone in the orchestra thinks everyone else is damn lousy. I can't tell the difference between the Chiaki's version and Milhe's version of the music though... they all sound exactly the same to me. =_=|||
Kitkat: where are you downloading the live action episodes from? Heh I wonder if Nodame's screams (mugyaaa! gyaboh!) are as fantastical in the live action. That'd be pretty funny. ^^
They are there, and in a certain sense they may be even funnier, because at least for me it's peculiar to watch live action with such utterances. It's also funny in general how details that don't really catch your attention in anime look quite unrealistic or exaggerated in live action. But I guess it's good they left them there.Quote:
Originally Posted by yallo
Cool... I'm definitely going to find and watch the live action version then.
By the way. For those interested, you can download the Nodame songs from here. By songs, I mean the background music and not the OP/ED. Enjoy ^^
Nodame's screams in the live-action are better, simply because the actress adds these cute little movements while screaming at times. Other than that, there's not much difference.
And thank you for the link to the songs, I've been meaning to get some classical music into my archives :)
Yeah, he's even more creepy in the live-action. That whole kissing thing is drawn out so long, to proportions of ultimate creepiness.Quote:
Originally Posted by yallo
I came across some torrents for the live-action on this site called d-addicts. I've only downloaded the first two so far though, so I don't know if all of them are subbed. Guess I'll download more and find out. I'm actually really liking pacing the live-action together with the anime so I'm at roughly the same point in both.
From what I could understand from digging around d-addicts, two first have been hardsubbed (I've only these), and then for the raws there are softsub files available at the subber's site (I don't remember the address). When I checked the situation, it was, if memory serves, softsubbed till the fourth episode. And of course if you can read Chinese there seems to be a good availability of subs...
Soft sub website
There ya guys go, the soft subs for the entire season! Take note that the translations can be quite weird and/or incorrect at times, but it's understandable. Be sure to download the correct video file!
I watched the first two live episodes on youtube today. It doesn't really follow the manga, but I thought the acting was good.
The only thing that bothers me is watching the actors pretending to play instruments. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm a musician (enthusiast not professional). I keep noticing things and it drives me nuts.
Thanks kooshi, now I just need to find the right files.