I only lurk when there are no topics that I even remotely know about.
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I only lurk when there are no topics that I even remotely know about.
Case in point, your thread about your "band".Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
BAM! I am the insult master!!!
Anyway, not to belittle woofcat's accomplishments or efforts, but seriously, no hot chicks will be impressed that you compiled this list. Maybe learn how to play guitar or a sport. Seriously, I'm not making fun. I've always regretted not spending my time more wisely, and hopefully you take this as encouragement and not ridicule. Peace.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
LMAO @ the prospect of you knowing the least about what gets "hot chicks" (in your case probably 14 year-old indonesian midgets, no offense to Indonesia) impressed.Quote:
no hot chicks will be impressed that you compiled this list
I don't feel the need to post in a thread unless I have something to contribute. This post being an exception.
^Joined September 2003 with 111 posts...I think you missed one Woofcat!
That shit is gangsta.Quote:
Originally Posted by High Wind
Been lurking around pretty much all the time i've been here, partially because i havent had anything to contribute. And it could be because im a Finn :rolleyes:
Takes a while for us to break the ice, but it's soon all gone!
So you're saying compiling lists of lurkers on a forum is something that impresses hot chicks? Somehow I doubt it's the dorkiest thing you've done to impress a girl.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
There's some things you do to impress women, and some things you do to entertain yourself.
You're right, data mining on the forums is not going to get you laid, no matter how much of it you do. Doesn't invalidate it as something to kill time though...
So, what do you do?
I'm in the mining industry.
This is the shit that gets you laid!
funny how the intent of this thread was to lure out these lurkers, yet instead it is mostly frequented by some of the loudest and biggest post whores on the forums...
and by participating here I increase the post-whorage content of this well-intended thread to a new level! now we just need Chaoskiddo and a special appearance by Mut and the perversion of this topic will be complete!
good stuff on luring fooman and high wind out of their lurk holes though.
Seriously. Must lead a simple life if all your actions are based on whether you'd get laid or not.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
I love using forums as something to kill time. I wouldnt have joined if i didnt think that way. I should spend more time doing my homework though.
lol 5 mods posted in a row, haha i found that suprisingly funny =D............
To pull out those lurkers you have to get those seige tanks ready.
Maybe they have better things to do than post here.
Lol, more like the boss and his 4 cronies :DQuote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
Better to be a cronie then a sucker :pQuote:
Originally Posted by FrogKing
^And another mod joins in...sucker and cronie are probably on par with each other. I don't know if i am that easily decieved though.
You also need some sort of detector...Quote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
What was posted:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
What I read the 1st time
After confirming and reading, my interpretationQuote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Either way, where's Suede now? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Teracosmo