^^your allowed to say what you want, but atleast do it in the right thread......(which would be the Next Generation Consoles thread)....This thread isnt for thrashing the Wii.
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^^your allowed to say what you want, but atleast do it in the right thread......(which would be the Next Generation Consoles thread)....This thread isnt for thrashing the Wii.
So far, I've created Rocky (Sylvester Stalone), Captain Kirk, Picard, Vash, Kenshin, Walter and The Dude (from The Big Lebowski - apparently this wasn't as an original idea as I thought), and V.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I wish you could do more with the Miis in the Mii channel besides pick them up and put them in order.
ahh...so thats YOUR rocky and kenshin i see in my parade
I must say, I found the Mii creating process to be much more enjoyable than I originally thought. Pity that, some of the options on the online demo got left out of the final product.
Oh, and my dear Sweetums<3 can be found on XanBcoo's console.
Care to post your #?
Care to post your #?
bagandscalpel and I go to the same college. He doesn't have a Wii yet, hence him using our console for his own creative endeavors.Quote:
Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
Also, just made Chuck Norris. I'm pretty proud of it~
I really thought more people would have Wiis by now :(. I've got like, 3 people in my address book.
I made my own wii character! I'll learn how to get his # and get everything sorted out tonight :D
To check your console number, just go to the Wii message board, then the little notepad icon. From there you should see the "address book" option (or whatever it is), which lists your console number on the first page.
My Wii number:
8864 1524 2978 0750
I've only got one Mii so far though, based on myself, no anime ones as of yet.
Cool, I added you Raven.
And yeah, I quickly ran out of anime-based Miis and started doing celebrities. Just as fun.
Finally finished Zelda which was awesome by the way so now I can get back to my normal life.
Here is my number: 1757 0132 8657 1690
I finally got connected too and I'm not even using a Wireless router.
It turns out that the little Nintendo Wi-Fi USB adapter from my DS, can also be used with the Wii.
I look forward for to adding every one that those get one and I hope you add me.
By the one of you moderators should make this a sticky thread.
Updated the list.Quote:
Originally Posted by nests
I probably can if it looks like alot of people will use this thread.
Nests and XanBcoo still needs to send me their miis so i can update the address book.
Really I thougth I did send you a massege let me try again
edit: Never mind I just got your Mii. You should put your Naruto characters to mingle.
I have all my anime characters on mingle. I've noticed the parade thing seems to involve a rather gradual migrating process. Does anyone know the link to that mii simulator tool someone put up online a while back? It would be cool to create snapshots of our custom miis to put up here.
This is for those people who dont have a Wii and may want to see the Miis
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/828/itachich4.th.jpg http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5...chi2dp8.th.jpg
Rock Lee
Well I finally got a Wii today. I'll edit this message once I figure everything out.
Number: 1946 0281 1987 1144
I'm gonna be getting my Wii on Tuesday so I'll post my friend code once I do and set everything up. I can't wait! :D
I just added you Knives so how about you ad me too.
Good for you NarutoMaster I hope this thing gets bigger.
Haha.....send me the Naruto one