Seeing as your birthday falls on Dia De Los Muertos...Feliz Cumpleanos a ti!
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Seeing as your birthday falls on Dia De Los Muertos...Feliz Cumpleanos a ti!
I want drunken stories upon your return with your friends.
Happy Birthday, have a good one!
Happy birthday man! Must be cool to get all that candy on your birthday. :p
Happy Bday Masa
aww, they grow up so fast :o
Happy birthday man. Needless to say, you're one of the few people whose existance actually matters, both to me, and to the world in general.
Try not to kill too many brain cells this weekend :D
Happy Birthday Masa!! Hope its a good one, you deserve it you immoderate mod you. :p
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy yy biiiiiiirrrrrttthhhhdaay
Henceforth, I declare Masa Day to be an official gotwoot holiday!
May your birthdayness be awesome beyond the awesomest ever.You've really done terrific work around here, and I'm glad to have you as a fellow mod =)
Oh....we only have the lame icons =[
Happy Bday Click here
Happy birthday, Masa! Have a kickass day!
Have a good one and don't forget to come to IRC :)
happy birthday man, sorry this is so late, but it s better than never :)
just one more reasons to get wasted.
sweet. :D