Plus we only know about 4 people in konoha that can go toe to toe with an akatsuki member and that Gai, Kakashi, tsunade and jiriaya. ( maybe hinata's father but not sure how strong he is).Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
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Plus we only know about 4 people in konoha that can go toe to toe with an akatsuki member and that Gai, Kakashi, tsunade and jiriaya. ( maybe hinata's father but not sure how strong he is).Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
Are we sure that the other 2 are chunnin? They where "special" chunnin before the time jump but maybe after this 3 years they have become jounin. That would be a lot more interesting.
Maybe 2-3 jounin and 2-1 chunnin can do something against 2 akatsuki. But im sure that they are going to give a good fight but end almost defeated, asuma is going to sacrifice himself and in the end they will be saved by other team.
The money guy said there was a bounty on that monk, maybe they have to bring the whole body...the waistband would have been sufficient I think, so maybe they have a better reason. We'll see.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDBen
EDIT: Guess I should refesh more.
Actually on first read, I thought the other 2 were jounin as well. It was kinda like "wtf what's shikamaru doing w/ 3 jounin?". then the idea of them being 2 chuunin was brought up earlier and i prematurely accepted it. Plus it seems more feasible that in a 4-man team, there is one superior.
I'd rather not create artificial tiers but if i were to...i'd say asuma is a high-tier jounin along with kakashi, kurenai, gai, and i may be missing one more. these 2 questionables i would label as high-tier chuunins, and shikamaru would be mid-tier chuunin with 3 years under his belt. with shikamaru consistently beating asuma in shogi, i'd say he'd be the strategist/tactician of the team rather than a frontliner.
But is Deidara cooler than Kakashi is hip? And will Asuma's lung cancer hold off long enough for him to become a martyr for Konoha? I'd laugh if it didn't.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
What about Shukaku? He seemed fairly sentient when he was finally released during Gaara's fight with Naruto. :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
HQ Translation by M7, the guys who do Bleach
If chunnins beat akatsuki pair then whats the point of fearing them.....
Its good to see Shika back in action.
Hey, Maximum 7 did a really good job. I hope they keep on translating Naruto. Their cleaners are the best.
They did fairly well. Maybe they picked it up because Shannaro started doing Bleach. I liked their "random note."Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
That was a little misleading. For a second I thought his iris and pupils had become black (at least when you are reading it in picture and fax viewer).
Woo, finally caught up on the manga.
I'm not really sure I liked Maximum 7's translation of the chapter. Kakashi's way of talking didn't fit, they left some things untranslated (ie: the "wind" element, which was left in japanese and made me go wtf?), but other than that it was okay.
The cleaning job was good with the exception of the switched eye color.
As for the chapter itself... uh... found it kind of boring. But it can't be intense action sequences all the time.
Bah, who cares about him. Hidan!Quote:
Originally Posted by mage
Originally Posted by fahoumh
I agree except for his insane laughter showing him giving into his animal nature (lacking control and ability to reason). But also, was that not a form of Shukaku released through jutsu rather than an unsealed, free roaming Shukaku?
not really, gaara's jutsu was simply falling asleep... that was the whole point of him not sleeping at all, shukaku would torment him and slowly destroy his soul/mind/character (whichever it was). The fact that gaara transformed himself into shukaku and then fall asleep would make shukaku roam free in his own body and as I understood it that was exactly what has happened.
Tobi had better not be Obito. That'd suck so much. Tobi is Obit rearranged though, and with the Japanese diction putting an "oh" sound on the end then it seems more obvious. Hopefully it's a red herring.
Yeah, but you just said "sentience" never mentioned anything about reason. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty
I think the ability to speak in a human language qualifies for sentience.
I prefer my "discipline" characterization better
part of sentience is the ability to reason and understand the consequences of your actions. it's not like a bijuu either is sentient or not...there's definitely degrees. the last one deidara and tobi defeated seemed to lack any though. if not for the ability to speak, then i dont know what; but shukaku is on the higher end of the scale.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Yes, but you barely got to see the "turtle"....just because it didn't have any dialogue doesn't necessarily mean a complete lack of sentience. Also, I've always understood sentience to be synonymous with awareness, especially of the self.Quote:
Originally Posted by chet_chetty