Happy Birthday good sir.
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Happy Birthday good sir.
Happy birthday man, have a good one.
Happy Birthday...I always get to these threads too late to be witty.
Happy birthday! Let this joyous occasion clear your mind from the resent sad events.
Cake looks delicious. :D
Happy birthday!
happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to an old member who should post more.
happy birthday, it's a shame we don't know one another too well..
anyways, have a good one and don't get too crazy. though, i'm pretty sure that's impossible.
Happy Birthday..cheers!
Thanks a whole lot everyone; I really appreciate this.
On most of the forums I've joined I'm one of those members who only has three posts. In fact, the only other forum aside from gotwoot were my post count ever raised above ten was the old TechTV boards (Damn you G4/Comcast!). Gotwoot is different for me. I've had plenty of inactive periods due to work, college, or life in general taking up all my time and energy, but I keep coming back here.
I feel like Gotwoot is one of those few places I can go to talk to people with actual thoughts in their brains. Without trying to sound too cheesy, Gotwoot is almost like a second home to me. I've enjoyed the time spent here, and I've freaked out everytime the forums went down. Despite my cynicism (and relatively low post count) I really love it here. Thanks for making me feel at home again today.