Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
@ felix and drunkenmaster: wow nice athrun pics, and that first one that drunkenmaster posted lol athrun's in the front! HA take that kira!
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
What do you guys think of these?
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Fucking awesome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I don't know why, but as soon as I saw that Clash of the Titans one, I had to wallpaper it....
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Thosw are some kick ass pics and wallpapers. This one is just beautiful:
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Great stuff all.
Anyone has more original druggie trio art?
Or Rey?
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I like the ZNo vs Sword Strike but why put them in outer space?
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
yea thats the part i don't get [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I know someone already posted this somewhere else but I felt the need to put it back up.
Also, I'll be reposting the images I put up soon as I have to move things around in my photobucket account. So if you want the pics then save em soon. Before Friday. I'll be putting them back on the first page after that.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
In GS Funnies. LOL, Terra said this is right next to his bed.
EDIT: I found some druggie Gundams just for Terra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. I post the pilots if I can find some good shots.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
That scythe had a gun on it. What! Why didn't he use it?
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
i never liked the design for calamity, but for some reason it looks cool in that pic for some reason..
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
cause its BLUE like ABYESS
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
"In GS Funnies. LOL, Terra said this is right next to his bed."
And it still is. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Nice druggie gundam pics, too bad I have all of them already :S
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
This is some great pic i really like em
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
i think it looks better than the other ones
this one should had been in the Naruto section, Cosplay