The last sweet moments were great.. Sort of reminded me about pinky swears i had when i was much younger. It brings back memories..LOL..i'm getting too emotional here.. *slaps myself*
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The last sweet moments were great.. Sort of reminded me about pinky swears i had when i was much younger. It brings back memories..LOL..i'm getting too emotional here.. *slaps myself*
This series clearly develop from pure comedy to drama comedy towards the end. If you compared the first and last episodes, there difference would be more than evident, I deem. So, if I consider it from that point of view, I can't say I'd be disappointed with it at all. But otherwise, from pure comedic point of view, it surely declined during the latter half. Still, it was fine. Kind of pity it's over.
no more huh, i'll miss this show..more of this type of anime would be nice
A crap sub (kind of literally) of an extra:
Special 4 - Coprology
Needless to say, the sub left much to be desired. Don't expect anything resembling QC, at least. The special itself was fine, though. Pretty funny.
Woot! I'll download it when I get home. Are there other more specials?
A good question. AniDB lists a couple of other specials but I possess no knowledge of what they might be, though I'm pretty sure nobody has ever subbed them if they even are indeed valid material. This one apparently was shipped on some special edition DVD, or something.
A tv series adaptation for this has been announced
click here
Is nyaatorrents still down, cause I can't dl the torrent.
Nyaatorrents seems to be going up and down, down and up quite erratically today. I needed to wait an hour before I could get the torrent as well, and the tracker had again gone down before I finished downloading the ep (no damage due to that, though, with DHT). But it's somewhat annoying for sure.
I shall raise this necro-thread for a new purpose!
This series, written by the same mangaka as Minami-ke, once again fills the void of series that Azamanga Diaoh, Lucky Star, Pani Poni Dash, and other mindlessly fun referential slice of life anime series do. Or at least it should have.
Yes it is Chihiro, but frankly...after seeing the first episode, it really doesn't matter who subs this.
Fans of the OVAs:
- Remember how good the episodes looked?
Well guess what, that is all gone now. (OVA first, current series second)
Now, it is one thing to say that the old version was an OVA and those are usually given a much larger budget. But the OVA didn't really look like anything extraordinary before, it looked pretty much exactly like the two Minami-ke series did. Now it looks worse than most series I've seen in recent memory.
- Remember how perfectly the cast fit, how it was crammed with star talent who really seemed to fit each of their respective roles?
Guess what, total and complete recasting.
- Thinking that maybe you can live with that all, you just want new stories?
The first two parts are directly from the OVA, and the others are either long, drawn out, or otherwise totally uninspired and not really all that entertaining.
For me, huge pass on this series. I was looking forward to it too...
Damn. I had high hopes for this series. Damn.
I looked at the screencaps on randomc, and it seems it's being done by a different studio. I much preferred the older one, but if it's still the same mindless fun, why not?
Damn, this was one of the series I was looking forward to. It's a shame they couldn't just extend the old OVA.
It's a nice start :). I prefer the old OVA's art style though.